Imagine That!


Today lets imagine what our lives would be like, how different we would be, how different our situations and circumstances would be if that most uncomfortable “I am …” statement was, in fact NOT TRUE.

Take a few minutes to just sit with it… and if you can’t visualize it, if you can’t “feel” the difference, try substituting a better or different word for the one that triggers those negative feelings. The substitution should be something that directly addresses the original statement.

Here are some examples:

  • Change “I am ugly” into “I am unusual and interesting” or “I am beautiful.”
  • “I am incompetent” could become “I am a DIY guru” or “I am an expert.”
  • “I am fat” could be changed into “I am strong and fit” or “I love my curvy new body.”

Think about how you would act, how you would walk. Who would you talk to? What would you do? Would you wear different clothes? Look for a different job? Would you hold your head high? Would you smile a lot?  Imagine all the ways your life would be changed.

Keep working with the phrase until you come up with something that puts a smile on your face, and feels really good to think or say.  You’re looking for an image or a phrase that would feel like freedom and happiness IF you could say it about yourself and KNOW it to be true.

Don’t worry too much if you don’t believe it could ever be true. All we’re trying to accomplish here is to have a look at how it would feel if that negative “I am…” statement from yesterday did not apply to you at all. Focus in on that feel good feeling, and enjoy it.

10 Responses to Imagine That!

  • So this project is stirring up dark gunk, leaving me quesy and sad but I will continue.

    • I think it just needs to clear out… Hopefully as we work through it, that will happen. I feel much lighter already, but then, I’ve been working the project in advance as I wrote the posts… so I have a little bit of a head start. Today should be easier because you’re going to imagine how it would feel WITHOUT all that dark gunk… find a window to look through at how things would be without it and just sit with that good feeling…

  • I love how this feels… I feel so much lighter … LOL… and more free, I have more energy… and I feel more capable of doing what needs to be done.. Love this feeling. I wish just imagining it would make it real!

  • I really think this can work…. I feel I have more control over what I think of myself… and it’s positive. I really feel a change coming and it feels amazing!

  • So, I didn’t read your day 1 or day 2 items for this project until today. What’s weird and striking is that the night before last I was trying to solve an internal global problem I’m having with myself and It was bedtime and I wrote “Write it all out” and had plans to sit down today and write out a bunch of shit. Then, much to my surprise, I sat down to do that and to start work on this particular project with you guys and found out I was basically already doing it! Now how’s that for being in tune with the universe. I guess I need to write down “I’m in tune with the universe!”

  • Cindy… I love when that happens! Right place, right time… in sync and in tune. Very cool!
    Sydney… I am so glad!
    I can’t wait til tomorrow… I can’t remember what the exercise is… LOL…

  • Revisited todays task. Flowed better, feels better. A path opened up and I feel clear on what I need to do.

  • Wow that was strange. I just wrote an very long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Regardless, just wanted to say excellent blog!

    • Your comment didn’t appear because we don’t want self promoting or spam comments here. If you participate in the project, and if you leave comments that are relevant to the post, it will be approved. Other wise, I just delete it.

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