Shu Chu-Reiki

Shu Chu-Reiki is a concentrated Reiki group exercise. The Japanese word shu chu means “concentrated.” All group members give energy to one group member while wishing and praying for that person’s happiness and health. This can be a very intense experience, so use common sense when choosing the recipient.
Here’s how:
In a small group each person lays hands on the recipient, and begins the flow of Reiki along with the prayers and wishes for that person. Do it for 1 to 3 minutes per person.
Another way to do this is to form a human “chain” or circle. The first person touches the recipient directly, and the rest of the group forms a circle, or “chain.” Hands are placed on the shoulders of the person in front (and so on until each person is connected hands to shoulders).
The Reiki is then channeled through the “chain”. The energy flows and surges through every one participating in the healing and finally reaches the “patient.” A wonderful experience for all involved.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Reiki Mawashi
Reiki current ~ Group exercise.

The Japanese word mawashi means current. In this exercise a current of Reiki energy is passed through a group of practitioners. The energy of a group often exceeds the sum of the energy of the participants, and spontaneous healing at all levels may occur. You can practice this exercise for 10 or 15 minutes.
Here’s how it works:
Sit in a circle, and hold your hands a few inches above / below the hands of your neighbors ~ so that the left hand extends to the neighbor on the left, and your right hand extends to the neighbor on your right.
Turn your left hand upward, and your right hand downward.
Begin the flow of energy, sending Reiki to the left.
The recipient receives the energy from his or her right hand, lets it flow through his or her body, and passes it on to the next individual through his or her left hand.
It’s best if the energy flows clockwise “sunwise,” but this is not mandatory. The exercise will work either way.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Balancing the Brain Hemispheres

This grounding technique is called, balancing the brain hemispheres. Many of my clients and I practice this exercise because it is so relaxing.
Place both hands on the sides of your head so the palms are resting on the temples and the fingers cradle (wrap around) the crown of your head. The fingers from both hands will possibly touch at the top of the head. Hold firmly but not too tight.
Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. This is an opportunity to become aware of what your body needs regarding how many seconds it takes before you feel grounded and balanced.
Source: Balanced Woman’s Blog
Dr. Usui’s Original Hand Positions
Usui Shiki Ryoho is the most common form of Reiki in the world. This was Reiki in the Hayashi-Takata line. The 12 positions that Takata taught (varies slightly from system to system) are the set that most practitioners know. You can find them here: Hand Positions ~ Healing Others.

Hands on Healing is the common element to all versions of Reiki. In Japanese this is called “Te-ate” (pronounced “tay-ah-tay”). It would appear in Hayashi’s practices that he had several sets of hand positions at different points in the development of his interpretation of Reiki.
Hayashi Reiki Ryoho appears to have had 7 positions initially. It is a powerful set and follows the large intestine meridian in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It also appears that the set that Mrs. Takata taught was the one used for group treatment with several practitioners in Hayashi’s clinic.
It would appear that Usui either used Reiji and treated where indicated, or used a set of 5 hand positions and then used Reiji. Reiji is the ability of the Reiki practitioner to allow their hands to move or be drawn to the area of that body that needs healing.
Mrs. Takata also taught this technique of Reiji, teaching that we must notice the sensations in the hands and let them move. This happens as the hands become more sensitive with practice and as intuition develops. (Read how to do it here: Reiji-Ho and Chiryo.)
Reiji and Byosen Reikian-ho (focused healing method) were skills that were expected to be developed at Shoden (level I) before Okuden (level II) would be offered to the student.

Usui’s five position set is based solidly on Traditional Chinese Medicine. The head and thorax are the 5 positions treated followed by Reiji. The body is considered to be the head and torso, and all major meridians pass through the head, thus by treating the head all areas of the body and mind are treated.
Here are the five positions:
Have the person sit. They are not laying down. These 5 positions were held for about 5 to 6 minutes each.
- 1. Zento-bu
This position is at the top forward part of the head. It is specifically at the hairline. You can use the technique of Nentatsu-ho to aid in the healing by using affirmations while you use this position.
- 2. Sokuto-bu
This is the standard hand position on the side of the head. The hands are on the sides of the head (i.e., one hand on either side).
- 3. Koutou-bu
This position is where both of the hands are placed on the upper part of the back of the head. This is the area between the base of the skull (bulb) and the top of the head.
- 4. Enzui-bu
In this position, both hands are placed on the bulb of the head. This area is the occiputal area commonly taught in Takata’s teaching.
- 5. Toucho-bu
In this position, both hands are placed on the top of the head.
After these 5 are performed for about 5 minutes each (or as needed) you follow this by performing Byosen Reikian ho (focused scanning healing technique) or Reiji. Using Byosen or Reiji guides you to know where to treat next for focused healing
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Feeling The Flow of Reiki

Once the energy begins, the healer or receiver usually notices heat sensation, and this is an identifying characteristic of Reiki. After receiving the Reiki 1 attunement and bringing the energy through for the first time in the classroom, hot hands happen in most healings. If what the person receiving the healing needs is cold, however, the healer’s hands will give cold.
Sometimes the healer feels that the hands are very hot, while the receiver of the energy feels coolness, and vice versa. Every healing position, and every healing session can be different.
When the hands are placed on a Reiki position, the healer generally feels a cycle of sensations. Initially, you might feel the warmth of body heat, but as the hands remain in place other feelings begin.
There may be sensations of heat, cold, water flowing, vibrating, trembling, magnetism, static electricity, tingling, color, sound, or (extremely rarely) pain moving through the healer’s hands. The healer may feel as if the hands have gone to sleep, with a pins-and-needles sensation.
The person receiving the healing may feel the same things or different ones, or maybe even nothing. The sensations change from position to position, and healing to healing. They are unpredictable, but there is almost always a sensation of some kind.
These continue for what at first seems like a long time, generally as long as five minutes. Then the sensations and quiet body warmth returns.
This completes the position, and signals the healer to move to the next one. As someone once said, “It goes up, and then it comes down, and then you can move.” I can’t think of a better way to describe what happens. If you don’t move, the cycle simply begins again: body warmth, several minutes of sensations, and body warmth again.
Often, a position takes less than the expected five minutes, and this is fine. Go by the feeling in your hands. Unless the receiver of the healing has back trouble, the positions on the back will probably take less time.
Occasionally, the sensations seem to go on forever, and the healer’s hands feel glued in place. Continue as long as you need to be there.
If your hands feel free to move and the sensations go on and on, however, stay a reasonable time and then move to the next position. More healing needs to be done here, but the pain or problem didn’t develop overnight and one session may not be enough to heal it. This is usually an area or position where much Reiki is needed, but since the full treatment session takes as long as an hour and a half, spending too much time in one place is not beneficial. Honor your intuition, and remember there is no right and wrong.
Generally speaking, the sensations are less distinct, or less intense, in self-healing than in healing others.
There are many different interpretations of the exact nature of the sensations, that cold means this thing and hot means something else entirely. In my experience, the sensations vary from person to person, session to session, need to need, and putting an arbitrary meaning on a particular feeling can be misleading.
It’s best to focus on allowing the energy to flow rather than on analyzing the feel of that flow. Too much thinking can pull you out of that intuitive heartfelt healing moment and put you into a space of judgment and analysis which may or may not be helpful.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Hand Positions ~ Healing Others
Here are basic visual guidelines for the hand positions when doing a full Reiki treatment. Remember these are guidelines only. Always follow your intuition, your heart, and your inner guidance when giving Reiki.

Start with the head area and then move down to the chest and arms.

The next area is the abdomen, solar plexus and hips. Remember to never put your hands on or near the genital area. Then move on to the legs, knees, ankles and feet.

When you have finished with the feet, do a vertical sweep of the aura three times before having the client turn over.
Once the client has turned over and is lying on their stomach, begin again with the head area.

Move from the head area to the upper shoulders and then the spine, thighs and knees.

Finish up with the calves, ankles and feet.

When the treatment is complete, sweep or smooth the aura. If desired, you can also add the following extra steps.

Now seal the energy.

With your right hand, palm down, make a spiral over the small of the client’s back, as you do this silently affirm: “I seal this healing with love and light.”
And then cut the connection.

Swipe both of your hands together in a wiping motion, three times. This cuts the etheric connection between you and the client, and also works to turn off the Reiki.
The treatment is now complete. Instruct the client to sit up SLOWLY, give whatever assistance seems appropriate.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Techniques to Intensify the Power of Reiki

Here are a number of different techniques that can be used to intensify the power Reiki.
The “Homeopathic” Touch
Almost without touching them, very gently massage the zones that you would like to treat for somewhere between 20 seconds and 2 minutes. Then lay hands on them a usual.
According to the Arndt Schulze Rule (from the field of bio-cybernetics), fine impulses stimulate life activities while strong ones inhibit them. The fine impulses of the massage technique explained above direct the attention of the body consciousness to the appropriate area and intensify the body’s perceptive abilities. At the same time, the receptivity is increased. Prepared in this manner, Reiki is absorbed in a much higher degree.
Aura Massage
Calmly hold your hands about 2 or 3 inches above the area to be treated for about 20 seconds, and attune yourself to it. Then let your hands begin to move gently as though you are giving a very gentle massage. Be sure that the palms are always facing your client’s body.
After 20 seconds, again hold your hands calmly still for another 20 seconds and attune yourself. Repeat this technique several times, and then treat as usual.
By relaxing the aura, the possibilities of energy flowing to the body are improved because Reiki clears the aura. In addition, through the fine impulses of aura massage, the attention of the body consciousness is directed to appropriate places. This, in turn, increases the receptivity.
Wherever the attention is focused, the energy will flow more freely in that direction.
Singing Vowels
During the treatment, sing or intone the vowels, A, E, I, O, U, and the sound of the letter M. This stimulates the chakras and the aura to gently increase their vibrational level.
The higher the vibration of a being, the greater the willingness of its organism to absorb Reiki.
Rubbing Hands
Shortly before the beginning of the Reiki treatment, lightly clap your hands together and rub them intensely for a moment. This stimulates the hand chakras, through with Reiki is transmitted, to more intensive activity.
Baby Oil
Rub your hands together with a few drops of baby oil. During the treatment, be careful of sensitive clothing and treat within the aura, if this is possible.
I can’t explain why this technique functions so well, but it is widespread among faith healers and has great results,
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Exploring The Reiki Energy

Here are some simple ways to explore the energy of Reiki that is available to you after receiving your first degree attunement. These exercises are also fun and helpful if you haven’t used Reiki for a while.
Experiencing The Energy
With another person put your hands out, palm to palm, a couple of inches apart. Say a short prayer or affirmation to trigger the flow of Reiki. You may soon feel a sense of warmth, a coolness, or a tingling.
If you move your hands toward your partner’s very slightly, you may even feel a sense of pressure, as if you were pushing against a magnet or a very light balloon. Now move your hands even farther away and check for sensations again.
Make A Reiki “Bubble”
Hold your hands about 6 inches apart, keeping your fingers together, cupping your hands slightly. Say a short prayer, or affirmation, to trigger the flow of Reiki and notice what you feel.
Gently explore this energy field. Focus on the feeling in your hands, and see how the energy intensifies. Breathe deeply as you do this, and notice what happens.
Play with the “bubble” until it seems to be tangible, and then gently blow it away, with the intention that the healing energy to to wherever it may be wanted and needed.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Activating The Reiki

Reiki is a very easy healing technique to use. After receiving the Reiki attunement, all that is necessary to start Reiki flowing is to request it to do so. Just ask or intend that it begin to flow and it will.
This can be done simply by saying the work “Reiki” to yourself at the beginning of a healing session. Reiki is always ready to flow and it will do so whenever you want it to. Simply placing your hands on someone with the intention of giving a treatment will be enough to start it flowing.
It is not necessary to meditate or concentrate, or go into an altered state to use Reiki. Reiki flows so easily that just thinking or talking about it turns it on. In fact, as I am writing this section, I feel my Reiki flowing simply because I am thinking about it.
When giving a treatment it is important to keep your fingers together. This will concentrate the energy and create a stronger flow.
You can talk with the client, or others and Reiki will flow. However, it flows more freely if you focus your awareness on the Reiki, allowing your consciousness to merge with it. Be aware of the sensations in your hands such as warmth, tingling, vibrations, pulsations or a flow of energy.
You may also feel Reiki flowing through other parts of your body. As you dwell on Reiki, your mind will begin to be aware of the consciousness of Reiki. You may experience this as feelings of joy, love, well-being, security, upliftment, unlimited potential, freedom, creativity, beauty, balance, harmony, and other positive states.
Allow these feelings to become your feelings. If other thoughts come up, gently brush them away, and bring your attention back to the consciousness of Reiki. As you do this not only will you be allowing Reiki to flow more strongly, you will also be receiving a deep healing.
By meditating on the consciousness of Reiki, you will also be entering a state of mind that allows Spirit to work more closely with you. You will be a clearer channel for the Reiki.
The most important way to increase the effectiveness of Reiki is to come from love, compassion, and kindness. This will create a feeling of emotional safety for the client, encouraging them to more fully accept the Reiki energy. It will open the doors to your healing potential, increasing the strength of your Reiki and it is also very healthy for you!
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Reiki Fire
A Power Chant for activating the “Oneness of the Wholeness” of all Healing Hands to allow the Healing of all bodies, minds, hearts and souls.
From Reiki Temple Chants by Astarius Miraculii
Cindy Plante: Gedoku-Ho
Gregory: Natural Power Spots
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies