Monthly Archives: July 2020

Something To Think About

So, as we have been working our way through thirty days of trying to remember to do just Five Simple Things, I realized that one of the things that this required is to be consciously in the moment, and not just going through the day with my mind in a completely different place than my body – and even more importantly, to be present in the moment, in the physical, while being consciously aware of each small task and at the same time remembering that each action can be a magickal moment.

That’s a lot!

And how different would my life be if I could be totally in the moment, present in my physical body, consciously aware, and choosing to be magickal with each small task… I wonder… Is it even possible? Would I then be enlightened? Would I be weird?


Asleep On The Job

The fifth of our Five Simple Things is the following: “Before you fall asleep, visualize chords connecting you to everybody you met that day, and send their Energy back to them.” I have been able to remember this one exactly ONE time in the last 15 days. Just ONE time!

And, interestingly, I am totally blocked when it comes to making a bunch of different stickers. My biggest problem with stickers for the other four was making myself stop. I made way too many. This time around I made exactly two. Yes, two.  Not 5, not 10, not 20… I only made two. Here’s the other one:

So, what the heck? The idea is an excellent one. I love the concept. Why can’t I remember to do it? Anyone else having similar problems? Any ideas? Suggestions? Insights?

Heading Out

The fourth of our Five Simple Things , ” Every time you use keys, visualize they are unlocking opportunities to get you closer to your dreams.” has been difficult for me in that I rarely lock anything other than my car, and these days I’m not actually driving to very many places. So, I did think of a number of different ideas related to locks and doors.

  • See every open door as a new opportunity.
  • When you walk out the door, open your mind to new ideas.
  • Every time you walk into a room, imagine that you are walking into the best thing ever.
  • When you walk out the door, open yourself up to new opportunities.
  • When opening a jar think about opening up to new ideas, experiences, and knowledge.
  • When opening a door, think about moving forward with your goals, ideas, and/or life.
  • Every time you walk out of a door, imagine that you are walking into a grand adventure.
  • When you pick up your keys, know that within you is the key to happiness.

As you can see, I also made some stickers. Which was a lot of fun. And in the process of making them, I ended up with “Every time you walk into a door, imagine you are walking into a grand adventure, or even something wonderful.” LOL…

And then I realized that this is actually a really good idea!

We’ve all had the experience of hitting a wall… or running into a doorway that we thought would be open to us, but instead it is not… I have had this happen to me a lot!

And I thought, what if, instead of thinking it as a setback or a road block, I saw it as a grand adventure… as something wonderful? How different would my life be? And what are my current blocks? What walls have I walked into recently? And how does it feel to think of them as wonderful or grand or an adventure?

What about you? What is your grand adventure?

Being Productive

I’ve been going through our Five Simple Things one at a time and really looking at them. This morning we have thing #3 which says: “Bless your morning coffee/tea with vibes of productive and creativity.” That is what our original idea said, but I changed it to “vibes of productivity and creativity” because it didn’t sound quite right. Now, today, I’m wondering if it should have said “vibes of productive creativity.” What do you guys think?

My issue with this one is that “being productive” always seems to get in the way of “getting creative,” at least for me. And the whole issue of “being productive” is one of my go-to ways to avoid any kind of introspection, or true enjoyment of the present moment.

We live in a country where “gross national product” is way more important than “gross national happiness” which is kind of sad, I think. Right now, in this moment in time, the production of goods and services is even more important than the health and safety of our children. So… like I said… “productive” is a trigger word for me.

Not sure how to get around it… here are some ideas.

  • Bless your morning coffee with vibes of energy and enthusiasm.
  • Infuse your morning coffee with vibes of love and light.
  • Allow your morning cup of coffee to infuse you with magick and miracles.
  • Smile into your morning coffee and know that everything will be OK.

And what about if you don’t drink coffee, but drink tea instead?

  • Steep your cup of tea in vibes of energy and enthusiasm.
  • Infuse your cup of tea with vibes of love and light.
  • Allow your lovely cup of tea to fill you with magick and miracles.
  • Smile as you drink your morning tea and know that everything will be OK.

But what if you don’t drink coffee or tea in the mornings? What? Now that’s a concept that eludes me completely. I wouldn’t even know how to wake up and face my day if I didn’t have a nice cup of something hot and comforting. But here is one idea:

  • What if the first thing you pop into your mouth in the morning, is amazing and wonderful, and will fill you with vibes of energy and enthusiasm?

So, guys, I made a bunch of stickers to go with today’s post, but I didn’t go overboard with it like I did yesterday… OK well maybe I did… anyway, enjoy!

Cleaning Up

The second item on our Five Simple Things that we are trying to remember to do every day is to visualize shimmering gold water filling the aura with protective light. I like this idea but… and the but is that I can’t seem to do it properly. So, I started exploring similar but different ideas to see if I could find something that feels easier and better for me. This is what I came up with so far:

  • When showering visualize shimmering gold water washing all your worries away.
  • When showering visualize shimmering silver water washing away all negative vibes.
  • When showering visualize a shimmering water rainbow healing all your hurt and pain.
  • When showering visualize a shimmering water rainbow enfolding your body in love and light.
  • When showering visualize beautiful shimmering water filling your aura with love and light.
  • When showering visualize beautiful shimmering water flooding your body with love and light.

So then, because I love playing with graphics, I made a bunch of colorful stickers. Here are some of my favorite ones. I hope you find at least one or two that you really like.

Geez… that’s a lot! And there are a bunch more that I decided not to upload. I always go overboard. LOL. It’s my super power. 🙂

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

The first of our Five Simple Things is to simply say “Thank You” three times before your feet hit the floor in the morning. This one has been hard for me to remember, and it occurred to me that maybe I needed to know :

  • Thank you for what?
  • Thank you to who?

This morning, I had quite a list of Thank You’s. Here are some of them:

  • Thank you to my roof for keeping the rain out yesterday.
  • Thank you to my heart for continuing to beat.
  • Thank you to my coffee maker for brewing my coffee.
  • Thank you to my floor for being there to walk on.

It was fun, and it made getting out of bed way easier than it usually is. So, this morning when I got on my computer, I decided to make a batch of different “thank you” notes. Enjoy!

Changing Things Around

Yesterday I felt like I had hit a wall, but then late last night a thought bounced into my head. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” So, I said to myself… OK then. Tomorrow I am going to do things differently. Tomorrow I am going to do everything I do normally, and at the same time, I’m going to change it up, so that it’s different.

So, today I have been doing just that. Every time I think of it, I try to change my normal habits just a little bit. Instead of turning on the TV and trolling the news on my phone, I put in a CD. And instead of picking a CD to fit my mood, I closed my eyes and picked a random CD.

Instead of putting on the same pair of socks that I’ve been wearing for a week???!!! Seriously? Yes! I put on a clean new pair of socks, a pair that I haven’t worn in a really long time… Instead of getting on my computer right away, I did a load of laundry and cleaned off the counters.

And so it goes… It feels good. I’ve even actually been remembering our Five Simple Things! Every single one of them so far! Wow!

Hitting A Wall

Ok… so I feel like I’m hitting a wall when it comes to working this project, and a post from way back in 2017 caught my eye. Losing Focus.. which is exactly what has been happening with me and these five simple things. One of the quotes really struck me…  “When you are hitting a brick wall, focus on one brick.”

So what’s my one brick? I’m doing pretty good with the gratitude area of our five things, totally blocked on the “send the energy back” area, and somewhere in the middle when it comes to the other three. I wonder what “one brick” I could focus on… successfully…

I think the “You Are Magickal” note on the bathroom mirror needs to migrate around my house. Maybe I need a bunch of them, everywhere… Maybe that’s my “one brick.”

Anybody else have any ideas? Experiences? Insight?

Adding To Our Five Things

I thought it might be fun to compile a list of all of the “other” simple things that we have talked about and/or shared up until now. I find that when I am paying attention and thinking of more ideas, it helps me to stay focused on the project, and not wander off into forgetfulness.

So how about it guys. Here’s a list of everything we have so far, plus a few more that I came up with while working on this post. I’d love to make this into a really really long list. Any body have any other ideas?

  • Every morning say “Thank You” three times before your feet hit the floor.
  • When you turn your key in the ignition, tell your car how much you appreciate it.
  • When showering, visualize shimmering gold water with protective light filling up your aura.
  • When washing your hands, imagine that you are “washing my hands of…..” and then think of whatever you would like to let go of.
  • As you wash your hands, visualize washing away any bad karma, bad vibes, or negativity.
  • Write something uplifting or inspirational on all your bottled water so you can be inspired as you go through your day.
  • If you dry brush your skin before a shower, imagine brushing your troubles away.
  • If you use a shower oil, visualize the oil as sanctifying the whole cleansing process.
  • Bless your morning coffee/tea with vibes of productivity and creativity.
  • Look into your morning cup of coffee/tea and say, “Thank the Gods! Now everything is going to be OK.”
  • When heating food or beverages in the microwave, imagine that it is being thoroughly and completely infused with love and light.
  • Every time you use keys, visualize they are unlocking opportunities to get you closer to your dreams.
  • When opening a jar think about opening up to new ideas, experiences, and knowledge.
  • When opening a door, think about moving forward with my goals, ideas, and/or life.
  • Every time you walk out of a door, imagine that you are walking into a grand adventure.
  • Every time you look into a mirror, say three times, “You are magickal.”
  • Whenever you look into a mirror, say “You are wonderful, amazing, and I love you.”
  • When changing out of your work clothes into your “home” clothes, imagine that you are dismantling any stress or drama that might have followed you home.
  • As you change out of your day clothes into your pajamas, imagine that you are taking off the cares and worries of the day and putting them away.
  • Before you fall asleep, visualize chords connecting you to everybody you met that day, and send their Energy back to them.
Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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