If Only!

I saw an ad for a game on Facebook and my first thought was…”if only it was this easy to take care of ourselves!”

Which brings me to what I want to explore today:

  • Why isn’t it easy?
  • What is the hardest part of self care?
  • Is there something really simple that would make it easier?
  • What if self care ACTUALLY IS easy, and we just THINK it’s hard?
  • Do I overthink it?
  • Maybe if instead of thinking about being considerate of me, I just did it?

I realize that it’s just a video game, but if I had a dollar for every time I wished I could just…  OH WAIT! I just watched it to the end… it’s all about choices, isn’t it?


Here it is in action. I really really wish it was this easy in real life!!

Note: If you saw this before, you’ll notice that I had to move the video because it covered up part of the text when I looked at it on my phone.

So now, I’m wondering…

  • How many times did I choose dynamite instead of matches when it came to making decisions for myself?
  • What about you? In your personal life do you choose the “cozy rocker” or the hard wooden chair?

And isn’t this what life is all about really? Making choices and then dealing with the consequences?

6 Responses to If Only!

  • I think if I believed that I deserved it it would be easier.

  • Shoot this isn’t showing up right on my phone!!

  • I know You really deserve it also 💜 I am not sure I use dynamite but I do feel like I make poor decisions when it comes to how I “spend” my time. I also think our finances contribute to the decisions we make. Ex we go to jobs we don’t like for a paycheck. We do household or automotive ourselves, even if we don’t like doing them, because we can’t afford to pay some one else to do them. We put off or just don’t go to the Dr or a gym or a class because we can’t afford to. Or we “think” we can’t afford to do those things. Or things like I can’t pay for a trip to X but I can afford this book/Goodwill purchase right now and get some instant gratification

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