Animal Healing
Reiki With Animals

Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a special class in order to use the healing power of Reiki on animals. The techniques vary slightly only because the shapes of animals and their needs are just a little different. What follows are some basic guidelines to help get you started.
Cats deserve special mention. Cats respond very well to Reiki. They seem to know instantly what it is. Unlike almost any other animal, cats will position themselves precisely under your hands according to exactly where they need the help. Once they realize what you’re doing, their desire to cooperate is instantaneous and their acceptance of the healing is usually total.
When they’re done, they’re done. They’ll move away. And when they want more, they’ll come back. Cats tend to show a bit of attitude about energy work. It’s possible that they think they invented it!
Once in a great while, you will find a cat who believes that she or he is already so perfect that Reiki is non-essential to their well-being. When you work on another human, or animal, however that same cat will be right in the middle of the Reiki treatment soaking up the good energy. It has been an observation that the older the cat, the more they seem to appreciate Reiki.
Dogs love Reiki. It works to calm hyperactive dogs and to help rehabilitate abused dogs. Reiki is also wonderful for healing and overall well-being. Dogs tend to return to you once they’ve gotten the idea that you will do the treatments on them. They aren’t nearly as “efficient” about it as cats, although occasionally a dog will also turn an area needing Reiki to your hands.
I generally use the technique of activating the Reiki and then just letting my hands go to the area they feel most drawn to, or to where it seems most comfortable for the dog. I had a little dog with bad knees, and every night I put my hands on whichever knee was closest to me, and sent Reiki until we both fell asleep.
If you want to work with animals, it is helpful to familiarize yourself with breed specific needs. For example, some breeds of dogs, the German Shepard for example, have a history of hip or knee problems, and these areas may require more energy and more time.
You can either place a “Reiki bubble” around the fish tank, or you can “beam” the fish. The Reiki will pass through anything. You can also place your hands on the aquarium glass. They will stay in the Reiki field for as long as they want the energy and then they’ll move. If you keep your hands in place, you’ll find they will come back, expecting the energy to be there.
Birds, unless they have been hand raised and are quite used to human contact, do not normally like the restraint of human hands. This can be very stressful for them. For this reason, it usually works best to enfold the bird in a “Reiki bubble” or beam the Reiki directly to them.
You can also place your hands on either side of the cage. They will stay in the Reiki energy for as long as it is comfortable, and then they’ll move.
I once healed a bird with Reiki energy. It crashed into a window at my home and when I ran out to see if it was OK, it was limp, and it’s little head was at a weird angle. I picked it up and immediately the Reiki began to flow. The energy was very intense and strong, and after about five minutes, the little bird stirred, and next thing you know, he seemed just fine. He looked around a little startled, and then flew away.
Small Animals
It is important to remember that most small animals do not enjoy being physically restrained. Make every effort to ensure that the animal is comfortable and feels safe. Small animals can be held loosely in your hands while you allow the Reiki energy to flow.
If they are squirmy or seem uncomfortable with being held, you can hold your hands an inch or two away from them, and send the Reiki that way. Alternatively, you can send the Reiki into their cage or enclosure using a “beam” or “bubble.”
Do not worry if it seems the Reiki flow doesn’t last as long as you would expect when working with a person. Sometimes it doesn’t take much time for a small animal to receive the full benefit of the Reiki energy.
Large Animals
Large animals can be treated by simply activating the Reiki and then allowing your hands to go to whatever areas of the body they are drawn to, or that seem comfortable for the animal.
Beaming the Reiki is also an option, especially if the animal does not seem to enjoy the actual hands on contact.
Reptiles and Other Animals
Any time you are asked or guided to give Reiki to an animal that doesn’t seem to enjoy actual physical contact, use a “beam” of Reiki, or a Reiki bubble. If the animal allows, or seems to enjoy being touched, activate the Reiki energy and then allow your intuition to guide you.
Other Options
Other options for healing animals include infusing their water and food with Reiki energy. Infusing the food with healing Reiki energy is done by holding the food bowl, or food container, and sending the Reiki energy into it with the intention of infusing the food with healing power. Infusing the water with Reiki is done the same way.
Don’t Forget!
Even if the need for Reiki comes up suddenly, and you are treating on the fly, always remember to center yourself first, and open your heart. If you are doing a “full Reiki” treatment, approach it with the same respect and care that you would for a human client or friend.
And remember, just as with humans, respect the animal’s choice. If they reject the Reiki, or try to get away, do not force it.
Also, it’s very important to smooth the aura and cut the ties when complete, just as you would when working with a person.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Horses and Reiki
If you have horses, love horses, or enjoy working with animals, this may be of interest.
Cindy Plante: Gedoku-Ho
Gregory: Natural Power Spots
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies