Shaking Things Up


Hi guys.

It seems to me that we are slowly losing our enthusiasm for the project. And I was thinking that maybe 30 days of doing the same thing every single day is really too many days of the same old same old. So I am suggesting that we shake things up a bit.

It occurred to me that it might be good to explore other avenues of prayer. Become adventurers in the prayers for prosperity.. brave souls venturing out into new territories.. ferreting out new places and people to pray with.

And so, it is with this in mind, that I have come up with the idea of providing tasks and ideas for us to all try, and then report on. New and different things to do to further our prosperity through prayer.

I thought it might be a good idea to start out with something relatively easy and not too scary.. so.. here it is. Why don’t we all trot on down to and post a prayer request of our own, and then scroll through the prayer requests and pray for whomever we feel guided to pray for. I think this might be interesting and worthwhile.

If you have any other suggestions or ideas – post them and we’ll try them out.

5 Responses to Shaking Things Up

    I’m on board for the new idea. I just went and posted at the site you gave us and also chose some requests to pray for. I have issues sometimes with people blaming things on “Satan”, but I try to respect others’ beliefs anyway.

    Shirley, remember when we had the prosperity group that met once a month? (Or once a week, I don’t remember). Anyway, I don’t remember exactly WHAT we did but it was very inspiring and prospering. Were we doing something like this where we tried a different tactic each time? I honestly don’t remember any details, just that it was fun and seemed to work. If we can incorporate some of the things we did then into this project, I think that would be great. (In the hopes that you and/or Melissa remember details!)

    It would be fun to get together in person like before, but I know with everybody’s crazy schedules, this whole blog idea is a great one!

    I envision all of us in this group to be surrounded with prospering, guiding light!

  • Well I went there and put in my prayer request. I really like this idea. I would be on board for meeting once a month. Maybe in the middle of the month. And if any of you are feeling discourged just think in about 2 weeks we will be doing something new. So everybody hang in there.

  • Well today I did three things: 1) I called Silent Unity but instead of asking for them to pray for prosperity I asked for my mind to be open to God’s direction and divine order. Which went better than the prayers for prosperity. The lady who prayed with me sounded very sincere, she also spent more time with me than any other person who has prayed with me, probably close to double the usual amout of time. I felt that some one had really prayed for me. 2) But before that I took Shirley’s advice and called science and mind for prayer. And even though I had a bad connection and my prayer person had an accent that sometimes made it difficult to understand her words it was so much more powerful for me than Unty’s prayers. Again I did not exactly ask for prosperity, it was more personal but I did feel connected and I had a sense of peace afterwards. Some of the format of how the call went reminded me of silent unity but most of what she said seemed to come more from her than sounding like it was being read. 3) I went to that website to post a prayer. I felt quite offended by what they felt made a prayer more effective and I also don’t like the “Satan” thing, but then I don’t believe in Satan. But I posted and since I did this morning and now I have had 5 people pray for me.
    I can not report any prosperity. Except I did find out I have eight paid days off that I can take at work that I did not know about so in a way that is prosperity. Money without having to work seems good to me. I am still very hopeful though that all of us are going to experience things that are going to give us that sense of prosperity we are looking for.
    Shirley and I also discussed earlier this spring the idea of a group of people getting together. Unfortunately we discussed this group getting together at my house, which is still un-inhabitable. I am still very open to this idea and would still be more than happy to be a host as soon as the ‘money pit’ is livable.

  • I enjoyed posting for prayer. I got 5 emails saying someone had prayed for me. And they were just short little notes which was nice. I was fully expecting an inbox full of spam and some wierd fundamentalist christian email.. but it was actually nice. And I enjoyed praying for some of the other people. The satan thing doesn’t bother me because I grew up with it.. and I think it would be really comforting to just blame all my problems on “the enemy”.. instead of the real culprit .. “me”..

    As for our prosperity group. We did do something different each time, and our biggest problem was that we didn’t have a consistent place to meet. If we can take care of that problem, I am for sure up for doing that again. I have all the paperwork, handouts, and stuff that we did in a folder.. so we have quite a few things already pretty much thought out. So let me know any ideas about the “where” and I will be happy to organize the “what”, and I think Michelle should figure out the “when” because for her, a few hours out, is the hardest to organize.

    In terms of THE PROSPERITY PROJECT, I think that the idea of doing the same thing for 30 days is a good one, because that gives plenty of time to measure results.. but I do think we need variety within that 30 days. So I was thinking that when we set up our next experiment, that each week we will have a new thing to try.

    I haven’t talked to everyone, so Cindy and Melissa.. what do you think about Gypsy Magic? Daniel, Saskia, and Michelle are up for that as it is so totally different from what we are doing right now.

    The criteria would be that it has to be easy to do (as in not complicated), pretty much free, and not require very much in terms of time. Also I think it needs to be interesting.

    As for incorporating some of the prosperity group stuff into this project.. I will go back through it and see what might work. A lot of what we did was creative and really fun to do as a group. We also did a mastermind each time and I personally think that masterminding is much more powerful in a group than in the individual setting of reading a post and then commenting. Anyway, I will let you guys know what I come up with.

    As for results, I am feeling very encouraged. I have a dog training class lined up for next week, and another one looming on the horizon. I have an idea for selling my way cool art cards as soon as I get a new printer to print them on. I have have some views of my art on ebay which is really nice – as I was prepared for NO ONE to go look at my art. And lots of people at etsy have looked at my mandalas. I have some great ideas on how to promote Mandala Madness.. and I also surprised myself and told my supervisor to put me on the “call list” in case they need extra people on Wednesday nights.

    And I have blabbered on and on long enough..

  • Well! I went to the prayer site that Shirley suggested. I read through some of the prayer requests, and prayed for the woman whose husband writes things on sticky notes and believes she has a matriarchal demon spirit that needs to be excorsised. I can’t find this site any more helpful than Silent Unity. Here’s the thing….I have a very daily prayer ritual that I go about. I guess you couldn’t call it a ritual, but I do it all the time…so maybe a habit? An obsession? I’m sure there are either voices in my head or I am talking to God most of the time. Either could be true. Of course, I try not to listen to the voices that say what I don’t want to hear. But when one pipes up with something I like, I’m pretty sure it could be God. I know that I do a lot of thanking God. But, I also swear a lot, and that could be bad if God is listening too closely.
    I really don’t believe God is a person at all. I think that putting an idea with a little action behind it into the energy of the universe around you is the thing to concentrate on. So, I asked for prosperity for us all. I asked for prosperity for the woman with the needy mean sticky note husband.
    Interestingly enough, my boyfriend gave me the money to tag and insure my van without even knowing it. I asked for money to make the kids’ halloween costumes and he gave me way too much, so that is what is hopefully getting done with the overage. So, since he did that, my prosperity prayer requests are going to center around our finding a house. Like with real walls. And less spiders.
    I remembered sitting on the dock at Lake Jacomo with a dear friend of mine dangling our toes in the water. Every time we moved just a little, ripples would go everywhere. Sometimes, big bubbles and ripples would emerge from the sunny green water without warning and we would look at each other and wonder what was down there. Probably something that would eat our toes off, I remember my friend saying. But who knows? Maybe God is like that water. We can’t see him, but the ripples and bubbles are there in the universe all around us. Float a little money our way, God. And don’t bite our toes off, k?

    and by the way…any monday or tuesday night (with the exception of the first tuesday of every month)would be okay for me to plan a get together. i haven’t gotten into where we should go yet, but of course my arty side likes to think of some dark, artsy coffee shop with big comfy couches and really good coffee. And maybe liquor. And possibly food. However, since i haven’t left my house in practically five years i have no idea if such a place even exists. any suggestions?

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