Daily Archives: May 2, 2023

What If You Don’t Feel A Connection?

Have you ever turned the house upside down looking for something that was right in front of you? You go through every drawer in your closet hunting desperately for your watch only to look down after 15 minutes of frantic scrambling and see that you have been wearing it the whole time. Similarly, you might have searched everywhere for your keys which you did not notice were the only thing on the table by the door.

This same phenomenon can occur with angels. You might be desperately searching for some angelic assistance, but you have completely ignored the signs and suggestions that the angels in your life have left you.

If you’re expecting a talking hologram to appear and talk to you for an extended amount of time, it’s not going to happen. Especially at first, the contact may be brief and more of a feeling than visual or audio.

If you cannot seem to find an answer or any help, pause and look around you to see what answers might be sitting right in front of you. Pray for clear sight so that you can see what signs the angels have left you, and if that fails, ask your angels to be overwhelmingly obvious. Sometimes, you need a neon sign instead of the subtleties that angels tend to use.

It can take days, weeks even months to receive an answer you fully understand. And sometimes, the answer comes through an event or moment of sudden insight. It may come to you unexpectedly during a casual phone call from a friend, something you read in a book, newspaper or magazine, from a conversation between strangers you inadvertently overheard. The main thing is to be aware and open.

Sometimes your angels appear to have abandoned you because they are waiting for you to try and solve the problem yourself. This is not something that anyone enjoys, but even angels practice tough love on those occasions that you really need a kick in the pants.

Do not think that this means the angels have abandoned you to flounder helplessly. Even when your angels are making you solve something yourself, you are not alone. They are there with you and will help you if you truly need it. They will not, however, complete the task for you. If you feel like you are sinking, know that the angels will keep your head above water. They will not let you drown, but you are responsible for swimming to shore.

If you can tell that your angels are present and listening but they seem to be holding back on open assistance, it might be a sign that this is a problem you need to face down yourself.

Patience will allow you to persevere, even if you do not get results right away. Patience will help you build faith in your Angels, trusting that at the right time they will come through. Faith endears you to your unseen supporters, as well as creating the space for miracles, which is where they gather and thrive.

Miracles do not have to be earth shattering. Miracles can be tiny happenings in your daily life that make you feel good or that make you laugh or even cry from happiness.

Also, be on the look out for a tendency to discount the ordinary things that might happen to be helpful to you. Angels often work in ordinary ways and through ordinary people and events.

Source: Belief.net
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