Rune Power Reiki

A Rune-stave is a pattern which conveys that which transcends shapes and yet is an essence from which form is enabled to take shape. Each Rune is a means of relating to a natural potency that is within YOU and the Universe.
You can use Reiki to activate and concentrate the power of the Rune-staves in much the same way you would when working with the symbols in 2nd Degree Reiki. If you don’t have 2nd Degree Reiki, it will work just as well, and is especially fun if you are eager to begin working with symbols.

Here’s how it works:
From the list below, find an intention that you would like to work with. This can be something you want to empower for yourself personally, or it can be for someone else.
Concentrate your attention on that Rune, and couple with it the intention you have chosen from the list. Now, with your finger, draw that Rune symbol on the palm of each hand. Next, place your hands where it feels most appropriate and allow the Reiki to flow.
For example, if you have chosen Raido with the intention of making more balanced judgments, you might feel led to place your hands on either side of your head. If you have chosen Hagalz with an intention to clear the air, you might want to hold your hands out and allow the Reiki to flow into the air around you.
It’s that simple. The Rune will be activated and bring along with it, it’s own power and potency.
Below is a simplified listing of each Rune, and the qualities they can awaken within.
Uruz, Ur

- Begin a new project or endeavor
- Find the courage to make a fresh start
- Feel rejuvenated
- Increase your resolve
- Be more assertive
Thurisa, Thurs

- Fight against detrimental influences
- Clear away lethargy
- Strengthen your determination
- Break down “barriers”
- Find both the unity and the division within things
Ansuz, Ass

- Obtain inspiration
- Discover your “hidden” potentials
- Improve your communication skills
- Increase your intake of Chi
- Strengthen your mind
Raido, Reid

- Gain access to inner wisdom
- Come into attunement with your personal rhythms
- Extend your awareness
- See things in their proper perspective
- Make balanced judgments
Kano, Ken

- Express yourself creatively
- See what needs to be transformed in your life
- Turn knowledge into wisdom
- Attain clarity of thought
- Generate enthusiasm
Gebo, Gifu

- Make more effective use of your time
- Receive more by giving more
- Bond personal relationships
- Turn wisdom into understanding
- Come into active partnership with your Higher Self
Wunjo, Wynja

- Attain a sense of well-being
- Strengthen personal relationships
- Encourage good fellowship
- Build self-esteem
- Heal rifts
Hagalz, Hagal

- Banish unwanted influences
- Develop intuitiveness within a structured framework so it does not get out of control
- Clear the air
- Focus your intentions
- Prepare the way for desired changes in your life
Nauthiz, Naud

- Cope with stress
- Succeed in a crisis
- Achieve the seemingly impossible
- Break through your limitations
- Develop perseverance
- Value endurance
Isa, Iss

- Still your mind as an aid to meditation
- Concentrate
- Create a protective barrier to immobilize harmful intent from whatever quarter
- Strengthen your Will
- Overcome restlessness
Jera, Jara

- Learn that patience brings rewards
- Nurture your creativity
- Know the secret of proper timing
- Come into harmony with the cycles of Nature
- Harmonize your body “clock”
Perth, Pertra

- Give birth to your hopes and dreams
- Hold on to what is essential to be retained
- Experience pleasure
- Be aware of your hidden potentials
Eihwaz, Eoh

- Liberate yourself from unnecessary fear
- Develop within you the quality of endurance
- Connect with other levels of reality
- Avoid confusion
- Release your inner strengths
- Receive flashes of enlightenment

- Find the powers within you to meet any situation
- Ward off negative influences
- Connect with an inner drive to achieve more
- Keep your ideals and aspirations grounded
Sowelu, Sol

- See things as they are
- Receive inner guidance to discern more clearly
- Boost your energy levels
- Attain that “impossible” dream
- Connect with your Soul’s purpose
Teiwaz, Tyr

- Become more vigilant
- Strengthen your reliability
- Work more methodically
- Face difficulties with fortitude
- Develop greater trust in yourself
- Have courage to accept responsibility for your own choices and actions
- Perform deeds in an honorable way
- Allow your “greater” Self to have more influence in your life
Berkana, Bjarka

- Effect closer relations
- Nurture what it is you want to bring forth in your life
- Conserve your energies
- Come through a crisis safely
- Let go of what may be blocking your progress
Ehwaz, Eh

- Find more fruitful ways of achieving what you set out to do
- Attain a more harmonious relationship with your partner
- Impart trust and loyalty
- Become more balanced in your ways
Mannaz, Madr

- Become more fully integrated within yourself
- Sharpen your intellect
- Activate your intuitive senses
- Adopt a more co-operative attitude towards Nature and others
- Strengthen family relationships
Laguz, Lagu

- Become more adaptable
- Actualize your potentials
- Identify your true feelings
- Come into harmony with the ebb and flow of energy streams of life
- Increase your healing powers
Inguz, Ing

- Strengthen your faith
- Renew your hope for the future
- Open up new areas of self-realization
- Access “higher” powers
Othila, Odal

- Develop the abilities you have
- Connect with past lives
- Feel more secure

- Realize your true Reality
- Get in touch with your Spirit
- Recognize your connectedness with all things
- Become a good “finisher” as well as a keen “starter”
Fehu, Feh

- Recognize your true wealth
- Evaluate the true value of things
- Find fulfillment in your endeavors
- Brings things to completion satisfactorily
- Draw down the power of the Sun, Moon, and Stars into your own personal “universe”
Adapted from a post in: Magickal Ingredients
Cindy Plante: Gedoku-Ho
Gregory: Natural Power Spots
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
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