The Seven Chakras

Chakras are energy centers, vortexes of spinning force existing in the etheric body and extending through the Astral and Mental bodies of all human beings. They correspond to different levels of consciousness and control the physical condition of the area of the body that they influence.

When the flow of energy becomes stagnant or blocked within these centers, an imbalance is created. This imbalance can manifest into physical, mental and/or spiritual dis-ease or illness.

In this post, we are focusing on the seven major Chakras (there are many more).

  • 1 ~ Root (Base)
  • 2 ~ Sacral (Spleen)
  • 3 ~ Solar Plexus (Pancreas or Power)
  • 4 ~ Heart (Thymus)
  • 5 ~ Throat (Thyroid)
  • 6 ~ Brow (Third Eye)
  • 7 ~ Crown (Pineal)

On the etheric level, each of the main Chakras corresponds to one of the Endocrine glands and major Nerve Plexus. The Chakras draw in the Universal Life Force Energy (which is all around us), breaks it down into its component parts and sends it along in streams called Nadis to the Nervous System, Endocrine Glands and finally to the bloodstream.

Reiki attunements align and fine tune the Chakras to receive the energy, much like we tune our radios and televisions to receive stations or channels. Each of the Chakras have a color that is related to them and these colors become significant when working with the Chakra system. These seven colors are the same colors, in the same order, as a rainbow. Each color has its own unique vibration.

Root Chakra:

Located at the base of the Spinal column. In the endocrine system it corresponds to the Adrenal Glands. Governs the Spinal columns and Kidneys. This is where Spirit enters the body. Deals with issues of Survival, Faith, Abundance, Trust. The color is red, the musical note is C.

Sacral Chakra:

Located at the root of the genitalia. In the endocrine system it corresponds to the gonads. Governs the reproductive system. Is the center which deals with Creativity, Sexuality, Sharing. Its area of consciousness is the Emotional body. The color is Orange and the musical note is D.

Solar Plexus Chakra:

Located below the Sternum. In the endocrine system it relates to the pancreas. Governs the liver, stomach, gall bladder, and nervous system. This Chakra reflects the power and control issues of your life. Through the healing of this center there often arises the need to leave behind experiences which limit or restrict movement in your life. There are issues that are holding you back from moving ahead with your life plan or contract. Its area of consciousness is the Mental body. The color is Yellow and the musical note is E.

Heart Chakra:

Located in the middle of your body across from your heart. In the endocrine system it relates to the Thymus. Governs the Heart, Blood, Vargus Nerve and the Circulatory System. Love is the energy which needs to be felt and communicated through this center. This Chakra is the bridge between the upper three and the lower three Chakras. It is within our heart that our sense of God-Source exists. Its area of consciousness is the Astral body. Its color is Green and the musical note is F.

Throat Chakra:

Located at the base of the throat. In the endocrine system it relates to the thyroid. It governs the Lungs, Bronchial and Vocal Chords. It is involved with the areas of communication, both sending and receiving. It is also communication from within the self. Its area of consciousness is the Etheric body. The color is Blue and the Musical note is G.

Brow Chakra:

Also known as the Third Eye, it is located in the space between the eyebrows. It is associated with the pineal gland that secretes the hormone melatonin, regulating sleep and awakening. This center relates to the access of intuition, and leads you to an inner knowledge that will guide you if you let it. Its area of consciousness is the Celestial body. The color is Indigo and the Musical note is A.

Crown Chakra

Located at the top of your head. In the endocrine system it relates to the Pituitary gland. This center governs the cerebral cortex. This is where transcending of the physical plane is possible and the point of conscious consciousness. This center has been described as the corridor through which the body moves beyond. It is the exit point for the Astral body as well as for the consciousness. This is where the energies of healing and inner guidance (Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, Etc) are drawn. Its area of consciousness is Spiritual. The color is Violet and/or White and the musical note is B.

You can find a lot more information on the Chakras at Chakra Central.

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