Power Moves
Power moves are movements that we make with our bodies that assist us in concentrating and directing the energy. Most martial art use power moves to one degree or another. When people dance from their hearts, they are doing power moves, allowing the power to speak through their bodies. Power moves are a dance of power. Tai Chi is an ancient example of power moves.
Whenever you handle energy, you receive it with your left hand and send it with your right hand. Your left hand acts as an antenna and your right hand broadcasts the energy you have received. If you are open to its direction, power will instruct you-it will “tell” you what to do. Flowing with that energy can be a powerful and centering experience. It can also be distressing when you fight it or cannot control it. This dance of power begins as you relax and become mentally centered.
Stand quietly with your legs shoulder-width apart. Mentally give the power permission to flow through you and ask it to guide you. Raise your hands and hold them in front of you. Let your hands and body move as you feel guided. Your movements will be smooth and rhythmic, almost like a ballet. Power moves are a form of moving meditation. They are relaxing and energizing. As you do them, you collect a great deal of power in your body. They are healing to both mind and body.
If it feels appropriate, you can play gentle music or light a candle. Relax and let the energy move your body. Notice how it feels as it flows through you. After you have relaxed into the energy, allow it to move you for about fifteen minutes and then stop. Gently sit down and close your eyes. Ask the universe how to use the energy you have collected. If you don’t get a specific answer, send the energy to Mother Earth so it can heal the planet, yourself, and the people you love.
Allow yourself to bathe in the joy of that energy. If you are having a difficult time feeling the guidance of the energy, start with your hands. Hold them in front of your face and move your right hand clockwise and your left hand counter- clockwise. Move them slowly and rhythmically in and out. Gently notice how it feels.
Then while you are sitting in a chair, begin moving your legs in a circular motion, noticing how it feels. After you are comfortable with those movements, stand up and again begin with your hands. First move one hand out and away from you and then step rhythmically out with one of your legs. Next do the same with the other hand and leg. Slowly begin moving around the room. Notice your body and let yourself enjoy its movements. Allow the process to be sensual and rhythmic.
Be gentle with yourself as you practice allowing your awareness to expand. Enjoy the process.
Practice finding power spots wherever you go.
Find your special power spot. We all have places on this earth that are sacred to us. Take time to find your sacred place. Once you find it, spend some time there. Let that place heal you and fill you with its love. Let your heart guide you to that place. It will call to you if you are willing to listen.
Buy a packet of seeds and divide it in half. Do some power moves and then sit quietly with half of the seeds. Allow yourself to feel their life energy and then slowly begin channeling energy to them. Mentally see them growing big and strong. Plant each group of seeds in separate pots and give them equal care. Notice how much healthier the energized group is.
Natural Power Spots
Just as humans have power points, the earth also has areas where energy varies. These are called power spots. Places like Stonehenge, and the Valley of the Dead are examples of power spots. Just as human beings have areas where their energy is more concentrated, so does the earth. Most of the older churches and temples were built on power spots, where it is much easier to connect with the spiritual realms.
When you approach a sacred place, you can feel it’s power and the strength that lies there. These places can be used to intensify your personal power and to assist you in connecting more fully with your spiritual center. Whenever you enter a room you automatically gravitate toward a place that feels comfortable. The place that you feel most comfortable in is often your personal power spot. It is the place that balances most closely with your own energy. As you stand or sit in this spot, your energy is magnified; it is like putting jumper cables on a car battery.
The ability to consciously find these power spots can greatly enhance your sensitivities to energy and your own process. Being able to find these will allow you to know a little more about yourself than you did before. I suggest you find your power spot in nature. In any given location, there is a place that fits you better energetically than any other location. There are also places that can drain your energy and make you feel and act less effectively. It is important to be able to tell the difference. One spot may energize you while another weakens you and can actually make you sick.
There are three major types of power spots. One type gives you energy and is healing. Another type of spot actually drains energy from anything within its boundaries. There are also power spots that are tricksters. They confuse people and trick them into giving up their power and sanity. It takes practice to be able to differentiate between them. The easiest way to tell between the types is by how you feel. It is important to trust how you feel and what you sense as you explore the energy levels of the different types of power spots. These spots affect you whether you are consciously aware of them or not.
Begin by calling upon your angels and ask the universe for guidance. Relax and focus on your breathing. Slowly look around the area. Does one spot “look” brighter than the other? See how each section feels as you stand in it. Feel from your heart. Do some feel lighter and some heavy? Do you feel confused as you stand in some places? Now slowly walk around the area. Take time to stand in any place that attracts you. compare how each one feels to you. Notice the plants and grasses in the various areas. Do they look healthier in one place, greener and more alive? Let your self look intuitively where your power place is.
Now sit down and begin to meditate. How do you feel as you sit in that spot? Does the energy feel loving and peaceful? If it feels rough or unsettling, move. Soon it will become second nature; you will automatically sit in your power spot. Avoid listening to your mind during this process. Trust the inner knowing. Your inner knowing, your sacred self, will never lie to you.
Rune Power Reiki
A Rune-stave is a pattern which conveys that which transcends shapes and yet is an essence from which form is enabled to take shape. Each Rune is a means of relating to a natural potency that is within YOU and the Universe.
You can use Reiki to activate and concentrate the power of the Rune-staves in much the same way you would when working with the symbols in 2nd Degree Reiki. If you don’t have 2nd Degree Reiki, it will work just as well, and is especially fun if you are eager to begin working with symbols.
Here’s how it works:
From the list below, find an intention that you would like to work with. This can be something you want to empower for yourself personally, or it can be for someone else.
Concentrate your attention on that Rune, and couple with it the intention you have chosen from the list. Now, with your finger, draw that Rune symbol on the palm of each hand. Next, place your hands where it feels most appropriate and allow the Reiki to flow.
For example, if you have chosen Raido with the intention of making more balanced judgments, you might feel led to place your hands on either side of your head. If you have chosen Hagalz with an intention to clear the air, you might want to hold your hands out and allow the Reiki to flow into the air around you.
It’s that simple. The Rune will be activated and bring along with it, it’s own power and potency.
Below is a simplified listing of each Rune, and the qualities they can awaken within.
Uruz, Ur
- Begin a new project or endeavor
- Find the courage to make a fresh start
- Feel rejuvenated
- Increase your resolve
- Be more assertive
Thurisa, Thurs
- Fight against detrimental influences
- Clear away lethargy
- Strengthen your determination
- Break down “barriers”
- Find both the unity and the division within things
Ansuz, Ass
- Obtain inspiration
- Discover your “hidden” potentials
- Improve your communication skills
- Increase your intake of Chi
- Strengthen your mind
Raido, Reid
- Gain access to inner wisdom
- Come into attunement with your personal rhythms
- Extend your awareness
- See things in their proper perspective
- Make balanced judgments
Kano, Ken
- Express yourself creatively
- See what needs to be transformed in your life
- Turn knowledge into wisdom
- Attain clarity of thought
- Generate enthusiasm
Gebo, Gifu
- Make more effective use of your time
- Receive more by giving more
- Bond personal relationships
- Turn wisdom into understanding
- Come into active partnership with your Higher Self
Wunjo, Wynja
- Attain a sense of well-being
- Strengthen personal relationships
- Encourage good fellowship
- Build self-esteem
- Heal rifts
Hagalz, Hagal
- Banish unwanted influences
- Develop intuitiveness within a structured framework so it does not get out of control
- Clear the air
- Focus your intentions
- Prepare the way for desired changes in your life
Nauthiz, Naud
- Cope with stress
- Succeed in a crisis
- Achieve the seemingly impossible
- Break through your limitations
- Develop perseverance
- Value endurance
Isa, Iss
- Still your mind as an aid to meditation
- Concentrate
- Create a protective barrier to immobilize harmful intent from whatever quarter
- Strengthen your Will
- Overcome restlessness
Jera, Jara
- Learn that patience brings rewards
- Nurture your creativity
- Know the secret of proper timing
- Come into harmony with the cycles of Nature
- Harmonize your body “clock”
Perth, Pertra
- Give birth to your hopes and dreams
- Hold on to what is essential to be retained
- Experience pleasure
- Be aware of your hidden potentials
Eihwaz, Eoh
- Liberate yourself from unnecessary fear
- Develop within you the quality of endurance
- Connect with other levels of reality
- Avoid confusion
- Release your inner strengths
- Receive flashes of enlightenment
- Find the powers within you to meet any situation
- Ward off negative influences
- Connect with an inner drive to achieve more
- Keep your ideals and aspirations grounded
Sowelu, Sol
- See things as they are
- Receive inner guidance to discern more clearly
- Boost your energy levels
- Attain that “impossible” dream
- Connect with your Soul’s purpose
Teiwaz, Tyr
- Become more vigilant
- Strengthen your reliability
- Work more methodically
- Face difficulties with fortitude
- Develop greater trust in yourself
- Have courage to accept responsibility for your own choices and actions
- Perform deeds in an honorable way
- Allow your “greater” Self to have more influence in your life
Berkana, Bjarka
- Effect closer relations
- Nurture what it is you want to bring forth in your life
- Conserve your energies
- Come through a crisis safely
- Let go of what may be blocking your progress
Ehwaz, Eh
- Find more fruitful ways of achieving what you set out to do
- Attain a more harmonious relationship with your partner
- Impart trust and loyalty
- Become more balanced in your ways
Mannaz, Madr
- Become more fully integrated within yourself
- Sharpen your intellect
- Activate your intuitive senses
- Adopt a more co-operative attitude towards Nature and others
- Strengthen family relationships
Laguz, Lagu
- Become more adaptable
- Actualize your potentials
- Identify your true feelings
- Come into harmony with the ebb and flow of energy streams of life
- Increase your healing powers
Inguz, Ing
- Strengthen your faith
- Renew your hope for the future
- Open up new areas of self-realization
- Access “higher” powers
Othila, Odal
- Develop the abilities you have
- Connect with past lives
- Feel more secure
- Realize your true Reality
- Get in touch with your Spirit
- Recognize your connectedness with all things
- Become a good “finisher” as well as a keen “starter”
Fehu, Feh
- Recognize your true wealth
- Evaluate the true value of things
- Find fulfillment in your endeavors
- Brings things to completion satisfactorily
- Draw down the power of the Sun, Moon, and Stars into your own personal “universe”
Adapted from a post in: Magickal Ingredients
Color Healing With Reiki
Here is a nice little video clip about practicing Reiki with color healing techniques.
Learning Reiki
Can Anyone Learn Reiki?
The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent on intellectual capacity, nor does one have to be able to meditate. It does not take years of practice. It is simply passed on from the teacher to the student. As soon as this happens, one has and can do Reiki. Because of this, it is easily learned by anyone.
Reiki is a pure form of healing not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. Because of this, the personality of the healer is less likely to cloud the significance of the experience. The feeling of being connected directly to God’s healing love and protection is clearly apparent.
The Attunement:
Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are taught. It is transferred to the student by the Reiki Master during an attunement process. This process opens the crown, heart, and palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source.
The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are channeled into the student through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by the Rei or God-consciosness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each student. The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process. Many report having mystical experiences involving personal messages, healings, visions, and past life experiences.
The attunement can also increase psychic sensitivity. Students often report experiences involving: opening of the third eye, increased intuitive awareness, and other psychic abilities after receiving a Reiki attunement.
Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. While one attunement is all you need for each level to be attuned to that level, additional attunements bring benefit.
Experimentation has found that additional attunements of the same level add to the value of that level. These benefits include refinement of the Reiki energy one is channeling, increased strength of the energy, healing of personal problems, clarity of mind, increased psychic sensitivity, and a raised level of consciousness. At the Reiki support groups sponsored by the Center, additional attunements are usually given by someone who has taken Third degree Reiki, with no extra fee required.
The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore, a process of purification prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the benefit one receives. See below for specific instructions on preparing for an attunement.
Preparing for an Attunement
In order to improve the results you receive during the attunement, a process of purification is recommended. This will allow the attunement energies to work more efficiently and create greater benefits for you. The following steps are optional. Follow them if you feel guided to do so.
- Refrain from eating meat, fowl or fish for three days prior to the attunement. These foods often contain drugs in the form of penicillin and female hormones and toxins in the form of pesticides and heavy metals that make your system sluggish and throw it out of balance.
- Consider a water or juice fast for one to three days especially if you already are a vegetarian or have experience with fasting.
- Minimize your use of coffee and caffeine drinks or stop completely. They create imbalances in the nervous and endocrine systems. Use no caffeine drinks on the day of the attunement.
- Use no alcohol for at least three days prior to the attunement.
- Minimize or stop using sweets. Eat no chocolate.
- If you smoke, cut back, and smoke as little as possible on the day of the attunement.
- Meditate an hour a day for a least a week using a style you are familiar with or simply spend this time in silence.
- Reduce or eliminate time watching TV, listening to the radio, and reading newspapers.
- Go for quiet walks, spend time with nature, and get moderate exercise.
- Give more attention to the subtle impressions and sensations within and around; contemplate their meaning.
- Release all anger, fear, jealousy, hate, worry, etc. up to the light. Create a sacred space within and around you.
By receiving an attunement you will become part of a group of people who are using Reiki to heal themselves, and each other, and who are working together to heal the Earth. You will also be receiving help from Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who are also working towards these goals. While Reiki is not a religion, you may prepare your mind with intention work and pray in a religious mode comfortable to you to prepare to open to higher spiritual energies and experiences.
The attunement process I use is a combination of the Usui system and a special Tibetan technique. It is thought that Reiki originated in Tibet, therefore, the use of the Tibetan technique and symbols creates a stronger connection with the origins f Reiki. The addition of the Tibetan attunement technique to the Usui system of attunements has greatly improved their quality. This unique attunement process was developed over time to be more powerful and to bring in a wider range of attunement energies than the original Usui system.
Growing with Reiki
Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for deepening awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting Reiki and starting healing. Again, listen to your heart and you will be guided in choosing the right experiences and teacher(s) for you.
Once you have learned a healing technique, the work begins. To develop your understanding of, and sensitivity in, Reiki it is a good idea to devote time to regular practice, find a supportive teacher and practice group and pursue continuing study. Make sure that you arrange circumstances so that you can be nurtured in your healing and growth. Keep your eyes on your goals, your mind in your heart and take things one step at a time.
Love and light to you in your journey.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Level One Reiki
This post serves as a Table of Contents for all of the information I provided in my Reiki 1st degree class manual. I also thought that if you have just received your Reiki 1 Attunement, it might be helpful to read the information in an orderly fashion.
- The Reiki Symbol
- Reiki – The Short Explanation
- Rei Ki – What The Words Mean
- What Is Reiki?
- How Reiki Works
- Kirlian Photographs
- The Advantages of Reiki
- The History of Reiki
- About Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
- Reiki Comes To The West
- The Original 22
- The Evolution of Reiki
- My Lineage
- The Reiki Attunements
- The 21 Day Cleansing Process
- Coping With The Cleansing
- The Five Principles of Reiki
- Reiki Ideals
- Gassho Meiso
- Joshin Kokyuu-ho
- Activating The Reiki
- Exploring The Reiki Energy
- Reiki For Yourself
- Hand Positions For Treating Yourself
- How To Amplify The Reiki
- The Seven Chakras
- Reiki Prayers
- Reiji-ho and Chiryo
- Preparing For A Reiki Treatment
- Giving A Complete Reiki Treatment
- Treatment Guidelines
- Gedoku-ho
- Exploring The Hand Positions
- Hand Positions For Treating Others
- Dr Usui’s Original Hand Positions
- Feeling The Flow of Reiki
- Advantages Of A Whole Body Treatment
- Kenyoku-ho
- Code of Ethics
- Reiki For Animals
- Reiki For Everything
- Reiki Mawashi
- Shu Chu Reiki
- In Closing
- Recommended Reading
In Closing
These are some closing thoughts that I included in my first degree Reiki class handouts.
My friends there is nothing out side of you that can give you what you want. Reiki is a tool, a pointer to the way. Use it or not. But do not expect it to do the work for you, no one can heal you but yourself.
Reiki is in the simple. Reiki is not so much something we do, it is something we are. In the moment, as the expression of what it is, as love, compassion and kindness we reach out, we touch, we heal. In the moment when you stretch out your hand to heal where there is no self, no other, you “are” Reiki.
Enlightenment is where you are, where else could it be? Usui’s Reiki is one of many, many ways of seeing the truth, and that is healing. This is Reiki. Reiki can heal, can relieve pain, but don’t expect Reiki to do the work of removing the conditionings that veil awakening. Attunements do not equal enlightenment. Removing your suffering is up to you.
Your Reiki will be an expression of you, of your life, your BEing, and it will reflect the oneness and connectedness with all that you are. BEing Reiki is to BE the essence that is healing.
And so in closing, I leave you with this. Simply place your hands together in Gassho, and say these words. For day only, anger not, worry not. Be grateful and humble. Be kind to all. Be mindful and live these. Place your hands on self or other and let go. Let go of outcome, of worry, of conditionings, of need, and simply be. The rest takes care of itself.
May this be of benefit.
~Vinny Amador
Shu Chu-Reiki
Shu Chu-Reiki is a concentrated Reiki group exercise. The Japanese word shu chu means “concentrated.” All group members give energy to one group member while wishing and praying for that person’s happiness and health. This can be a very intense experience, so use common sense when choosing the recipient.
Here’s how:
In a small group each person lays hands on the recipient, and begins the flow of Reiki along with the prayers and wishes for that person. Do it for 1 to 3 minutes per person.
Another way to do this is to form a human “chain” or circle. The first person touches the recipient directly, and the rest of the group forms a circle, or “chain.” Hands are placed on the shoulders of the person in front (and so on until each person is connected hands to shoulders).
The Reiki is then channeled through the “chain”. The energy flows and surges through every one participating in the healing and finally reaches the “patient.” A wonderful experience for all involved.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Reiki Mawashi
Reiki current ~ Group exercise.
The Japanese word mawashi means current. In this exercise a current of Reiki energy is passed through a group of practitioners. The energy of a group often exceeds the sum of the energy of the participants, and spontaneous healing at all levels may occur. You can practice this exercise for 10 or 15 minutes.
Here’s how it works:
Sit in a circle, and hold your hands a few inches above / below the hands of your neighbors ~ so that the left hand extends to the neighbor on the left, and your right hand extends to the neighbor on your right.
Turn your left hand upward, and your right hand downward.
Begin the flow of energy, sending Reiki to the left.
The recipient receives the energy from his or her right hand, lets it flow through his or her body, and passes it on to the next individual through his or her left hand.
It’s best if the energy flows clockwise “sunwise,” but this is not mandatory. The exercise will work either way.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Reiki For Everything
Everything, absolutely everything is made of energy. And Reiki has a harmonizing healing effect where ever it is used. So do not hesitate to use Reiki for anything and everything.
Healing Plants
Depending on their size, plants require varying degrees of Reiki. Treat seeds for about 2 to 3 minutes, houseplants 5 to 10 minutes. By placing your hands on the truck, you can treat a very large tree with Reiki, be prepared that this make take a while. With second degree Reiki, you can treat whole forests or eco-systems, which is very cool!
One of the easiest ways to treat plants with Reiki is to charge the water before feeding it to the plants. It is a good idea to treat the roots of houseplants as well as the leaves. This will ensure prevention of diseases such as root rot. It also helps the plant to grow strong new roots.
If you have a large garden, you can drop bubbles of Reiki over specific plants. With second degree Reiki, you can send Reiki to your garden, and also to all the beneficial insects that visit.
Whenever you bring home a potted plant it is a good idea to spend some time with it sending Reiki into the root system and watering it with Reiki charged water. Plants that have been warehoused in stores do not often receive proper care. Plants and seedlings bought from a nursery might have some stress moving from an optimum environment to someplace completely different. In either case, the Reiki energy will give each plant a nice boost as they adjust to the new home.
Energizing Your Food
With Reiki you can improve the quality of your food. Give Reiki to your food as you prepare it. Simply hold it in your hands and allow the Reiki to flow into it. Alternatively, you can give Reiki to food once it is on the plate.
This method can also be used when eating out, as you can energize your food by discreetly holding your hands at either side of your plate, palms facing in, rather than above it. This same method can be used with water and other beverages.
Mechanical Reiki
Yes, you can use Reiki on machines! I have used it to recharge dead batteries, and to keep an elderly vehicle running. I channeled Reiki into my computer one day when it was freezing up every five minutes, and while it did not do anything for the computer, the solution to the problem came to me as I was channeling the Reiki.
I know people who have used Reiki to keep clothes dryers running, dishwashers leak free, and a number of other things.
Other Reiki Ideas
Try charging letters, and the bills that you pay, with Reiki before sending them. Reiki your wallet, and your cash. Infuse your credit and debit cards with Reiki energy and see what effect it has on your finances.
When giving a gift, charge it first with Reiki so that it brings healing energy and positive vibes to the recipient. Reiki your phone before, and during a difficult call, or when talking to a difficult person. You’ll be surprised at how much that helps.
Put Reiki energy into anything you are wanting to sell, and it will attract buyers and bless them at the same time. The ideas are endless.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
- Cindy Plante: Gedoku-Ho
- Gregory: Natural Power Spots
- Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
- Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
- Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies