Exploring The Hand Positions

The following is based on the Chakra system, and gives guidelines as to what areas you might want to treat for specific issues.
Back of the Head:
- Physical: Improves coordination and receptivity, both in waking and sleeping.
- Emotional: Relaxes and decreases worry, fear, and irritations.
- Mental: Aids in retaining the memory of dreams.
- Spiritual: Increases the sense of “wholeness” and “oneness.”
Crown or Top of the Head:
- Physical: Opens your Crown Chakra. Aids headaches and hangovers. Balances the Pineal and Pituitary glands.
- Emotional: Reduces worry, depression, and hysteria. Produces calm and serenity.
- Mental: Improves memory, clarity, and creativity.
- Spiritual: Increases awareness and expands consciousness.
- Physical: Aids eyes, sinus, teeth, jaws, Pineal and Pituitary glands.
- Emotional: Relaxes and reduces stress and anxiety.
- Mental: Reduces confusion. Enhances Psychic abilities.
- Spiritual: Tunes you into your higher self and stimulates intuition.
- Physical: Improves blood pressure. Aids with larynx and thyroid.
- Emotional: Removes anger, resentment, hostility, and negativity.
- Mental: Produces a sense of well being and contentment.
- Spiritual: Spiritual power of expression.
- Physical: Aids heart, lungs, thymus, and immune system.
- Emotional: Increases ability to love and trust. Soothes nerves and removes stress.
- Mental: Refreshes and produces serenity. Aids in reasoning ability.
- Spiritual: Increases joy and unconditional love.
Solar Plexus:
- Physical: Pancreas, liver and solar plexus.
- Emotional: Produces strength, relaxation, self-control and confidence. Reduces stress and anxiety.
- Mental: Reduces mental confusion.
- Spiritual: Increases personal and spiritual power.
- Physical: Spleen. Reduces stress and aids in relaxation.
- Emotional: Produces silent confidence and reduces confusion.
- Mental: Inspires and awakens the mind.
- Spiritual: Provides inner strength.
- Physical: Intestines, prostate, bladder, and ovaries.
- Emotional: Restores mental health concerning sexual issues.
- Mental: Decreases rigid attitudes and thinking.
- Spiritual: Expands consciousness.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
The Hara and the Tanden
The Hara is the physical midpoint of the human body, and the spiritual center of the human being. Located below the belly button and a little way into the body, it’s equidistant to the feet and the head, making it a natural place to be in balance, or regain balance. Physically it’s our center of gravity. Because it’s a vibrational center, the Hara is also our spiritual center.

Where is the Hara?
The hara is the area of your lower abdominal region below your navel. This area contains the tanden which is your center of gravity. The center of gravity is located approximately 2 inches below the navel and 1/3 the distance from the front of your body to the back of your body.
You may say that it is an organ not yet discovered by the west. It can’t be seen, however it can be felt. It has always been inside of you, but remains dormant unless you know to access it.
It is said that Ki is moved by the mind “… where the attention goes, ki flows…” To effortlessly focus the awareness is to place one’s energy there.
By placing effortless emphasis and energy at this area in the lower abdomen, integration of body and mind is deepened and strengthened, and the Spirit is dynamically grounded in the Present Moment.

Accessing The Tanden
The internal arts, which consist of modalities like yoga, meditation and tai chi place special emphasis on this point. It is the road leading to the full development of the human being and the home of your intuitive judgement among other things.
It is developed by sitting in meditation and focusing the mind on the area of the tanden. The body is fully relaxed in a seated meditative posture with a straight spine. This can be accomplished by sitting in a cross legged position with the back resting against the wall, or on a straight backed chair. It can also be accessed by standing for long periods of time with your feet in a hip width stance or focusing on it while moving thru the tai chi form.
In time you will feel like you have a thick rubberband gradually starting to fill with a liquid which feels like sparkling air. This is an occasion for celebration and the beginning of your relationship with the universe and yourself. Soon the energy felt in the tanden will start to circulate throughout your body.
It is called chi and is the internal energy which runs your body. It will always be present and gives you a point to which you can focus as you move thru your daily life experience. It is your anchor with the universe and is often referred to as a gut feeling with respect to your intuitive judgement.
The chi or internal energy gradually moves down under the pelvic floor and up the spine to the top of the head moving along what is called the microcosmic orbit. My teacher always referred to it as an energy intelligence as it now moves to open the energy pathways of the body commonly called meridians. These energy pathways form the basis of acupuncture points leading too the organs which are now charged with new energy enabling them to secrete the hormones which run the body.
In order to feel your relationship with the universe, you can again sit in meditation and focus on the breath. Gradually you will feel where the breath starts the inhale and the place where it starts to exhale. The inhale starts at the tanden filling the hara and starts at the exhale at the heart center. Soon you will feel that the universe is breathing you as you focus on your breath. Then you will start to experience that link to the universe or nature.

Physical Attributes:
The word hara means belly in Japanese, the area of the body bounded by the lower ribcage and pelvic bowl. It has significance in this regard, as well as vibrationally.
It contains the following organs:
- Stomach
- Small intestine
- Large intestine
- Liver
- Gall bladder
- Spleen
- Pancreas
- Kidneys
- Adrenal glands
- Urinary bladder
- Reproductive organs
This area is also part of oxygen-rich blood and nutrition reaching a growing fetus through the umbilical cord, and waste removal in the same way.

Vibrational Attributes:
The exact location of the Hara is known as tanden in Japan. It is the place where the ki of the organs and meridians of the entire body pool in the lower tanden, like a vast storehouse of power.
Tanden means “red rice field” or “red field.” This indicates a vast amount of powerful life force since rice is a primary source of nutrition and this is a whole field of it, glowing in red.

The Invisible Aspect:
There’s another, invisible aspect to the Hara. At birth the physical umbilical cord between the baby and the mother is removed. The baby begins breathing on its own and taking in nutrition through the mouth. There also remains a vibrational connection between the baby’s navel and the earth and universe. In fact multiple nonphysical cords continue to be active between the human being and all of life.
The earth and universe feeds us both biologically and spiritually through the Hara for the entirety of our life. We’re also in relationship to all of life from the same location. It’s a constant loop of resonance and reciprocity. We can actually experience the Oneness of life in the Hara and be able to truly embody it.
The Hara gives us a way of being in the world without attempting to escape it, and also returning to a wholesome relationship with the Earth. Spiritually, we’re able to deepen and develop our essential oneness with all of life as the realizations of the Hara filter into our consciousness.

Something To Think About:
For a table to exist, we need wood, a carpenter, time, skillfulness, and many other causes to be. The wood needs the forest, the sunshine, the rain, and so on. The carpenter needs his parents, breakfast, fresh air, and so on. And each of those things, in turn, has to be brought about by other conditions. If we continue to look in this way, we will see that nothing has been left out. Everything in the cosmos has come together to bring us this table. Looking deeply at the sunshine, the leaves of the tree, and the clouds, we can see the table. The one can be seen in the all, and the all can be seen in the one. ~
Thich Nhat Hanh
The Seven Chakras
Chakras are energy centers, vortexes of spinning force existing in the etheric body and extending through the Astral and Mental bodies of all human beings. They correspond to different levels of consciousness and control the physical condition of the area of the body that they influence.
When the flow of energy becomes stagnant or blocked within these centers, an imbalance is created. This imbalance can manifest into physical, mental and/or spiritual dis-ease or illness.
In this post, we are focusing on the seven major Chakras (there are many more).
- 1 ~ Root (Base)
- 2 ~ Sacral (Spleen)
- 3 ~ Solar Plexus (Pancreas or Power)
- 4 ~ Heart (Thymus)
- 5 ~ Throat (Thyroid)
- 6 ~ Brow (Third Eye)
- 7 ~ Crown (Pineal)
On the etheric level, each of the main Chakras corresponds to one of the Endocrine glands and major Nerve Plexus. The Chakras draw in the Universal Life Force Energy (which is all around us), breaks it down into its component parts and sends it along in streams called Nadis to the Nervous System, Endocrine Glands and finally to the bloodstream.
Reiki attunements align and fine tune the Chakras to receive the energy, much like we tune our radios and televisions to receive stations or channels. Each of the Chakras have a color that is related to them and these colors become significant when working with the Chakra system. These seven colors are the same colors, in the same order, as a rainbow. Each color has its own unique vibration.

Root Chakra:
Located at the base of the Spinal column. In the endocrine system it corresponds to the Adrenal Glands. Governs the Spinal columns and Kidneys. This is where Spirit enters the body. Deals with issues of Survival, Faith, Abundance, Trust. The color is red, the musical note is C.
Sacral Chakra:
Located at the root of the genitalia. In the endocrine system it corresponds to the gonads. Governs the reproductive system. Is the center which deals with Creativity, Sexuality, Sharing. Its area of consciousness is the Emotional body. The color is Orange and the musical note is D.
Solar Plexus Chakra:
Located below the Sternum. In the endocrine system it relates to the pancreas. Governs the liver, stomach, gall bladder, and nervous system. This Chakra reflects the power and control issues of your life. Through the healing of this center there often arises the need to leave behind experiences which limit or restrict movement in your life. There are issues that are holding you back from moving ahead with your life plan or contract. Its area of consciousness is the Mental body. The color is Yellow and the musical note is E.
Heart Chakra:
Located in the middle of your body across from your heart. In the endocrine system it relates to the Thymus. Governs the Heart, Blood, Vargus Nerve and the Circulatory System. Love is the energy which needs to be felt and communicated through this center. This Chakra is the bridge between the upper three and the lower three Chakras. It is within our heart that our sense of God-Source exists. Its area of consciousness is the Astral body. Its color is Green and the musical note is F.
Throat Chakra:
Located at the base of the throat. In the endocrine system it relates to the thyroid. It governs the Lungs, Bronchial and Vocal Chords. It is involved with the areas of communication, both sending and receiving. It is also communication from within the self. Its area of consciousness is the Etheric body. The color is Blue and the Musical note is G.
Brow Chakra:
Also known as the Third Eye, it is located in the space between the eyebrows. It is associated with the pineal gland that secretes the hormone melatonin, regulating sleep and awakening. This center relates to the access of intuition, and leads you to an inner knowledge that will guide you if you let it. Its area of consciousness is the Celestial body. The color is Indigo and the Musical note is A.
Crown Chakra
Located at the top of your head. In the endocrine system it relates to the Pituitary gland. This center governs the cerebral cortex. This is where transcending of the physical plane is possible and the point of conscious consciousness. This center has been described as the corridor through which the body moves beyond. It is the exit point for the Astral body as well as for the consciousness. This is where the energies of healing and inner guidance (Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Etc) are drawn. Its area of consciousness is Spiritual. The color is Violet and/or White and the musical note is B.
You can find a lot more information on the Chakras at Chakra Central.
Using The Antahkarana Symbols

Since it is directed by the Higher Self, it always has a beneficial effect and can never be misused or used to cause harm. The symbols can be placed under a massage table, or under the bottom of a chair or you could sit on them. They can also be placed on the wall or they can be held against your body with the print facing the area that needs healing.
The Antahkarana is a special symbol that has its own consciousness. It does not need an attunement for it to work. It is the image of the printed symbol that creates the effect. It works directly with your aura and chakras and varies its healing effect depending on what you need at the time of use.
Use in Reiki Treatments:
Symbols printed on cloth work best for use when giving Reiki treatments as they allow you to place them on the clients body over the areas needing healing. When used in this way, you can then place your hands on top of the symbol and do Reiki through the symbol into the client. This will make your treatments more effective and the person will heal faster.
The multiple symbol is great for releasing blocked energy. If you sense a block, place the multiple symbol over the are with the image facing down and place your hands on top of the symbol. You’ll find that the block breaks up and is release much more quickly. The male, female and cosmic cross symbols each have their own vibration and will add that particular type of benefit to the treatment. Just use your intuition to determine which symbol to use.
The Antahkarana symbols can also be placed on the floor under the Reiki table or even tacked to the bottom of the table with the image facing up. Remember, just having the in your presence will have a beneficial effect.
Use in Meditation:
You can meditate directly on the Antahkarana by gazing steadily at it with your eyes relaxed, gently brushing away any thoughts that may come up.
With continued practice the image may begin to shift and change or to fade in and out, or it may disappear completely. This is good because it indicates you have entered a deeper level of meditation and are receiving greater benefit. Do not allow this to disturb you. Continue your steady relaxed gaze. You may even begin to see pictures in front of the image that are very pleasant and relaxing.
A single meditation with the symbol will be beneficial during times of stress. However regular use is best, setting aside 10 to 30 minutes each day for meditation on the Antahkarana. The value you receive will develop along with your mental clarity and a sense of peace and security will stay with you throughout the day.
The Antahkarana symbols lend themselves easily to experimentation so allow yourself to be guided to new uses. Some people have silk screened them onto t-shirts, others have placed the small wallet size in their shoes (to help them run faster and jump higher). You can also tape the wallet size – using surgical tape over a chakra or over an area that is weak or in need of healing and it will immediately strengthen the area.
The universe is filled with wonder and mystery and as we trust only in the light and boldly explore our true nature, untold value will be revealed to us. The Antahkarana is a symbol that gives freely to all. May you benefit greatly as you explore its use in your journey back to Light.
Antahkarana – Ancient Symbol of Healing

Alice Bailey and several other authors of Tibetan philosophy have some knowledge of the Antahkarana which you can find in a number of books. They describe the Antahkarana as a part of spiritual anatomy. It is the connection between the physical brain and the Higher Self. It is this connection that must heal and develop if we are to grow spiritually. The Antahkarana symbol depicted and described here represents this connection and activates it whenever you are in its presence.
The science of Radionics indicates that lines drawn on paper create a psychic effect on the space surrounding the drawing and will influence the human aura and chakras in various ways depending on the pattern created. This validates the age-old practice of yantra meditation which makes use of visual images to purify and evolve the consciousness.
The Antahkarana is an ancient healing and meditation symbol that has been used in Tibet and China for thousands of years. It is a powerful symbol and simply by having it in your presence, it will create a positive affect on the chakras and aura.
When doing healing work, it focuses and deepens the actions of the healing energies involved. When meditating with the symbol on your person or close by, it automatically creates what the Taoists call the great microcosmic orbit wherein spiritual energies travel up the spine, over the crown chakra, then down through the front of the body to the root chakra and back up again continuously moving around and around. This action balances the chakras and prevents too much energy building up in one or more chakras.
The Anthakarana symbol will also neutralize negative energy that has collected in objects such as jewelry or crystals simply by placing the object between two symbols. In addition, it will enhance all healing work including Reiki, Mahikari, Jin Shin, Polarity Therapy, Chiropractic, Hypnotherapy, and Past Life Regression. These positive effects have been confirmed over and over by the improved results noted by those using the symbol and by clairvoyent observation by those trained in sensing changes in the aura and chakras.
This symbol is multi-dimensional. From one perspective it appears to be two dimensional, being made-up of three sevens on a flat surface. The three sevens represent the seven chakras, the seven colors and the seven tones of the musical scale. These three sevens are mentioned in the book of Revelations as the seven candle sticks, the seven trumpets and the seven seals.
From another perspective this symbol appears as a three dimensional cube. Its energy moves up from two to three dimensions that can be seen and continues up through unseen dimensions all the way to the highest dimension – the dimension of the Higher-Self.
The 21 Day Clearing Process
I like to compare the initiation process in Reiki to a vortex of Universal Energy pouring into the crown chakra. At each level of attunement, the vibratory rate is heightened, and you are able to tap into a higher, wider channel of that Universal Energy.
Some may experience this shift immediately, expanded color consciousness, a buzzing or heightened sensitivity in the crown center, or a sense of floating or light headedness. (It is important to remember to remove all jewelry, watches, and barrettes prior to any attunement as metals may create discomfort in the chakra areas.)
In order for the vibratory rate to be raised with each attunement, there has to be a clearing of old patterns and thoughts that inhibit the growth of the consciousness. This clearing takes place in an orderly fashion, proceeding up the axis chakras one by one:
Week one consists of one day each for the chakra center of the root, spleen, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and then the crown.
Week two begins at the root chakra and proceeds day by day up to the crown center.
Week three is a repeat of the other two. (This is the same cycle and procedure for healing acute dis-ease in others. It is best if they are treated for twenty-one days straight to clear the chakras three times each in order to remove old patterns and pain.)
I like to compare this chakra healing (clearing) process to a check mark. When making a check mark, you have to go down before you can go up. This process may prove to be uncomfortable for many people. As the blocks that are preventing your progress are brought forward, they are released by your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.
The effects that you may experience are wide spread, and could range from irritability and crying to the inability to eat low vibration foods (like red meat). You may also be unable to tolerate negativity of any ki8nd.
Please keep in mind that this process is detoxifying your life. What you may feel as various degrees of discomfort during the 21 day “clearing” or “cleansing” cycle creates more space for transcendence. You experience a sort of Shaman’s Death, so to speak, to go far beyond the self.
Each attunement is life-altering. I ask that you embrace the 21 day clearing cycle as a glorious opportunity for soul growth. Honor the process and be kind to yourself.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
The Reiki Attunements
An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student by the Reiki Master during an attunement process. This process opens the crown, heart, and palm chakras and creates a special link between the student and the Reiki source.
Its use is not dependent on intellectual capacity or spiritual development and, therefore, is available to everyone. It has been successfully taught to thousands of people of all ages and backgrounds.
The process of attunement is what sets Reiki apart from every other form of laying on of hands or touch healing. It is the attunements themselves that are Reiki, and without this process – which must be passed directly from Teacher to student – the healing system is not Reiki but something else. The attunement is not a healing session, it creates the healer.
The attunement does not give the receiver any thing new; it opens and aligns what was already there. The process is much like plugging in a lamp in a house already wired for electricity. When the healer puts hands down with the intent to heal, the light is turned on.
The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are channeled into the student through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by the Rei or God-consciousness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each student.
The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process. Many report having mystical experiences involving personal messages, healings, visions, and past life experiences.
The attunement can also increase psychic sensitivity. After receiving a Reiki attunement, students often report experiences involving:
- Opening of the third eye
- Increased intuitive awareness
- Other psychic abilities
Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. While one attunement is all you need for each level to be attuned to that level, additional attunements bring benefits which include: refinement and increased strength of the Reiki energy one is channeling, healing of personal problems, clarity of mind, increased psychic sensitivity, and a raised level of consciousness.
The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful.
After the attunement, all that is necessary for the use of Reiki is to place hands on the person to be healed with the intention of healing. The Reiki energies will begin flowing automatically.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Cindy Plante: Gedoku-Ho
Gregory: Natural Power Spots
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies