Daily Archives: May 22, 2023

Creating An Angelic Sigil

Today we have a rather unconventional – yet very powerful – way to connect with Angelic forces through the use of sigils. This is a fairly simple process. You can try it out for yourself and see if it resonates with you.

What is a Sigil?

Sigils are representations taking the form of unique symbols, of elements in magickal practices. They may represent Angels, Spirits, Djinn or even thoughts and actions.

The word ‘sigil’ comes from the Latin word ‘sigillum’ which means ‘seal’ and they played an important role in Medieval ceremonial magick, where symbols were used to raise and control a specific entity, like an angel or a demon. A good example is The Lesser Key of Solomon, an anonymous grimoire of 72 sigils used to control 72 demons compiled in the late 1600s. But please don’t let this alarm you!

In modern day magick, like the kind this post is concerned with, sigils are used for personal matters such as attracting wealth, protection, healing, setting stronger boundaries and used to represent an intention or thought and have no connection to demonology or dark magick.

They can be drawn, carved or burned into any kind of material, but usually they are simply drawn with a pen or pencil on a piece of paper. This makes them easier to destroy usually by burning either when activating them (more about this later) or when the magick is complete. Drawing it on paper also makes it easier to carry and conceal.

What does it do?

Making a sigil is a great way to give a physical form to your intentions and goals and is an incredibly powerful form of magick. The great thing is there are many ways to make a sigil that is packed with the power of your intention making it a great form of magick for those Witches on a budget (like me!). It can also be a discreet form of magick for those practicing in the broom closet.

Many of these hidden symbols and keys were found in ancient scripts and documents like in the Kabbalah*, as well as in more recent forms and adapted and reworked into more workable sigils and rituals since the 1880’s. These sigils and keys are based on centuries of magickal knowledge, research, and experience, and move beyond the confines of theory and tradition. And they undoubtedly open a powerful angelic doorway.

They key to this doorway is need. When we have genuine need for help from the angels – rather than order them to do as you wish – the angels are compelled to heed you and respond. If you work sincerely with these sigils and keys – with real faith and trust, they will work instantly whether you feel it or not.

It’s important to remember that Angelic Magick is an opportunity to make healing possible. It shouldn’t be used to replace ordinary medicine, but rather work alongside it. In this way it will be so much more powerful.

You will need to make a simple preparatory ritual before concentrating on the specific sigil, letting your request known. If you are requesting help from a specific Angelic being, repeat the specific angels name three times to open the doorway. If you do not have a specific Angel in mind,  you could say something simple such as ” Calling for an Angel who will help me” or “My Guardian Angel.”

If you call on them with hope and and open heart, the magick activates a connection between you and your angel as you allow them to work as they will, without impatience or desperation.

Sometimes it will work instantly, but in many cases angelic magic will work more slowly -depending on what is best for you at this point in your life. Know that the angels will always bring the best possible outcome for you… all you need to do is trust.

Working with Archangels

When you work with Archangels it’s helpful to know that most of them have specific areas they “specialize” in.

Whether you decide to use the method of prayer, magick sigils and keys, or meditation – remember that these are just examples so explore and see for yourself what feels right and works for you.

Some angels may “appear” to you through a feeling, sound, particular fragrance, or a glimpse of flickering light. But remember that the angel is present whether you feel anything or not.

Remember that you too are a powerful being of light, and when your heart is open and pure you can receive these wonderful blessings of abundance and healing.

In some cases – when you don’t know who to ask for a specific request – you can call on your guardian angel first. They will be able reveal who can best aid your specific request, and work in unison with the archangels to assist you. Know that you personal guardian angels are always near, so whenever you invoke an archangel, they will be present too.

While your guardian angel can be called on for anything you need – at any time – it is best to invoke the archangels only when there is a real great and urgent need and you are prepared for real and powerful changes. And don’t forget to be specific – the more specific your need is, the better they will be able to respond in turn.

Here is a list of some of more well-known Archangels and how they can help your specific needs. Remember that I am just touching the surface here, and there are so many more areas that you can discover for yourself as well, once you start working with them.

  • Archangel Michael – Gives you courage and spiritual strength, protection; helps you with difficult tasks; aid you in finding a new direction in your life.
  • Archangel Metatron – Aids those striving to personal growth, enables your to think deeply about important matters and make the right choices.
  • Archangel Raziel – Works with magick and manifestation; helps you develop ideas and form answers when you are stuck
  • Archangel Zadkiel – Helps free you from oppression; gives you power to tap into your own knowledge and soul memory
  • Archangel Raphael – Brings healing or relief from suffering for yourself or others you ask for.
  • Archangel Gabriel – Helps you in your own self-discovery; assists you in times of crisis
  • Archangel Sandalphon – Brings clarity; offers protection from evil forces, both human or supernatural.
  • Archangel Jophiel – Inspires and awakens creativity of any kind; brings more beauty into your life
  • Archangel Tzaphqiel – Assists in clear communication, both in speaking and written word.
  • Archangel Uriel – Helps you solve problems or dillemas, and find the right answers.
  • Archangel Haniel – Encourages feelings of love; restores relationships; and brings positive change.

Invoking An Archangel

This sigil utilizes a wheel and the Hebrew alphabet. I like to use a piece of tracing paper on top of the sigil template, this is personal choice. I have found it more effective to spell the name from right to left, using the example below.

Starting at L-EA-CH-I-M. Drawing a dash at the L then a line to EA, the example here uses the Jewish spelling of Michael and goes to KH instead of CH, this is a personal choice, continue drawing the the line to the I and ending on the M where you draw a small circle. It is now up to you if you choose to decorate the sigil in your personal style including using color.

So as not to trap the angels I destroy the sigil as soon as I have completed my work, I typically destroy the paper by fire.

Setting Your Intentions

When creating your sigil, it’s important to take your time to formulate your intentions before you begin. Your intentions are the very heart of your sigil and they are what gives this kind of magick power and energy.

Sit somewhere quiet to think exactly what your intentions are. Be as specific as you can. Using this method, I have found that it works better to either chose one word to represent your intentions or a short and concise phrase only a few words long. This helps to keep the energy of your sigil focused and prevents more than one goal from being attached it.

As with all spell-work, keep your intentions realistic and phrase them as positively as you can.

Step two – Simplify Your Intentions

Once you have your chosen word or phrase, you can simplify your intentions by removing any vowels and repeated letters, but this is an optional step so do what you feel is right. The more letters you remove, the simpler the final sigil will be.

For Example:

  • Original intention: I have energy and enthusiasm for life
  • Repeated letters removed: IHAVENRGYDTUSMFOL
  • Vowels removed: HVNRGYDTSMFL
  • Simplified further: Energy and Enthusiasm Are Mine
  • Repeated letters and vowels removed: NRGYDTHSM

Play around with it until you have something that feels energetically correct.

Next, pick a template to use for the creation of your sigil:

The next step is to draw or print out the sigil wheel of your choice. The idea is that you use the letters on the wheel drawing a line from one letter to the next until you’ve spelled out your chosen words, and the shape that is created by the end is your sigil.

For the first letter of the intention, a dot or small circle is usually drawn on the first letter before moving on to the next, a line is then drawn  from one letter to the next and traditionally ended with a small bar at the last letter, as shown below:

Types of Sigils

Sigils can be destructible, temporary, or permanent. How you create and charge the sigil may change based on which type you’d like to create.

  • Destructible Sigils

Destructible sigils are activated by being destroyed. The act of destroying is what creates the burst of energy giving the sigil its power. This is usually done by writing your sigil on a piece of paper and then setting it on fire though you could also carve the sigil onto food and then consume it.

  • Temporary Sigils

Temporary sigils are sigils that will eventually disappear with time. These types of sigils could be drawn on your skin with a marker or carved into a candle which will eventually be melted.

  • Permanent Sigils

Permanent sigils are made to last and are meant to be active for a long period of time. Occasionally permanent sigils are recharged to keep the energy active. Sigils like these could be made into pottery as an art piece or you could write a sigil on a piece of paper to be placed behind a painting or under a piece of furniture.

Empowering Your Sigil

Find a quiet, calming spot and relax your mind. Make sure that wherever you go is isolated and peaceful enough to let you focus. If you have a sacred space or altar, go there. However, neither is necessary: any place around your home where you can work undisturbed is fine. Then, close your eyes and meditate briefly.

Meditation isn’t mandatory to make the sigil ritual a success, but it’s best if you at least close your eyes and breathe a few times deeply to relax your body.

If it helps you relax, try turning out the lights, turning off electronics, and lighting candles and incense.

Hold the sigil and focus on it. Take a moment to hold the sigil in both hands and stare at it for a few minutes, reflecting on its meaning and significance. Imagine light energy flowing from your hands to the sigil, and keep looking until your vision blurs slightly and the sigil looks a little warped on the page. Once you notice the distortion, it’s time to finalize the activation.

  • Activation by Fire

Burn the sigil in a fire-proof bowl. Light a candle and then use it to set the sigil on fire while holding the paper and candle over the fire-proof bowl. After a few seconds, drop the sigil into the bowl and let it burn. The fire is what charges and activates your sigil, allowing it to take effect in the future.

Make sure there’s nothing flammable nearby before you light the candle, and handle the paper carefully. Set it on fire far from where you’re holding it to ensure you don’t get burned.
Alternatively, crumple up the piece of paper with the sigil on it and place it inside the fire-proof bowl before setting it on fire.

Lighting a paper sigil on fire is the most common example of destructible activation, but it doesn’t have to be so physical.

  • Destructible Sigils

Destructible sigils are designed to give the creator an immediate burst of energy and inspiration. Draw the sigil with a finger, visualizing it as you trace the air, and then push the sigil through an imaginary black hole to evoke its destruction.

Carve a destructible sigil into your food and then eat the food. Another method of activating a destructible sigil is to etch the design into food. Using a knife, toothpick, or any other kitchen tool with a fine point for tracing, carve the sigil into the food you’re about to bake, and then keep preparing the dish as normal.

Once it’s ready, consume the sigil to activate it. This method of using destructible sigils is just as effective as fire, and a solid choice if you want to incorporate sigil casting into your everyday life.

  • Temporary Sigils

Temporary sigils are intended to disappear and take hold gradually. A candle is a perfect medium for activating a temporary sigil for a few days since it’ll burn down slowly with use. Carve the sigil gently with any fine carving tool, and then go back in and retrace your lines more boldly once the design is in place. Light the candle and let the sigil melt away.

You can also draw a temporary sigil on your body with a marker or pen. Wear the sigil on your skin to activate it, and let it fade away naturally with washing and time. Since temporary sigils are supposed to provide energy and power for a brief time, this is a great solution to keep the sigil charged for a few days.

  • For A Permanent Sigil

While creating your permanent sigil, stay in a meditative concentrated state of mind so that you will pour only the energy of your intention into it. If it cannot be created in one sitting, keep it in a safe or sacred space between workings.

Permanent sigils give off power continually as they are designed to be active indefinitely and/or for long periods of time. Once you’ve created your permanent sigil, put it somewhere meaningful. The best place for it will be a personal decision.

You might want to place it in your home where it will always be visible. Alternatively, you could engrave it on a piece of art or place it with artwork inside a picture frame. The Sigil could also be carved into something you might wear on a necklace, or even embroidered and hung as a house blessing.

Letting It Go

After your sigil is created, forget about it. Don’t dwell on it or stress about whether it’ll work; the more you think about your sigil, the more difficult it’ll be to carry on with your life. Take a moment to appreciate that you have manifested the energy you want to see in your life and let the universe decide what happens next.

Sigil magic is based on the concept of planting an idea in your subconscious and letting your subconscious guide you as a result. It’s important to forget the sigil so your conscious mind doesn’t unintentionally get in the way.

A Small Warning

But first I must give a warning. This is not a practice you should take lightly. This is a practice that goes back to at least the time of King Solomon who is said to have used sigils to trap both demons and angels to do his bidding.


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