Preparation For A Reiki Treatment

Before giving an intensive, or full body, Reiki treatment, it is important to prepare yourself.
Make sure the treatment area is as clean and as clutter free as possible. Even if all you do is clear off the sofa, this small step will help clear the energy around you and around the person you are working with.
Wash your hands, and rinse out your mouth with cold water. It is always important to do this before any full body Reiki treatment.
Close your eyes and focus on your physical body. Take three deep breaths and focus yourself on the work ahead, then say a silent prayer to ensure the best Reiki treatment available to them (or you).
You might also want to do Gassho, Reiji-Ho, Joshin Kokyuu-Ho, Kenyoku, or other forms of centering and meditation.
After accomplishing this, it is very important that you ground yourself. This keeps you present here on the physical plane. And if you are working on a client it helps you to keep them here. Without the grounding some people have a tendency to “travel out.” While this is not bad, it certainly can be difficult to “come back.”
When you are channeling energy, it is important to ground:
- Make a connection to Mother Earth.
- Stand with your feet flat on the floor, knees slightly bent.
- Visualize a cord extending from your Root Chakra going deep into the Earth.
- Down to the center of the Earth…
- Hooking or attaching itself to the Earth.
- Feel it.
Once you have made your connection you can then travel back up to your physical body and begin the treatment.
If, after a treatment, you or the client feel light headed and can’t seem to be present, here are a few suggestions:
- Eat a meal, but stay away from sugar as this tends to be in direct opposition to what you wish to accomplish.
- Take a walk indoors and become aware of the plant kingdom.
- Hug a tree.
- Take a shower.
- Soak for at least 20 minutes in a warm bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salts. This also helps to discharge toxins and negative energy.
For my sources see: Recommended Reading
Cindy Plante: Gedoku-Ho
Gregory: Natural Power Spots
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
Alexander Boyd: The Seven Subtle Bodies
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