Jyoshin Koki-ho

Jyoshin Koki-ho (Joshin Kokyo-ho) is a breathing technique. You breathe Reiki in through the nose through the crown and into the hara on the in breath. You breathe the out breath from the hara.

Jyoshin Kokiho is done to cleanse the spirit, heart and mind. It is a focus meditative breathing technique.

To do Jyoshin:

  • Start by placing the hands in Gassho and your eyes closed.
  • Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.

On the in breath, breathe in the light of Reiki through the crown and into the hara. Let the light fill your body completely transmuting all that is negative and stuck into light. On the out breath, breathe out that light and radiate it from you to all the universe.

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