Let’s Get Radical

Welcome to the first day of our exploration into Radical Self Care. We are going to pull ourselves together, stop scattering our energy all over the place and begin to behave as a unit, as our own true selves. And we will do this in a far reaching and thorough way because we want rapid and sweeping changes in the way we rule our lives.

Sound good?

Let’s start with something simple. Remember that idea about an “I Need” box that I talked about when I decided to do this project? If not, here’s a link to it.

So, what do you need? Let’s limit our wants and needs to practical achievable stuff. And let’s also think of it in terms of “I need help with…” instead of “I should do…” and list it as situations not requests.

A personal example:

  • Some of the siding is falling off the outside of my house.

This is a true story because some of my siding actually is falling off because the wood behind it is rotten. And my first thought for the “I Need” list was that I need magickal powers to fix things that are falling apart…. Clearly not a practical goal… possibly achievable, because maybe?  But not practical.

So then I thought I should say that I need to fix it instead of just letting it dangle. But I’ve been saying that for months now… it’s been on my to do list dozens of times. Truth is, I don’t want to do it by myself!  I don’t want to get on a ladder plus it’s hot outside right now… or raining… or cold… or I’m busy…

So I’m just going to put it in my box and see what happens as we work the project.

More examples:

  • My house is a mess.
  • My family is sucking the life out of me.
  • Everything I do is wrong.
  • I hate my job.
  • I have no time to myself.
  • I can’t stop eating junk food.
  • I’m tired all the time.
  • I can’t even remember the last time I had fun.
  • My friends don’t appreciate me.
  • I’m sure there are a bunch more…

So now what?

This is a “Self Care” project so once we have our lists, or our little notes for the “I Need” box. Let’s take a look at what we’ve got down and think about how maybe there might be a way we could help our selves with maybe just one of our various situations.

  • Could we ask for help?
  • Could we hire someone?
  • Is there one small thing we could do right now to take a step towards helping ourselves out?

Just taking the time to mull things over is enough for today. And maybe, just maybe, as the day progresses, you’ll feel inspired to take a step or two towards helping yourself out.

5 Responses to Let’s Get Radical

  • I’m going to put notes in a container… that’s what I’ll do today… and then I’ll cut myself some slack and be kind to myself by expecting nothing to be accomplished and no chores completed… I will however try to do at least one thing that will make things better…

  • So I got my notes written… as we do the project, any notes that I take care of, needs I fulfill etc… I’m going to tear them into little pieces and put them back in the container… at the end of the project I’ll burn them and send a big thank you to myself…

  • So started my list, Having a difficult time or making it a difficult time in wording my thoughts. It feels really important to word it just right.

  • I think I am/was trying to make great sweeping statements for change. Need to be simple statements, Baby steps

    • Yes! I was going to say that my house is a mess, but then I decided to go room by room… might even divide that up too… divide and conquer!! Hey! That’s a good idea!! Divide and conquer… I’m going to write something about that. Thanks Daniel!

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Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

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