Daily Archives: May 14, 2023

Drawing Your Angels

I did a fun exercise with someone I love very much, and we drew what we thought our guardian angels might look like. It was really fun, and way more informative than I expected. Here’s what I came up with. Apparently I’m a blond, who knew?

The biggest surprise for me is that my personal Guardian Angel is pretty sure his name is Bob. How fun is that? I also discovered that I carry a very mischievous little angel in my pocket, and together we manage to get ourselves into all kinds of situations.

These insights would have totally escaped me if I hadn’t started drawing them. They just sort of popped up. Here is what Layla sketched out…

So, I have a pretty good idea that right about now you might be saying, but I can’t draw.

Well, I can’t either, not really. I just stopped being scared to sketch something out, and somehow, if I work on it long enough without trying too hard, and give my drawing permission to look dumb and ridiculous, it often turns out kinda cute. I’m pretty sure this is only because I get lucky and probably because I do a lot of drawing, so I’ve had lots of practice. I also have a computer program that I used to digitally color it, which helps a lot.


You don’t have to actually draw an angel with a pencil. You could draw it with words. The best way to do this is to just imagine what you think your guardian angel might look like and then just start writing down the details.

I have always been pretty sure that my guardian angel is tall and slender, with wings, probably gray ones, and a laid back “be cool” vibe… He’s always got my back… The pocket angel just popped into my head randomly… which was fun because it was so unexpected.

Don’t edit anything that seems silly or ridiculous. Jot it all down. You can do a list, illustrate with a really rough sketch or a stick figure… whatever feels easiest. Try to include as many details as possible, you might be surprised by what you come up with!

Feeling Brave?

If you are feeling brave and adventurous, and decide that you want to give drawing a go, here is a small gallery of drawings and paintings by children… at least most of these are done by children. As you can see, it’s actually pretty simple… all you need is a basic shape like a triangle or a rectangle, then you add wings and a head, after that, it’s just a matter of adding a few small details.

The hardest part is shutting down your inner critic and just letting your inner child play.

I did find some drawing tutorials, in case that helps. Sometimes if I look at them, I feel less afraid to just try it. Other times, it complicates things for me… Here’s what I found:

What do Angels really look like?

For those of us who are wondering what real angels actually look like, here’s a bit from Angel Focus.

Angels are neither male nor female, but they are often referred to as he or she. They do not have a human form because they are made up of energy, love and light. But Angels will project themselves to us in a manner we are most comfortable with which means we often see them as human.

If they have a message to give us, they may even come to us in the form of a departed loved one, so as not to scare us. Other ways Angels appear to us is through lights, colors, sounds, feelings, and scents.

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