Learning Reiki

Can Anyone Learn Reiki?
The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent on intellectual capacity, nor does one have to be able to meditate. It does not take years of practice. It is simply passed on from the teacher to the student. As soon as this happens, one has and can do Reiki. Because of this, it is easily learned by anyone.
Reiki is a pure form of healing not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. Because of this, the personality of the healer is less likely to cloud the significance of the experience. The feeling of being connected directly to God’s healing love and protection is clearly apparent.
The Attunement:
Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are taught. It is transferred to the student by the Reiki Master during an attunement process. This process opens the crown, heart, and palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source.
The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are channeled into the student through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by the Rei or God-consciosness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each student. The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process. Many report having mystical experiences involving personal messages, healings, visions, and past life experiences.
The attunement can also increase psychic sensitivity. Students often report experiences involving: opening of the third eye, increased intuitive awareness, and other psychic abilities after receiving a Reiki attunement.
Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. While one attunement is all you need for each level to be attuned to that level, additional attunements bring benefit.
Experimentation has found that additional attunements of the same level add to the value of that level. These benefits include refinement of the Reiki energy one is channeling, increased strength of the energy, healing of personal problems, clarity of mind, increased psychic sensitivity, and a raised level of consciousness. At the Reiki support groups sponsored by the Center, additional attunements are usually given by someone who has taken Third degree Reiki, with no extra fee required.
The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore, a process of purification prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the benefit one receives. See below for specific instructions on preparing for an attunement.
Preparing for an Attunement
In order to improve the results you receive during the attunement, a process of purification is recommended. This will allow the attunement energies to work more efficiently and create greater benefits for you. The following steps are optional. Follow them if you feel guided to do so.
- Refrain from eating meat, fowl or fish for three days prior to the attunement. These foods often contain drugs in the form of penicillin and female hormones and toxins in the form of pesticides and heavy metals that make your system sluggish and throw it out of balance.
- Consider a water or juice fast for one to three days especially if you already are a vegetarian or have experience with fasting.
- Minimize your use of coffee and caffeine drinks or stop completely. They create imbalances in the nervous and endocrine systems. Use no caffeine drinks on the day of the attunement.
- Use no alcohol for at least three days prior to the attunement.
- Minimize or stop using sweets. Eat no chocolate.
- If you smoke, cut back, and smoke as little as possible on the day of the attunement.
- Meditate an hour a day for a least a week using a style you are familiar with or simply spend this time in silence.
- Reduce or eliminate time watching TV, listening to the radio, and reading newspapers.
- Go for quiet walks, spend time with nature, and get moderate exercise.
- Give more attention to the subtle impressions and sensations within and around; contemplate their meaning.
- Release all anger, fear, jealousy, hate, worry, etc. up to the light. Create a sacred space within and around you.
By receiving an attunement you will become part of a group of people who are using Reiki to heal themselves, and each other, and who are working together to heal the Earth. You will also be receiving help from Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who are also working towards these goals. While Reiki is not a religion, you may prepare your mind with intention work and pray in a religious mode comfortable to you to prepare to open to higher spiritual energies and experiences.
The attunement process I use is a combination of the Usui system and a special Tibetan technique. It is thought that Reiki originated in Tibet, therefore, the use of the Tibetan technique and symbols creates a stronger connection with the origins f Reiki. The addition of the Tibetan attunement technique to the Usui system of attunements has greatly improved their quality. This unique attunement process was developed over time to be more powerful and to bring in a wider range of attunement energies than the original Usui system.
Growing with Reiki
Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for deepening awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting Reiki and starting healing. Again, listen to your heart and you will be guided in choosing the right experiences and teacher(s) for you.
Once you have learned a healing technique, the work begins. To develop your understanding of, and sensitivity in, Reiki it is a good idea to devote time to regular practice, find a supportive teacher and practice group and pursue continuing study. Make sure that you arrange circumstances so that you can be nurtured in your healing and growth. Keep your eyes on your goals, your mind in your heart and take things one step at a time.
Love and light to you in your journey.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Reiki Sonic Attunement
A Powerful Chant activating a Cellular Attunement with Reiki Healing Energies.
From Reiki Temple Chants by Astarius Miraculii
Questions To Ask A Reiki Master
Finding the right person from which to learn the healing art of Reiki, and receive the Reiki Attunements can be confusing and a little intimidating at first. Here is a list of questions compiled by William Rand that will help guide you in your search for the right teacher for you, and give you a better understanding of what it is they offer in their classes.
If you are already a Reiki Master, and offering classes, this list of questions can serve as a guide as to information you might want to provide in your flyers, class materials, and brochures.
- How long have you been working with Reiki?
- What training have you had?
- How often do you teach?
- How do you personally use Reiki?
- What is your lineage?
- Will this training initiate me into, or progress me within the Usui lineage?
- What qualifications are required to take Reiki Training?
- What do you cover in your classes?
- How many hours of class time is included?
- How much time is instructional, and how much is hands on practice?
- What are the specific things I will be able to do after taking the training?
- What are your fees, and will I receive a certificate and a manual?
- Can I take notes and tape record the class?
- How many symbols (if any) will I learn?
- Is there a Reiki support group in my area or can you help me establish one?
- Will you openly support me in being a successful Reiki practitioner or master?
- Do you have a positive respectful attitude toward other Reiki practitioners and masters, regardless of lineage or affiliation?
Be aware of how you feel about their answers and if they are responding in a loving manner that is supportive and empowering. Listen to your heart and you will be guided to the right teacher.
From: The Reiki News, Autumn 2002
The 21 Day Clearing Process
I like to compare the initiation process in Reiki to a vortex of Universal Energy pouring into the crown chakra. At each level of attunement, the vibratory rate is heightened, and you are able to tap into a higher, wider channel of that Universal Energy.
Some may experience this shift immediately, expanded color consciousness, a buzzing or heightened sensitivity in the crown center, or a sense of floating or light headedness. (It is important to remember to remove all jewelry, watches, and barrettes prior to any attunement as metals may create discomfort in the chakra areas.)
In order for the vibratory rate to be raised with each attunement, there has to be a clearing of old patterns and thoughts that inhibit the growth of the consciousness. This clearing takes place in an orderly fashion, proceeding up the axis chakras one by one:
Week one consists of one day each for the chakra center of the root, spleen, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and then the crown.
Week two begins at the root chakra and proceeds day by day up to the crown center.
Week three is a repeat of the other two. (This is the same cycle and procedure for healing acute dis-ease in others. It is best if they are treated for twenty-one days straight to clear the chakras three times each in order to remove old patterns and pain.)
I like to compare this chakra healing (clearing) process to a check mark. When making a check mark, you have to go down before you can go up. This process may prove to be uncomfortable for many people. As the blocks that are preventing your progress are brought forward, they are released by your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
The effects that you may experience are wide spread, and could range from irritability and crying to the inability to eat low vibration foods (like red meat). You may also be unable to tolerate negativity of any ki8nd.
Please keep in mind that this process is detoxifying your life. What you may feel as various degrees of discomfort during the 21 day “clearing” or “cleansing” cycle creates more space for transcendence. You experience a sort of Shaman’s Death, so to speak, to go far beyond the self.
Each attunement is life-altering. I ask that you embrace the 21 day clearing cycle as a glorious opportunity for soul growth. Honor the process and be kind to yourself.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
The Reiki Attunements
An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student by the Reiki Master during an attunement process. This process opens the crown, heart, and palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source.
Its use is not dependent on intellectual capacity or spiritual development and, therefore, is available to everyone. It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds.
The process of attunement is what sets Reiki apart from every other form of laying on of hands or touch healing. It is the attunements themselves that are Reiki, and without this process – which must be passed directly from Teacher to student – the healing system is not Reiki but something else. The attunement is not a healing session, it creates the healer.
The attunement does not give the receiver any thing new; it opens and aligns what was already there. The process is much like plugging in a lamp in a house already wired for electricity. When the healer puts hands down with the intent to heal, the light is turned on.
The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are channeled into the student through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by the Rei or God-consciousness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each student.
The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process. Many report having mystical experiences involving personal messages, healings, visions, and past life experiences.
The attunement can also increase psychic sensitivity. After receiving a Reiki attunement, students often report experiences involving:
- Opening of the third eye
- Increased intuitive awareness
- Other psychic abilities
Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. While one attunement is all you need for each level to be attuned to that level, additional attunements bring benefits which include: refinement and increased strength of the Reiki energy one is channeling, healing of personal problems, clarity of mind, increased psychic sensitivity, and a raised level of consciousness.
The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful.
After the attunement, all that is necessary for the use of Reiki is to place hands on the person to be healed with the intention of healing. The Reiki energies will begin flowing automatically.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Cindy Plante: Gedoku-Ho
Gregory: Natural Power Spots
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies