Exploring The Concept

1812e36e1a26b7cd77e8218d85465966I went on an online search this morning to see if I could discover anything profound or interesting about prayer. I put “pray for me” into my yahoo search bar, and this is what I came up with.

I found a really beautifully crafted website that offers (for a small fee) to put your prayer as close to God’s ear as possible. The website url is: www.letter2god.com in case any of you want to go and see what that is all about.

I also found a site www.greatercalling.org They set up conference calls for people who want to pray together, and I thought that was interesting too. Especially if you have a group scattered all over the place and you want to pray together.

I checked out the science of mind website, and looked at their online form for creating an “affirmitive mind treatment”. That was nifty, and I encourage you all to do that.

I found www.claretians.org where, for a donation of $10 or more, your prayers are joined with those of the thousands of St. Jude devotees in every corner of the world. I liked their picture of St Jude. It looks like he is wearing a giant penny with Jesus on it.

At www.prayer.la prayers are posted, and then anyone who wants to can go see the prayer request, pray for that person, and then send them a short email saying that they have prayed for them. A concept called “PUSH” was discussed there: “Pray Until Something Happens”.

My absolute favorite link was this one:

Pray at Shopping.com
Find, compare and buy Pray.
Choose from thousands of stores.

4 Responses to Exploring The Concept

  • sorry I haven’t posted in a couple of days. I have been sending prayer emails to Unity. I don’t have anything positive to say. I have had some more finacial problems. We had to go to the food pantry yesterday just to have enough food to last untill we get more money. So here I am praying everyday for prosperity and then have to do that. It is a little discourging to say the least. Well maybe I will have better luck tomorrow.

  • Well day eleven. Yesterday every time I called for prayer it was busy and then I just forgot. I did go to the web site but I feel like I want to keep calling until,possibly, I feel a connection. My pryer person today had a very gentle and sincere voice but seemed a little muddled at the beginning. Though at the end she said something that stood out for me, something like “from this point on we will see you as prospered through God’s love for you, without any lack in your life.” I wanted to thank her for saying that alone. She sounded like she really believed it which made me feel like I could believe it. They do keep saying that thing about my mind being filled with prospering ideas. I can not say I have had any prospering ideas. Someone wants to buy my old car but that is hardly an idea of mine. Even if I sell it I am not sure it would be prosperity. What do you all think? Has anyone else been requesting letters that they offer? I have accepted one every time and yet I only have gotten one. Seems kinda strange to me. Other than the car thing I have had no manifestations of prosperity.

  • Remember, it’s only day 11!

    Daniel, I definitely think that selling your car would be a form of prosperity, ESPECIALLY if it isn’t your idea! I have been coming up with ideas myself on things I could sell and have done a little bit of homework on it but haven’t actually gotten the items I want to sell cleaned up, taken anywhere or advertised.

    I enjoyed hearing about the other prayer web sites. I think it is interesting (and discouraging) that some of them require a donation.

    You can accept or not accept a letter when you call Unity, it’s your choice. I don’t know what their “too much” criteria is but I just accepted a letter the first day of the project, as if you call too much they don’t like that. Although I think too much realistically is about a million times a day, not once a day.

    I agree that we have to see ourselves as prosperous to become prosperous, but boy, that’s a hard one to digest when you are having financial problems! I can say I have had experience both ways – having felt prosperous and become more prosperous and at other times, FELT prosperous, thinking positively, picturing the desired results and SPLAT – being worse off than ever.

    So I hold myself and all of you in the light of prosperity in my mind, knowing God is in charge.

  • Well. I decided to get off my ass and start to actually ACT on the “guiding prospering ideas” that the Unity prayer people keep talking about.

    So today… I spent hours and hours at my computer, and put 3 mandala paintings on eBay, and opened an etsy shop with 10 mandalas for sale there.

    I started with mandalas because they are the easiest for me to list as they don’t require any work in terms of images for upload.

    Go check it out!!!

    I hope that link works.. the shop is so new that I haven’t even tested the link yet.. LOL.. so let me know how it looks. Especially tell me if I have any typos etc.

    Also, it occured to me that it might be important to focus on “god” rather than our “goals”.. unless our goals are our god.. in which case maybe then that’s ok..

    I only say this because I keep hearing this phrase in my head: “You keep your focus on God, and your peace, prosperity, and success are assured.”

    And if you aren’t very religious.. then you could keep your focus on what you LOVE because God is Love after all..

    PS. I have yet to receive a letter, and have requested several because I wanted to compare them.

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