Our Goal!

Well, here it is, this is what we are all affirming.
Wouldn’t it be cool to get it in one lump sum?

One Response to Our Goal!

    shirley said…
    Well, I am having a lot of trouble wrapping my mind around a million dollars, and I think that on some core level, I don’t even believe it’s possible.

    Any ideas on how I can turn my core beliefs around to include the possibility and the potentiality that a million dollars isn’t just a nice fantasy?

    I don’t have any problems with “I get money in the mail all the time” or “I have money when I need it”. And I think this is partly because I actually do have those experiences from time to time.

    I have never experienced a million dollars.. and can’t imagine how it could happen.. and even though we are not supposed to worry about the how or the when, the fact that I can’t “see” a how or a when makes it seem like a fantasy to me.

    So, that’s where I’m at today.

    9:46 AM
    Melissa J. said…
    I have trouble with envisioning a whole million dollars too. I have been breaking it down into smaller sums, like $1,000, $10,000, and $50,000. Those are $$ amounts that are being given away as grand prizes in the sweepstakes drawings I enter, and I personally know people who have won up to $50,000 from a random drawing, so I know it can be done by people just like me and you. I am picturing smaller amounts of money coming to me, that in the end will total more than a million dollars. I am picturing the postal lady having me sign for a certified letter which turns out to be an affidavit I have to go get notarized and mail back in, and then in a few weeks a huge check magically makes its way into my mailbox. 🙂
    And I am picturing paying off my credit cards and having enough money in savings to pursue my goals.

    10:53 AM
    Cindy H said…
    I don’t have as much trouble picturing the million coming or me receiving it, I have trouble feeling the panic that comes AFTER I get it – now what do I do? Seeing the picture you posted was interesting – it doesn’t really LOOK like a million dollars, does it? I suppose it probably is, it’s hard to know what denomination the bills are, but that pile of bills would look really nice piled on my kitchen table! I think I can picture that!

    12:22 PM

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