Pay Attention

Something To Think About

So, as we have been working our way through thirty days of trying to remember to do just Five Simple Things, I realized that one of the things that this required is to be consciously in the moment, and not just going through the day with my mind in a completely different place than my body – and even more importantly, to be present in the moment, in the physical, while being consciously aware of each small task and at the same time remembering that each action can be a magickal moment.

That’s a lot!

And how different would my life be if I could be totally in the moment, present in my physical body, consciously aware, and choosing to be magickal with each small task… I wonder… Is it even possible? Would I then be enlightened? Would I be weird?


A Simple Game

Sometimes, it isn’t that simple to just change your thinking, especially if it’s something you are in the habit of obsessing about, or a thought pattern or a focus that you’ve been engaging in for a super long time. This easy exercise can help to interrupt the pattern, giving you a chance to step away for a minute or two and refocus.

Try a simple game.

Simplicity can ground you and bring you right back to a sense of who you are and where you’re headed. It will also help clear what seems complex and put it in a simpler context. The purpose of this exercise is to distract your mind and give it something else to focus on. This is particularly useful when you find yourself in an obsessive loop of negative mind chatter.

Here’s how it works:

  • Write a number of different shapes and an equal number of different colors on slips of paper.
  • Pick one at random.
  • Look around the room and look for everything that is either that color or that shape.
  • Do this for a few minutes.
  • Now, pick a different slip of paper.
  • Close your eyes and try to remember everything that is either that shape or color.


You could make the slips of paper in advance, and have them on hand for when you have a really strong need to distract yourself.

Finding A Better Focus

I have been reading a lot of articles on how to change your focus, and so far they all seem to have missed the most important point. And that is, if you are going to redirect your thoughts – it’s very important to direct them towards something that you enjoy thinking about, something that you find pleasure in contemplating.

So many of these “self help gurus” get really invested in telling us that we should be focusing on the “good.” Well, OK, I can agree with that, but I also think that the “good” has to be interesting, it has to be true, it has to be pleasurable, it has to be seductive to the mind. Because if it isn’t any one of those things, you’ll meet an inner resistance and it will all be for nothing.

So, for example, if you are constantly finding yourself focusing on “I don’t have enough money.” It’s not going to be very helpful to say to yourself “The Universe provides for my every need.” or “I have enough money for today.” or other so called positive statements. It’s not going to be helpful unless you really believe it’s true. And if you really believe those statements to be true, probably you aren’t spending most of your day telling yourself that you don’t have enough money.

Here are some ideas for how to refocus that thought:

  •  My daughter has been switching her “I need more money” mantra  to “I want more money.” This makes her feel more “in control” and less needy. So far, it’s working for her.
  • “I love my money.” I’ve been using this one a lot. I think about how fun it is to have dollar bills in my hand, and I imagine myself petting them, and kissing them. It sounds really silly, and so it makes me smile because I know it is silly. And now I’m smiling instead of whining.
  • Changing the subject altogether. This is a good one. Just bring something completely different into your mind. For me, this usually consists of ideas about my website. But it could be anything, something funny that happened, something interesting that you read or heard.
  • Distract yourself with a mind game. For example “If I was an animal / plant / vegetable / etc what kind would I be?” And then extend the game to your family, friends, co workers, people on the street… etc..
  • Imagine wild scenarios. Here is another thing I do to distract myself from too much negative mind chatter. I start imagining “Boom! and then the crazy mean dog I’m bathing exploded into a shower of butterflies and diamonds.” or “Holy Moly! Everything suddenly just turned yellow! WTF?”

Just because it works for me, doesn’t mean it will work for you. Spend some time today coming up with your own ideas for alternative thoughts when your mind chatter goes south. Just remember, whatever you use to refocus your thoughts and redirect your attention, it must be something that feels good to think about. If it doesn’t feel good to think about it – find something that does.

Focus On What You Love

So, if our premise is true, that what you focus on grows, that where attention goes, energy flows, it would seem to me that a focus on what you love is a good place for us to start.

We all have people, places, and things in our lives that we love. I don’t think we would be able to survive life on earth if we didn’t have at least one or two things in our lives that we deeply, dearly, and truly love. And it sounds pretty easy to make a plan to focus on who or whatever that might be.


To simply say “focus on what you love” is all fine and good. The actual doing of it in the midst of real world drama is a whole other thing. For example. When I’m at work, at the tail end of a long hard day full of dog hair and barking dogs, and I’m cleaning up dog vomit… well… it’s hard to focus on anything other than how tired I am and how much I just want the day to be over and done.

So, what’s the solution?

The key to it, I think, is to somehow find something in the situation… whatever situation you happen to find yourself in that’s less than optimal… something in it that you do honestly love. In my case, I might be able to simply focus on how much I love my daughter (we work together), or maybe I might focus on how much I love to have enough money to go on an Amazon spending spree. I might focus on how much I love having good cleaning products… or that I love that I’ll be going home in just a few hours…

Making A Plan

I think it’s very important to be prepared in advance so that when you find yourself in the midst of an experience that punches your buttons, that is NOT what you want, or that makes you feel “less than” happy, you will have something to cling to. This may take some experimentation, some trial and error.


Our homework for today is to think about what you love. Once that is complete,  take some time to make a plan for what you will think about when you need to refocus your thoughts in a situation that you definitely do NOT love.

Where is your focus now?

Now that we’ve figured out what it is that we WANT to have more of, it’s time to take a quick look at what it is that we normally spend most of our mental and physical energy focusing on.  This is important because one aspect of our project is that we will be working on tweaking, or changing our focus so that it works for us instead of against us. So, we need to know where the biggest changes may need to occur.

When I was thinking about this, I realized that my life is divided into 3 distinct time zones:

  • At home
  • At work
  • With family

When I’m at home, I spend most of my mental and physical energy working on my website, which I enjoy very much. However, I have noticed that my running mental commentary consists mainly of stressing over not having enough time to get everything done. As a result, I am constantly tired and stressed.

When I’m at work, I spend all of my physical energy doing my job, and my mental energy is pretty much used up by my resistance to having to work so hard. My running mental commentary consists mainly of wishing I could just get it over and done. Even when it’s not that bad of a day, my mind is still firmly entrenched in just wanting to get done and get home…. to work on the website that I don’t have enough time for. No wonder I’m exhausted most of the time!

When I’m with family, it seems like I focus mostly on them. Usually I have a lot of fun, and find it relaxing – probably because I’m not resisting, and I’m not rushing… LOL

What about you?

  • Does your focus change depending on where you are and what you are doing?
  • What do you find yourself putting the most energy and effort into?
  • What do you pay the most attention to?
  • Where does your mind like to go when you are at work? at rest? with family? alone?

Where is your energy focused?

Our next project is due to begin in 2 days, (July 1st) and I’ve decided that it might be interesting and informative to explore the following concepts:

  • Where attention goes energy flows.
  • What you focus on grows.

I first heard this idea way back in the day when I was deeply involved in Transcendental Meditation, and listening to lots of talks by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a new concept then, nor is it new today, and it does seem to have some truth to it.

For example:

You will notice where ever you put your intention, it will occupy a place in your mind/ thoughts. What you focus on has a tendency to grow in life. So today if you are brooding over your unhappy life situation, an unstable bank balance, a broken relationship or your ill health, the fact is, it will trigger a chain of similar thoughts leading to worry and unhappiness.

So what’s the project?

My idea is to spend the next 30 days taking a look at where it is that we are focusing our thoughts, and begin to work on consciously changing that focus so that we are paying attention to those things, situations, and circumstances that we WANT to flow into our experience of life.

The project is due to “officially” begin on July 1st. If you are interested in exploring these ideas and this concept with me, feel free to jump in at any time. I’d love to hear your experiences, insights, and ideas.

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
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Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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