The Seven Subtle Bodies
A quantum is a precise amount of electromagnetic energy, and a quanta measures a burst of light and together they maintain the cosmos. Your inner universe is comprised of that same life force, and it’s put into motion through your thoughts, perceptions, and the consciousness by which you perceive yourself and the world around you.
This inner universe consists of seven subtle bodies that encompass your aura, which is merely an electromagnetic field that extends from your core to 4-5 feet into your perimeter.
What are the Seven Subtle Bodies, the Aura, and Chakras?
If you could see the invisible, you’d see the bio-photons that Fritz-Albert Popp proved the existence of the bio-photon back in the early 70’s. These photons are living particles of colored light (quanta) that the human body emits – this is your aura.
There are seven subtle layers, or bodies that comprise the auric system, and they exist very much like layers of an onion.
The seven subtle bodies hold various forms of information and correspond to the chakra system, which produces energies that create the aura. The seven subtle bodies work like the vehicles of your soul and are:
- The Etheric Body – First Layer
- The Emotional Body – Second Layer
- The Mental Body – Third Layer
- The Astral Level – Fourth Layer
- The Etheric Template Body – Fifth Layer
- The Celestial Body – Sixth Layer
- The Casual Body or Ketheric Template – Seventh Layer
The Seven Subtle Bodies – Peeling Back the Layers
We can quickly break down these seven subtle bodies as such: three physical plane lower bodies, three spiritual upper bodies, and the astral body that bridges the two; however, some practitioners place the astral body among the spiritual.
The energies must pass through the astral plane and heart chakra, e.g. ‘The Fire of the Heart’ to be fully useful and communicative with the lower bodies. Particularly during states of meditation, one has a stronger connection with the seven subtle bodies and the ability to foster healing and balancing of the chakras.
The Etheric Body:
Of the seven subtle bodies, the Etheric body energy is only one-quarter to two inches beyond your physical self and resonates at nearly 20 cycles per minute. Kirlian photography allows the entire body to be perceived in generally a bluish the aura. Because the etheric body vibrates with and holds information pertaining to one’s physical health, energies can duplicate in the body.
The Emotional Body:
Extending about 1-3 inches from the body, the Emotional layer is obviously where your feelings reside. Typically exhibited by a bright combination of rainbow hues, the field can appear muddled and dulled when negative emotions and feelings are present.
The Mental Body:
From 3-8 inches from the body exists the Mental, or third layer of the aura. Containing your ideas, mental processes, and thoughts, this layer is typically associated with hues of yellow light that radiates around the shoulders and head, slightly extending into lower regions of the body to communicate with other levels.
The Astral Level:
Spreading about a foot from the body, the astral body represents the bridge to the spiritual realm and is the doorway to the astral plane. As with the emotional body, this field produces a myriad of color; however, because it’s strongly correlated to the heart chakra, more hues of pink are present in a loving individual.
The Etheric Template Body:
A template that exists far before the physical body form, this is the template for what you know as the physical body and is thought to co-exist in a different dimension. Extending about a foot and a half from the body, the Etheric template is only visible to advanced healers and clairvoyants. The building block of healing the lower etheric body, this template boasts deep, blue hues possibly because it is a blueprint containing all the forms of the physical world, creating a negative space.
The Celestial Body:
Communication with the spiritual ream occurs here as do feelings of ecstasy and unconditional love. Often appearing as bright, shimmering opalescent colors, one becomes more aware of the Celestial body as they raise their vibrations, level of awareness, and consciousness. As you work from the heart chakra to the sixth level, feelings of divine love and a connection with our fellow man become reality.
The Causal Body/Etheric Template:
The seventh layer is the mental level of one’s spiritual plane and contains all the other bodies within it, extending three to five feet from the body. This field resembles and egg and it pulsates and vibrates at high speeds that are considered the Zero Point / God Energy. A reflection of everything your soul has undergone, this is the link to the Divine and accepting your oneness with the universe.
The Chakras:
Each auric level has it’s own 7 chakras nestled within other auric chakras with each layer extending outwards, vibrating at a higher rate as they expound. This means that the set of seven chakras within the etheric body will vibrate at lower frequency than those within the casual body.
This process is what allows one’s energies to transmutate between all bodies to all other chakras for harmonic balance and higher vibrations, particularly when they are cleared and opened.
Sources: Stephanie Lucas and QuantumStones
Using The Antahkarana Symbols
Since it is directed by the Higher Self, it always has a beneficial effect and can never be misused or used to cause harm. The symbols can be placed under a massage table, or under the bottom of a chair or you could sit on them. They can also be placed on the wall or they can be held against your body with the print facing the area that needs healing.
The Antahkarana is a special symbol that has its own consciousness. It does not need an attunement for it to work. It is the image of the printed symbol that creates the effect. It works directly with your aura and chakras and varies its healing effect depending on what you need at the time of use.
Use in Reiki Treatments:
Symbols printed on cloth work best for use when giving Reiki treatments as they allow you to place them on the clients body over the areas needing healing. When used in this way, you can then place your hands on top of the symbol and do Reiki through the symbol into the client. This will make your treatments more effective and the person will heal faster.
The multiple symbol is great for releasing blocked energy. If you sense a block, place the multiple symbol over the are with the image facing down and place your hands on top of the symbol. You’ll find that the block breaks up and is release much more quickly. The male, female and cosmic cross symbols each have their own vibration and will add that particular type of benefit to the treatment. Just use your intuition to determine which symbol to use.
The Antahkarana symbols can also be placed on the floor under the Reiki table or even tacked to the bottom of the table with the image facing up. Remember, just having the in your presence will have a beneficial effect.
Use in Meditation:
You can meditate directly on the Antahkarana by gazing steadily at it with your eyes relaxed, gently brushing away any thoughts that may come up.
With continued practice the image may begin to shift and change or to fade in and out, or it may disappear completely. This is good because it indicates you have entered a deeper level of meditation and are receiving greater benefit. Do not allow this to disturb you. Continue your steady relaxed gaze. You may even begin to see pictures in front of the image that are very pleasant and relaxing.
A single meditation with the symbol will be beneficial during times of stress. However regular use is best, setting aside 10 to 30 minutes each day for meditation on the Antahkarana. The value you receive will develop along with your mental clarity and a sense of peace and security will stay with you throughout the day.
The Antahkarana symbols lend themselves easily to experimentation so allow yourself to be guided to new uses. Some people have silk screened them onto t-shirts, others have placed the small wallet size in their shoes (to help them run faster and jump higher). You can also tape the wallet size – using surgical tape over a chakra or over an area that is weak or in need of healing and it will immediately strengthen the area.
The universe is filled with wonder and mystery and as we trust only in the light and boldly explore our true nature, untold value will be revealed to us. The Antahkarana is a symbol that gives freely to all. May you benefit greatly as you explore its use in your journey back to Light.
Antahkarana – Ancient Symbol of Healing
Alice Bailey and several other authors of Tibetan philosophy have some knowledge of the Antahkarana which you can find in a number of books. They describe the Antahkarana as a part of spiritual anatomy. It is the connection between the physical brain and the Higher Self. It is this connection that must heal and develop if we are to grow spiritually. The Antahkarana symbol depicted and described here represents this connection and activates it whenever you are in its presence.
The science of Radionics indicates that lines drawn on paper create a psychic effect on the space surrounding the drawing and will influence the human aura and chakras in various ways depending on the pattern created. This validates the age-old practice of yantra meditation which makes use of visual images to purify and evolve the consciousness.
The Antahkarana is an ancient healing and meditation symbol that has been used in Tibet and China for thousands of years. It is a powerful symbol and simply by having it in your presence, it will create a positive affect on the chakras and aura.
When doing healing work, it focuses and deepens the actions of the healing energies involved. When meditating with the symbol on your person or close by, it automatically creates what the Taoists call the great microcosmic orbit wherein spiritual energies travel up the spine, over the crown chakra, then down through the front of the body to the root chakra and back up again continuously moving around and around. This action balances the chakras and prevents too much energy building up in one or more chakras.
The Anthakarana symbol will also neutralize negative energy that has collected in objects such as jewelry or crystals simply by placing the object between two symbols. In addition, it will enhance all healing work including Reiki, Mahikari, Jin Shin, Polarity Therapy, Chiropractic, Hypnotherapy, and Past Life Regression. These positive effects have been confirmed over and over by the improved results noted by those using the symbol and by clairvoyent observation by those trained in sensing changes in the aura and chakras.
This symbol is multi-dimensional. From one perspective it appears to be two dimensional, being made-up of three sevens on a flat surface. The three sevens represent the seven chakras, the seven colors and the seven tones of the musical scale. These three sevens are mentioned in the book of Revelations as the seven candle sticks, the seven trumpets and the seven seals.
From another perspective this symbol appears as a three dimensional cube. Its energy moves up from two to three dimensions that can be seen and continues up through unseen dimensions all the way to the highest dimension – the dimension of the Higher-Self.
The Human Energy Field
Although each of the techniques I have studied has a slightly different perspective on the human energy field and the mechanics of how it functions and how it interacts with our physical and emotional well-being, there are some areas of general agreement.
The following is my summary of the underlying assumptions of energy work, as described in various healing manuals. Not all of the authors I have studied would agree with all of the points below, but these points do seem to represent a common denominator amongst the systems.
The Auric Field
- A dynamic, vibrating energy field is present within our physical bodies, and surrounds our bodies as an aura of energy. The invisible field extends at least a few inches above the surface of the skin.
- Some of the authors describe several layers to the auric field, extending as much as three to four feet out from the physical body.
Direct Experience
The energy field can be experienced through physical senses, especially touch and sight.
- “Seeing” energy.
Several healers report an ability to see energy. Some see a shimmering haze around the body (the aura). Others can see colors which indicate illness or disease. Some use high sense perception to see the structures of chakras, the health of the organs, the flow of blood through the body, etc.
- “Feeling” energy.
When someone tunes in to his own energy or when he scans another person’s energy field, he can feel physical sensations such as tingling, heat, “magnetic” force, vibration, or currents. These are usually felt most strongly in the hands. When a healer focuses intention on sending healing energy, the client may feel similar sensations.
These sensations can be further amplified through specialized breathing techniques and exercises. This indicates that we can consciously influence our energy field and other people’s energy fields with our attention, thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Scientific instruments are able to measure some aspects of the energy field, and some effects of the energy field on other systems; however, some aspects elude measurement with current technology. The field shares many common aspects with electricity and magnetism (see Oschman for discussion) but it is not yet clear whether biomagnetism is exactly the same force as the human biofield, or just a closely related phenomenon.
Energy movement:
- Energy appears to flow through the body in predictable patterns, similar to river currents or magnetic polarities (though various techniques are not necessarily in complete agreement about the direction of these flows.)
This energy is carried through our bodies along definable pathways (aka meridians, nadis) that can be most easily contacted at certain identifiable points along the body (aka acupuncture points). There are certain centers on our body which appear to act as gateways for the interaction between our energy and environmental influences (aka chakras, emotion centers, dan tien).
- The energy field is connected with the breath.
Energy can be increased by consciously controlled breathing. Breathing moves energy through the body.
Sources of energy:
The general belief is that there is an unlimited supply of universal energy that all humans have access to, as long as our energy pathways are clear and balanced. Some theoreticians view this in scientific terms, others in spiritual terms.
- This source may be referred to as God, or Cosmic Energy, or Divine Source.
- Our energy field can be equated with the “spark of life.” It is the animating force that gives and sustains life.
Some ways we access energy:
- Breath.
- Food and other environmental influences.
- Inherited karma.
- Meditation and other conscious connection to the energy.
Types of energy:
Some systems differentiate between heavy and light energy or between yin and yang energy. Neither energy is harmful or bad, but it is important to keep the energies balanced.
Human beings are open energy systems. We are continuously exchanging energy with other people, animals, and the environment. Our fields are in constant flux and change. A normal healthy body has a continuous flow of balanced energy.
Blockages and Imbalances:
We are constantly exposed to energy from our environment and our experiences which is incompatible with our energy, and which could throw our field out of balance. In a normal, healthy energy system, we are able to release these incompatible energies immediately. However, if we are already unbalanced, our energy systems may absorb them.
- Blockages and imbalances in the energy field can manifest as mental, physical, emotional, and/or spiritual disease.
- Physical injuries can cause damage to the energy field that may remain even after the physical injury has healed.
This may account for some cases of chronic pain. Energy medicine can effect significant results with releasing the long-term energy blockages caused by the physical injury.
- Emotional traumas can also have long-term impact.
If we continue to hold the emotional trauma in our energy field, the blockage may eventually manifest as physical illness. This is why energy work on physical dis-ease often leads to release of long-held emotional issues.
Emotions and Consciousness:
The energy is associated with emotions and consciousness. It is involved in the creation and experience of emotions and spiritual experiences.
Some argue that the field is the connection between our bodies and our consciousness, some define the field as the same as consciousness, some believe the flow of energy can be equated to the flow of emotions through our bodies.
Gerber has a complex taxonomy for energy, including metabolic energy, bioelectrical energy, biophotonic energy, and subtle bioenergies (divided up into ch’i, prana, etheric energy, astral energy, mental energy, and higher spiritual energies.)
Other terms for Energy:
There are several names for this field. In traditional cultures, it is called by names like Mana in Polynesia, Prana in India, Qi in China, Ki in Japan, and Hucha and Sami in Peru. Modern healing techniques refer to it as the Biofield, Life-force energy, Physioemotional Field, Body Energy Field, Vital energies, and Subtle Energies.
Source: Transition To Parenthood
Kirlian Photography and Reiki
Before Reiki
After Reiki
Kirlian photography is a technique of photographing the etheric energy patterns around living things. Pioneered by Semyon Kirlian, a Russian researcher in the 1940’s, it is based on a phenomenon known as corona discharge. This discharge pattern seems to follow the pattern of the etheric aura. As you can see from the images above, the energy after Reiki is stronger, more organized, and more balanced.
Power Points On The Body
Scattered over the surface of an individual’s aura are various power points. These points are areas where a person’s energy varies in density or form, appearing either thicker or thinner than the rest of his or her energy field. Energy can be channeled into these points so the person can experience healing or have his/her consciousness pushed into another reality.
The human aura is actually a complex web of energy fibers. Power points are areas where these fibers intersect or join. By manipulating these points you can rearrange the fibers to adjust the person’s energy field. Moving these fibers can change the person on an emotional, spiritual, or physical level. This in turn can heal a person of physical diseases or emotional turmoil. It can also bring him/her closer to the sacred self.
As with any technique, learning how to sense power spots will take patience and diligence. It is something we learn to do intuitively, not intellectually. You will have to work with a partner.
One person should sit comfortably in a chair while the other person practices locating that person’s power points. To locate your partner’s power points, stand behind the person and relax. Allow yourself to go into a light meditative state. As much as possible release your mind. In order to feel another person’s power points, you must see with your spiritual eyes, you don’t see as much as feel; you sense at a deep level of you being.
After you are relaxed, slowly begin to move your hands over the other person’s body, being sure not to touch the body. Place your hands about six inches from the body and notice how it feels. Place all you attention to the area between your hands and the person’s body. Close your eyes and breathe deeply; let your mind relax.
- What do you see?
- What can you sense?
- Allow your hands to become sensitive to the temperature and texture of the person’s body.
- Move your hands in and out as well as over the surface of the body’s energy field.
- Stay relaxed and breathe deeply.
- Don’t try too hard.
- Simply allow yourself to really feel from deep within your being.
- Instead of thinking with your head, feel with your heart.
- Ask the universe for help in sensing this person’s power points, and let your sacred self guide you.
At first, as you move your hands over a certain spot you may feel a strange pulling or tugging at your hands. This is a power point. It may feel like a slight shift in temperature. A particular spot may feel warmer or cooler. Certain areas may feel sluggish or sticky or you may feel static electricity. Allow yourself to be sensitive to any change in sensations. Trust your inner knowing. Don’t debate it with your mind. If you think it is a power point, it is a power point.
Once you find a power point, ask the person how it feels as you move your hand over it. Without touching the individual, ask him/her where you are working. Both of you then can build the sensitivity. Take turns practicing until you can easily locate at least several points on each other.
The locations of the power points varies from person to person, and from one day to another. Be patient with yourself. Learning how to feel and sense on these levels is a new experience for your mind. You have been trained most of your life to filter out any information you receive from these levels. When you learned to walk as a child, you fell down often. If you had given up, you would still be in your crib or crawling around on your hands and knees. Be patient with yourself. Let yourself learn how to walk through these new levels. Have fun and enjoy the process.
~source unknown
Energy Exercise #3
In this exercise, we are going to practice feeling the aura of another person, so you will need a partner to practice with. Here’s how it works:
1) As in Energy Exercise #2 sensitize your hands by rubbing them together, but instead of placing the palms facing together, put your arms out with palms facing out, as if you were gesturing to stop.
2) Stand at one end of the room while your partner is at the other. Close your eyes and slowly walk toward your partner, having your partner guide you if you get off course. As you could feel the energy between your palms, you are looking for a similar feeling when you reach the edge of your partner’s energy field.
3) Keep your eyes closed, but take note of the various levels of energy you feel. Move back and forth to explore the sensations.
4) Repeat the exercise, this time with your eyes open. Stop where you feel the first layer of resistance. Have your partner raise his or her arms straight out in front. Usually the perimeter of the aura is a hand’s length beyond the reach of a person’s arms. I have found that depending on an individual’s boundaries and current emotions, it can be larger or smaller, but in general, it is around an arm’s length. Where did you feel it? Most feel it near this perimeter, though you can also feel other “layers” closer to the body. Reverse roles and try the experiment again.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
- Cindy Plante: Gedoku-Ho
- Gregory: Natural Power Spots
- Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
- Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
- Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies