Overcoming Obstacles

Failed Perfection

“Ever tried. Ever failed.
No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” 

What can we learn from failure? A great deal. The objects in this section (of the Less Than Perfect Exhibition) are, mainly, failures. Most failed at the time of production. They were victims of inadequate preparation, random gusts of wind, or a careless slip of the hand.

For many, production flaws rendered them unusable and they were discarded. For others, the flaws mattered far less. Coins could still be exchanged even if their main image was off center. Warped ushabti figures could still accompany the dead.

  • Did ancient artisans see beauty in failure?
  • Or—more likely—did they grumble when they realized their hard work had not yielded its desired results?

Whichever the case, failures led artists and craftspeople to make new discoveries, improve production techniques, and gain better control over raw materials, tools, and facilities.

Archaeologists also learn from studying imperfect objects. Failed objects capture a moment when things did not go as planned. They allow us to witness ancient experiments, track technological innovations, and understand acceptable loss in early mass production. They let us see the products of learners and skilled and less skilled laborers. And, sometimes, their failed perfection yields charm, humor, and great beauty.

From: Less Than Perfect – Failed Perfection

Ideas To Lighten The Mood

When we explored Altschmerz, it occurred to me that I might really benefit from a specific time limit, or regularly scheduled space in my daily routine for either dealing with, or reliving the thoughts and feelings that put me in a funk, or ruin what might possibly have been a really nice day.

What I came up with is a number of fun little arts and crafts ideas that can be as basic and simple or as elaborate and complicated as you’d like them to be. It seems smart to start with simple and then embellish as time goes by, but I know myself pretty well, and I fully expect I’ll go full out elaborately complicated.

  • Happy Memories

Ok, so here’s what I was thinking. Instead of torturing myself with the sad, bad, or otherwise unhappy moments in the past, I thought it might be fun and useful to spend a few minutes each day thinking about the best days, fun times, happy memories or experiences. And then, taking it one step further and writing it down.

Sylvia Hartman suggests a Star Memories journal, where you have a simple journal, and then just jot down your best memories, the date, your age, and anything else about that experience that you’d want to share. I like this idea.

It might also be fun to have a box. It doesn’t have to be an awesome and amazing box. Something as simple as a shoe box would work just fine. And then just jot down memories that cheer you up or make you smile and toss them in. Maybe pictures, mementos, little stuff could also go in. If you are cleaning house, or decluttering your car, and find a little something that makes you smile, it could go in the box too.

On the days when nothing is happy or fun, you could open the box and spend a little time reliving those little moments. And, on days when you feel up to it, you could spend some time adding to your memory box.. or decorating it.

What I really like about this idea is that at some point, when your time is up, and you have left this life – there will be a box of happy memories that your family and friends might find comfort in.

  • Write About It

Some days, I need (or want) to just wallow in my “stuff.” And I am pretty sure that those are the days that the “Happy Memories” box will stay on the shelf, unopened.

For those days, I thought it might be helpful to simply acknowledge whatever it is that I’m in a funk about. I thought it might look like this:

I am ______ (pinpoint the feeling)
And I must really like feeling this way
Because if I didn’t, I would __________ (write the first thing that comes to mind)
And/or _________ (write the next thing that comes to mind)
So, it must be useful to me in some way
And I might as well spend the next ______ minutes enjoying it.

For me, today, it went like this:

I am feeling really tired and overwhelmed. I must really like feeling this way because if I didn’t, I would do something about it, and maybe get more sleep, go outside and get some fresh air, or even begin to implement a plan to cope with it. So, it must be useful to me in some way and I might as well spend the next 10 minutes enjoying it.

And I did spend about 10 minutes wallowing in the feeling, and then I actually got up and went outside and got some fresh air. Amazingly, it felt really good and helped a lot.

I didn’t want to forget this little exercise, and I thought it might be helpful if I had some little booklets all made up in advance. This video shows how to make little emoji booklets out of one sheet of paper with no glue… I’m going to make several when I finish with this post.

You will end up with 8 little pages. Some of the pages are doubled or even tripled, which bothered me a little bit, and I solved it by cutting the bottom edges of the bulkiest ones and then using scotch tape to bind up the middle parts where the booklet kind of separated.

My method gave me enough pages to do it like this:

  1. I am feeling:
  2. (leave blank to write on)
  3. I must really like
  4. Feeling like this
  5. Because
  6. If I didn’t
  7. I would:
  8. (leave blank to write on)
  9. and/or:
  10. (leave blank to write on)
  11. So it must be useful to me
  12. And I might as well
  13. Spend ______ minutes
  14. Enjoying it.

If you love your little booklets and want them to be really cute, you could use washi tape to secure the middles and around the sides. The double sided ones could even be left open at the top or on the side to give you a little pocket for… I dunno what… but something fun?

This has the added bonus of being wonderfully distracting! I love arts and crafts solutions to emotional issues. Plus you can take one or two of them with you in case you need to use it at work… when waiting for an appointment… or while visiting relatives.

  • Blow It Off

Here’s another fun idea. It looks really really easy, and doesn’t require a lot of materials. Plus you have the added bonus of simply using a regular box of tissues and decorating it (if you want to). My vision for this is to pull out a tissue and blow your angst, anxiety, issues… whatever it is that’s bothering you… into it. Really get it all blown out of your head and into the tissue.

And then flush the tissue with a wave good-by and a squirt of room sanitizer, a spritzer of aromatherapy fragrance… whatever you have that you think will clear the room. Some days it might take several tissues to get it all out. Other days, you might not even need it.

There are a lot of tutorials online about how to make these. You can also buy them ready made on Etsy. Or you can keep it simple and just decorate a box of tissues.

If you want to make one out of a jar, it’s pretty easy:

Start with a mason jar, take the lid off and decorate the jar with paint, fabric, or whatever you like. The round middle part of the lid can be replaced with either felt or cardboard. Or even the top of the tissue box if the opening is small enough. Simply use the middle lid to cut  the right size circle from the felt or cardboard. Make an opening to pull the tissues through. Decorate the top of the lid however you want, and voila!

Most of the tutorials call for a mason jar because the lid is easy to alter. You can use any wide mouth jar, even a plastic peanut butter jar, the only draw back is that the plastic lid will have to be cut for the tissues to pull through.

  • Put It On A Stick

This is a cute and fun little all purpose idea that requires either popsicle sticks or strips of colored cardstock. When I was a kid, my parents had a little set of bible verses on strips of cardstock that they kept in a container on the dining room table. Every morning we would pick one and read it aloud, and that would be our spiritual theme for the day.

This idea is similar. What you would do is spend some time making the different bits for it. It can be approached as a work in progress. When you find yourself spiraling down the rabbit hole, you could pull this out and add to it. If you’re already too far gone, you can pull something out of your jar and maybe it will help.

This would also make for a great group project. Get everyone in the family involved on a lazy Sunday afternoon, or get together with friends and help each other think of stuff to write down.

I find that the simple process of making something like this acts as a huge mood booster. It’s wonderfully distracting, feels productive and useful, and if you give it something cute to live in, you can keep it out and have it ready for those times when you really might need it.

  • Count Your Blessings

This can take any form. You can think about and list your good qualities and loveable attributes. You can list all the things that you have that make your life easier and more comfortable. You can use it as a gratitude journal, box, jar…

Alternatively, if this sort of thing works for you, you can fill your container or your book with affirmations, uplifting thoughts, and positive images.

I like the idea of using a bottle or a box over a journal simply because I have so many unfinished journals. However, I have been exploring Junk Journal making. It’s a really ambitious and complicated idea, but maybe i will make more than one. If I do, it might be fun to create a blessing / gratitude / positive thoughts journal. I’m really intrigued with the idea of a tiny one. Here’s a link to one of the tutorials that got me inspired.

Exploring Altschmerz

Today I thought we could explore Altschmerz. Altschmerz is a compound noun made from the words alt (old) and Schmerz (pain). It therefore translates to ‘old pain’.  What does it mean?

Weariness with the same old issues that you’ve always had—the same boring flaws and anxieties you’ve been gnawing on for years, which leaves them soggy and tasteless and inert, with nothing interesting left to think about, nothing left to do but spit them out and wander off to the backyard, ready to dig up some fresher pain you might have buried long ago.

We’ve all done this. Some of us more than others. I am an expert in Altschmerz. What about you? How familiar are you with old pain? I’m sure we all experience this differently, for me, it generally takes the form of regret and self-recrimination. What about you?

We already know that What You Focus On Grows, so this can’t be a good place to spend our precious time.

Is there a solution?

If you search Google, you’ll find a plethora of “just do this, this, and this” articles mostly rehashing the same stuff over and over. Here are some of the better ones. Some of them focus on rumination, which is obsessive worrying and overthinking, which I think it fits in fairly well with Altschmerz.

  • Establish a time limit! 

If you find yourself in a funk, or in an obsessive worry, regret, or negativity loop, set a timer. Give yourself a set amount of time and really go for the gold. When the timer goes off. Get up. Wash your face. Get dressed. And do something completely different, change your environment, change the channel, change something.

I love this idea. I think I’m going to schedule some worry, guilt, anxiety, regret and general angst time. Make it a part of my daily routine. It will need to be sandwiched in between activities that require me to be functional and present, and/or my favorite fun distractions so that I can easily pull myself out if I get in too deep.

  • Use it to make your life better.

Let’s imagine you received a considerable electricity bill a week ago. You paid the bill, but you suddenly start thinking about it, and you feel more and more upset and stressed. The first step to turn this into something meaningful is to notice what you’re doing. This can be as simple as, “I’ve just started having anxiety about the huge electricity bill.”

Identify the reasons why you’re worrying. For example, “I’m worrying over the electricity bill because I’m on a tight budget, I’m frustrated I have to spend so much money at once, and I’m disappointed because I should have been more careful about using electricity.”

Choose some meaningful changes you could make in your life. You might decide to take shorter showers and wear extra layers of clothing, rather than always turning on the heater. You might open the blinds earlier to make the most of the natural light, rather than turning artificial lights on. All of these changes can help reduce your electricity bill next time.

Take action. Once you have some action steps, do your best to follow through. Write down helpful reminders, set timers, find an accountability buddy — anything that will help you implement the meaningful changes you chose in the previous step.

By identifying helpful changes and implementing them into your life, you’ll train yourself to learn from past mistakes, rather than just “beating yourself up” about them.

  • Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment with an attitude of open-mindedness and curiosity.

For example, you might take a shower, and rather than thinking about the mistakes you’ve made over the last weeks, months, and years, you could practice mindfulness. You might feel the water falling onto your skin. When you close your eyes, you listen to the different sounds you can hear. You notice areas of warmth and coolness in your body. Whenever you catch your mind wandering to the past or future, you re-focus on the moment.

A study in 2019 found that participants who practiced mindfulness were less likely to experience depression. The study author said, “Ruminators tend to latch onto a negative emotion and repeatedly mull it over in their mind, whereas mindfulness teaches us not to become entangled with our negative emotions.”

Next time you notice yourself obsessing about old pain, try a mindfulness practice like mindful breathing or mindful listening.

  • Cultivate your confidence.

Low self-esteem has been linked to increased rumination. When you regularly focus on the past and negative events, you might start to feel like you’re not good enough. You might see your mistakes more than your achievements. Rather than finding ways to learn and grow, you might become caught up in thoughts about what “should” have happened differently. Feelings of shame, disappointment, frustration, and unfairness might grow stronger. So it’s not a huge surprise that your self-esteem can take a hit.

However, if you focus on cultivating your confidence, you might reduce your tendency to focus on the negatives. At the end of each day, write down a list of things you’ve done well. Know and pay attention to your best qualities. Smile at yourself  often. Before you leave the house in the mornings, tell yourself how awesome you are. Because you are awesome! This is actually true.

  • Talk about your thoughts.

Sometimes, an effective way to release persistent or upsetting thoughts is to talk about them. Go out for coffee with a supportive friend or family member and tell them what’s been on your mind. Invite your fears or failures into the open, where they often become less distressing.

If you don’t feel comfortable talking about persistent or upsetting thoughts with the people close to you, perhaps you’d prefer talking a licensed mental health professional. And if that’s not an option, tell your dog, your cat, or even the moon. Sometimes speaking those thoughts aloud allows them to be released.

  • Use distractions.

Interrupt persistent thoughts about the past by engaging in useful distractions.  Listen to a playlist of your favorite uplifting songs. Call a friend and ask them about their day. Go for a run. Declutter and tidy your home. Do something creative, like mindful coloring, gardening, or playing music.

Try to avoid mindless distractions that don’t add value to your life, and find constructive distractions that boost your emotional, physical, or social wellbeing.

Time Thieves

In our so-called ‘Age of Distraction’, it feels almost impossible to stop getting distracted. The world around us – and the usual suspects of our phones, emails, and other technologies – seem to be vying for our attention. And doing all in their power to stop us focusing.

Just like a thief, time thieves are sneaky, secretive and take what is valuable to us without us knowing.

If we want to get our time, attention and energy back for the things we find important, we need to start by looking at our relationship with our phones. These are the biggest ‘Time Thieves’ around. Other Time Thieves might include one or more of the following:

  • YouTube
  • Social Media
  • Television
  • Video Games

For me, my phone with it’s various games, apps, and the ever present Facebook is the worst offender. This is closely followed by YouTube, google, and mindless television. What do your personal Time Thieves look like?

Making Time Thieves Work For Me

There are lots of articles all over the internet on how to deal with distractions, some are more useful than others. I’m not going to bore you with them here. Instead I’m going to talk about what has actually been working for me:

  • Games On My Phone

There’s this silly little game on my phone called Township. I somehow got totally entangled in it to the point of ridiculousness. Then I had this brilliant idea that I couldn’t play it unless I was on my treadmill. Perfect! I haven’t missed a single day of exercise for 2 months.

  • Mindless Television

At some point during the lockdown, I got hooked on Court TV…  Really? Yes! I have no clue why I find it so interesting, but I really do enjoy watching the trials live. It has an added bonus of keeping me grounded in the here and now because it’s actual people, live in the moment. And what I’ve discovered is that it’s way easier for me to wash dishes, get the laundry put away, and do little household chores if I am also watching a trial unfold.

If Court TV doesn’t have anything going on that interests me, sometimes I can find other fun stuff like Storm Chasers, The Great British Baking Show, or documentary shows about natural disasters, plane crashes, ships that sank in a spectacular way. It takes the boredom out of the more tedious activities that nag at me to get done.

  • Facebook

More recently, I’ve been using Facebook to help me get the Prosperity Project posts wrangled and uploaded. I made a deal with myself that I could stay off of Facebook all the way up to and until I get something finished and scheduled on the website.

When I had to go out to my car and scrape all the ice off the windshield and warm it up, I told myself that this would be a perfect time to scroll through Facebook. The whole ordeal of sitting in a cold car while it warmed up was made more palatable with the addition of checking out all the “new” stuff my “friends” were talking about.

  • Arts and Crafts

It occurs to me that it’s possible that art is one of my favorite distractors. I don’t think it’s a Time Thief, but I do think that I use it to totally disappear from the here and now and slide into a whole other world. What’s great about it is that I can make a bunch of cool stuff to give away as gifts, or put online for sale as a way to make a little bit of extra cash. Plus it’s fun and rewarding, much better than scrolling through my news apps or sitting and staring at a stupid television show.

Knitting gives my hands something to do when I find myself snacking all night long. Munching on junk food isn’t necessarily a time thief, but it isn’t good for me either, and I find that knitting effectively interrupts my need to keep putting stuff in my mouth.

Now It’s Your Turn

What are your most familiar Time Thieves? When and where are you most bored and uncomfortable? How do you cope with it? What if you just sat with it and faced it? How can you use your personal Time Thieves to your advantage? What are your triggers? When are you most likely to let those Time Thieves in?

Acts Of Intention

So, yesterday’s words of power, brought me to today’s Acts of Intention because as I was going through my day being powerful and commanding I realized that each of my words of power were followed up with decisive action. When I got into my car and commanded it to take me to the grocery store, I wasn’t magickally transported to the store…. No. It required multiple words of power and acts of intention. I turned the key and said, “Engine On.” I pulled out of the driveway and said, “And Now I Ride.”

But what if I had done what I so often do when I want my life to go in a particular direction? What if I had hesitated in front of my car and conjured up all kind of doubts and angst? I might have said stuff like:

  • What if the car door won’t open?
  • What will I do if my car won’t start?
  • The tires are probably flat, are they flat? Probably.
  • Who would I call if the car won’t start?
  • And what could they do?
  • Would anyone even care?
  • Is help for one such as me even available?
  • And supposing the car does start, what then?
  • Do I have enough gas to go anywhere?
  • What if I don’t have enough gas?
  • What if I run out of gas?
  • Then what?
  • I call someone?
  • But what if I run out of gas somewhere and my phone is dead?
  • What if my phone isn’t dead but there’s no signal?
  • What if a serial killer stops to “help” me?
  • And supposing I do have enough gas, what if my car breaks down?
  • What if I have a flat tire?
  • What if I get lost?
  • Do I even know the way to the store?
  • And when I get there, assuming I don’t get lost, then what?
  • What if someone in the store throws a fit about masks and starts throwing things around?
  • What if they throw things at me?
  • What if I throw things back at them?
  • And the cops come?
  • Then what?
  • Will someone get shot?
  • Will I end up in jail?

I could go on and on and on with this… And it’s fun, but it’s also ridiculous. I expect my car will start, and I expect that I can go to the store, and I expect that it will all work out fine. Why? Because it usually does. And those rare times when it all goes south, I have somehow managed to muddle through.

So, the moral of the story is. Words of power, followed by decisive acts of intention… that’s real magick. That’s how we get through life. That’s how we follow through on our Five Simple Things. That’s how we don’t get mired down in doubt and angst and ridiculousness.

Confusingly Convoluted Simplicity

Continuing with my rephrasing of our Five Simple Things, today we have #4, which was really hard to totally and completely change. In the process of rewriting it, I came up with a wonderfully, confusing and convoluted, long and involved rendering of : “Every time you use keys, visualize they are unlocking opportunities to get you closer to your dreams.”

Here’s what I came up with:

From this moment on,
When making use of a tool for easy access,
Picture in your mind’s eye
That you have just released and expanded
Favorable chances
To draw ever nearer to infinite possibilities
For health, happiness, prosperity,
Or what ever it is you wish to achieve.

Sometimes simple is just better… well, actually, simple usually is better, and the simplest way to say this is:

“When unlocking something, imagine you are unlocking your dreams.”

So, that was somewhat enlightening. I like the long, convoluted, complicated phrasing that really gets my mind running all over the place. But I think that’s because having my mind running all over the place is familiar and comfortable. It’s my preferred mode of avoiding difficult feelings and situations.

However, making it simple might be really useful as well.

Which makes me wonder, what if I kept it simple inside my brain, for at least a small part of the day… what would that look like? What if it looked like me actually being in the actual moment in my actual body… Wow! Imagine that! And what if everything I said, or did, was just simple. Maybe it would be easy and simple. Maybe it would be fun to be simple… I don’t know. Might be worth a try!

Heading Out

The fourth of our Five Simple Things , ” Every time you use keys, visualize they are unlocking opportunities to get you closer to your dreams.” has been difficult for me in that I rarely lock anything other than my car, and these days I’m not actually driving to very many places. So, I did think of a number of different ideas related to locks and doors.

  • See every open door as a new opportunity.
  • When you walk out the door, open your mind to new ideas.
  • Every time you walk into a room, imagine that you are walking into the best thing ever.
  • When you walk out the door, open yourself up to new opportunities.
  • When opening a jar think about opening up to new ideas, experiences, and knowledge.
  • When opening a door, think about moving forward with your goals, ideas, and/or life.
  • Every time you walk out of a door, imagine that you are walking into a grand adventure.
  • When you pick up your keys, know that within you is the key to happiness.

As you can see, I also made some stickers. Which was a lot of fun. And in the process of making them, I ended up with “Every time you walk into a door, imagine you are walking into a grand adventure, or even something wonderful.” LOL…

And then I realized that this is actually a really good idea!

We’ve all had the experience of hitting a wall… or running into a doorway that we thought would be open to us, but instead it is not… I have had this happen to me a lot!

And I thought, what if, instead of thinking it as a setback or a road block, I saw it as a grand adventure… as something wonderful? How different would my life be? And what are my current blocks? What walls have I walked into recently? And how does it feel to think of them as wonderful or grand or an adventure?

What about you? What is your grand adventure?

Changing Things Around

Yesterday I felt like I had hit a wall, but then late last night a thought bounced into my head. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” So, I said to myself… OK then. Tomorrow I am going to do things differently. Tomorrow I am going to do everything I do normally, and at the same time, I’m going to change it up, so that it’s different.

So, today I have been doing just that. Every time I think of it, I try to change my normal habits just a little bit. Instead of turning on the TV and trolling the news on my phone, I put in a CD. And instead of picking a CD to fit my mood, I closed my eyes and picked a random CD.

Instead of putting on the same pair of socks that I’ve been wearing for a week???!!! Seriously? Yes! I put on a clean new pair of socks, a pair that I haven’t worn in a really long time… Instead of getting on my computer right away, I did a load of laundry and cleaned off the counters.

And so it goes… It feels good. I’ve even actually been remembering our Five Simple Things! Every single one of them so far! Wow!

Hitting A Wall

Ok… so I feel like I’m hitting a wall when it comes to working this project, and a post from way back in 2017 caught my eye. Losing Focus.. which is exactly what has been happening with me and these five simple things. One of the quotes really struck me…  “When you are hitting a brick wall, focus on one brick.”

So what’s my one brick? I’m doing pretty good with the gratitude area of our five things, totally blocked on the “send the energy back” area, and somewhere in the middle when it comes to the other three. I wonder what “one brick” I could focus on… successfully…

I think the “You Are Magickal” note on the bathroom mirror needs to migrate around my house. Maybe I need a bunch of them, everywhere… Maybe that’s my “one brick.”

Anybody else have any ideas? Experiences? Insight?

Unlocking Opportunities

Number four of our five simple things is as follows:

Every time you use keys, visualize they are unlocking opportunities to get you closer to your dreams.

This is an awesome idea. I really like it. Why can’t I remember to do it? I have not remembered it even one time. And the last time I unlocked something, I knew that keys and unlocking were part of this project, but for the life of me I couldn’t remember what the heck I was supposed to do.

I even thought of a couple of different ways to approach the concept, like for example:

  • When opening a jar think about opening up to new ideas, experiences, and knowledge.
  • When opening a door, think about moving forward with my goals, ideas, and/or life.

I haven’t been successful at remembering those either. I guess I am feeling blocked on the idea of moving forward, unlocking, opening up, unblocking… any kind of movement forward. Or maybe I just need to put a note to myself on my key ring… LOL.

So what about you guys? Thoughts? Ideas? Experiences? Inspirations? Comments? Complaints? Observations? Opinions?


Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

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