Monthly Archives: July 2020

Five Simple Questions

So, yesterday I shared a list of questions triggered by my rewrite of our Five Simple Things. And then I thought that maybe it might be fun to rewrite our five things as a simple question. Here they are:

  • How would it feel to say “Thank You” three times before you get out of bed in the morning?
  • What if you used your bath, or shower to shine up your aura?
  • If you bless your morning coffee (or tea) with good vibes, and then drink them in, does something change for you?
  • What if the act of unlocking or opening actually activated greater unlocking and openings?
  • How would it feel, if at bed time, you simply let go of the day’s stresses and drama?

These are nice, don’t you think? It makes me want to actually try them and see what the answers are… which is interesting, because now that we are almost at the end of our project, I’m wanting to really do it!

What If?

I have really enjoyed rephrasing our Five Simple Things. It gave my overactive brain something to do and raised a lot of interesting questions. I thought I would share all those questions here, in one spot, and maybe even come up with a few more while I’m at it. Here goes:

  • Is there anything in my life, or on my mind that might look and feel completely different if I changed all the words around?
  • What if the first words that come out of your mouth every morning were “Thank You”?
  • How would it feel to say “Thank You” to every item in your home that is functioning properly?
  • How would it feel to say “Thank You” to every item in your home that isn’t functioning properly?
  • What if you went outside and asked the benevolent sun to be your shining guardian?
  • What if shimmering sparkles followed you wherever you went?
  • What if everything you touch sparkled and shined because you touched it?
  • What if everything you said and did brought a lovely brilliance into the situation?
  • What if everything you brew, stew, bake, or make was a magickal potion designed to bring health, happiness, prosperity, peace… (whatever it is that you are wanting to conjure up)?
  • What would happen if you knew for certain that whatever you put it into your body, would have a profound effect?
  • What if the act of cooking and eating was magickal and transformational?
  • If cooking becomes conjuring, what that would look like… is it even possible?
  • What if I kept it simple inside my brain, for at least a small part of the day… what would that look like?
  • What if it looked like me actually being in the actual moment in my actual body… Wow! Imagine that!
  • What if everything I said, or did, was just simple?
  • What if everything could be easy and simple?
  • Would it would be fun to be simple?
  • How would your life change if you let go of all the bullshit, consciously, at least once a day?
  • What if every night you made a small effort let go of all your agony, angst, regret, and self recrimination?
  • What if you let go of all your “stuff” even just for a really short moment?
  • How would it feel to be free and unlimited?

I could go on and on. But now I want to hear from you guys. Do you have questions to add? Do you have answers? What?

Unplug and Unwind

So this is the last simple thing that I have rewritten. It’s the one I have had the most issues with, and it’s also really quite long and not actually simple at all. This is what the original said, ” Before you fall asleep, visualize chords connecting you to everybody you met that day, and send their energy back to them.”

I pulled out my trusty Synonym Finder, a giant book that I love to just read sometimes… LOL… I love words. More on that in a day or two. Anyway, it turned into a long and involved, once again complicated and convoluted thing. Here’s what I came up with:

In advance of descending into slumber,
Envision the bonds
Tying you to those encountered during the day,
And then disconnect, release,
And return their influence.

But it occurred to me that we might not want to disconnect our bonds with those we live with, those we love, those who support us and help us, those we help and support… And maybe that’s why I have so much trouble with this one.

With that in mind, I came up with:

Before you hit the sack, unplug, unwind, and let all that shit go.

I like it. You know what shit you need to let go of. So, just let it go.

Confusingly Convoluted Simplicity

Continuing with my rephrasing of our Five Simple Things, today we have #4, which was really hard to totally and completely change. In the process of rewriting it, I came up with a wonderfully, confusing and convoluted, long and involved rendering of : “Every time you use keys, visualize they are unlocking opportunities to get you closer to your dreams.”

Here’s what I came up with:

From this moment on,
When making use of a tool for easy access,
Picture in your mind’s eye
That you have just released and expanded
Favorable chances
To draw ever nearer to infinite possibilities
For health, happiness, prosperity,
Or what ever it is you wish to achieve.

Sometimes simple is just better… well, actually, simple usually is better, and the simplest way to say this is:

“When unlocking something, imagine you are unlocking your dreams.”

So, that was somewhat enlightening. I like the long, convoluted, complicated phrasing that really gets my mind running all over the place. But I think that’s because having my mind running all over the place is familiar and comfortable. It’s my preferred mode of avoiding difficult feelings and situations.

However, making it simple might be really useful as well.

Which makes me wonder, what if I kept it simple inside my brain, for at least a small part of the day… what would that look like? What if it looked like me actually being in the actual moment in my actual body… Wow! Imagine that! And what if everything I said, or did, was just simple. Maybe it would be easy and simple. Maybe it would be fun to be simple… I don’t know. Might be worth a try!

Dynamic Imaginings

Continuing my exploration of what each of our Five Simple Things would look like if it was worded differently, I came up with a really fun alternative to the ho hum, not that interesting #3, which is: “Bless your morning coffee/tea with vibes of productive creativity.”

I like this one a lot better! It sounds very, I dunno… seriously esoteric, and also a little bit British! At least in my mind. When I read it out loud, I have to use my amazingly fake British accent. LOL 🙂

The first decoction you choose to imbibe
With an infusion
Of dynamic imaginings.

Which leads me to consider why British?

And better yet, what if everything you brew, stew, bake, or make was a magickal potion designed to bring health, happiness, prosperity, peace… (whatever it is that you are wanting to conjure up)? And when you put it into your body, what if it had a profound effect? What if the act of cooking and eating was magickal and transformational?

And if cooking becomes conjuring,  I wonder what that would look like… is it even possible? I have lots of questions!

Scintillating Resplendent and Brilliant

Continuing my exploration of what each of our Five Simple Things would look like if it was worded differently, I came up with a really fun alternative to the boringly ordinary thing #2, which is: “When showering, visualize shimmering gold water with protective light filling up your aura.”

I like this one a lot better! It’s very dramatic…

Upon inundation with water
In the bath,
Conjure up scintillating resplendent brilliance
Stuffing the atmosphere surrounding you
With a shining guardian.

Doesn’t this just make you want to jump into the shower or bathtub right now? And if not that, what if you went outside and asked the benevolent sun to be your shining guardian? And what if shimmering sparkles followed you wherever you went? What if everything you touch sparkled and shined because you touched it? And what if everything you said and did brought a lovely brilliance into the situation?

Shouting Merci!

I have been exploring the idea of “What if I said the same five things but in a completely different way?” Here’s what I came up with for our first simple thing, which in the dullsville world of ordinary things looks like this: “Every morning say “Thank you” three times before your feet hit the floor.”

I have now transformed it into the following piece of awesomeness!

Without exception,
Shout “Merci” in triplet
At the break of day,
In advance of thine hooves thumping the ground.

LOL… that was too funny! And it sounds like really fun way to start the day! Who agrees with me?

Easy As Pie

It seems as if I have been saying the same things over and over again… at least when it comes to our Five Simple Things, and that’s because… well… it’s just five simple things. So today, I thought I would change it up. What if I said the same five things but in a completely different way?

Let’s start with different ways one might say “five simple things”…

  • One handful of a piece of cake stuff.
  • A quintuplet of elementary items.
  • As easy as pie you can count on your fingers.

OK, that was way too much fun. I wonder what I will come up with for tomorrow! I wonder if there is anything else in my life, or on my mind that might look and feel completely different if I changed all the words around?

More Five Things

According to the countdown widget in the side bar, we have 12 days left in our current project. It’s been such a simple idea that I am finding it hard to come up with something to talk about every day. So, today I asked Google for  inspiration, guidance, something to talk about…

Wow! I discovered way more than I expected! I found so much stuff in my search, that I decided our Five Simple Things project wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t have a comprehensive list of all the other Five Things one might do. So here you go!

Morning Rituals

When I was growing up, my parents had a morning ritual that could be counted on, hell or high water. In the wee hours of the morning, my mom would brew a pot of coffee. She would light a candle if the sun was not yet risen. This was a sacred time for them. They would read the bible, pray, and plan the day.

I remember that, on the kitchen table, we had one of those small containers of cards, each with a “verse for the day.” Often at breakfast, my mom or dad would pull a card with a “verse for the day” which was then read aloud, and would set the tone for the day.

This was something that worked really well for them, and it sits in the back of my mind as something that I might benefit from. Not necessarily the reading of the bible, but some spiritual practice that allows me to begin my day from a place of centeredness, organization, and peace.

I do have a morning ritual, which often degenerates into a long meandering journey of meaningless mental shenanigans. Supposedly it’s my morning meditation time.. in reality I’m just drinking coffee and looking out the window. Sometimes I try to plan out my day… sometimes I make a meager attempt at connecting with my Guides, Angels, and The Powers That Be… Most of the time, however, I’m just drinking coffee and trying to avoid being present in the moment.

Yesterday it occurred to me that it might be fun and useful to write each of our five things, along with all our other ideas, on different little note cards. I could then pick a different one each morning and focus specifically on that one. Really explore it all day long….

What do you guys think?

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
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Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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