The eighth lunar day is generally counted as the eighth day from the new moon. More information on the Lunar Days can be found here: The Thirty Lunar Days

It is a great day for taking long trips or traveling elsewhere for business related agendas. According to Vedic tradition the eighth Moon Day is ideal for taking part in art or physical related activities as well as dealings connected to property. This day also marks new beginnings but woe may befall those who have been afflicted with diseases.

  • Symbol: Phoenix, Peacocks, Treasure, Fire.
  • Other Symbols: Prosperpine, associated with the Twins.
  • Color: Red-Black (the color of a dying flame).
  • Stones and Minerals: Red granite, Chrysolite, Smoky Quartz (morion), Agate.
  • Aromatherapy: Rose
  • Chakra Activation: During the 8th lunar day the Muladhara chakra is active.
  • Part of the Body: Stomach
  • Theme: Burning and transformation.

Overall Forecast

This is a day of  transformation. This is an active day. Unforeseen events are possible. You should think over your life, and if necessary, change your tactics and behaviors.

This lunar day can be called a day of purification, repentance, absolution of sins and alchemy. At this time, it is also good to starve and clean the intestines, as well as to make medicines for all diseases. Under no circumstances can one be selfish and dissolute.

This period is difficult, because there are still unsolved problems, but the old goals and plans will require spending much more time on them.


A haircut on the 8th lunar day will help strengthen the body’s defenses, allow itself to assert itself and grow in the eyes of others, to acquire longevity. A day for relaxation.

It is recommended to:

  • Find a creative solution for old projects.
  • Solve only the smaller, insignificant financial matters.
  • Seek out new business partners.
  • Give more attention to working alone rather than in a team.

It is not recommended to:

  • Overestimate your abilities.
  • Overload yourself.
  • Drink alcohol.

While bathing is not recommended, if a bath is called for, light one or more candles and burn some incense.

Influence on Health

Stomach cleaning and fasting is recommended. One should soften their system for liver cleaning. Today the stomach can get sick, especially if you have become enraged and/or committed a bad deed.

  • Nutrition tips: A vegetarian diet is recommended. If you are not vegetarian, eat delicate food, cereals and fish.

It is good today to prepare medicines. Do not take alcohol. This is an excellent opportunity for cleansing and rejuvenating the body.


On the eighth lunar day dreams point to your worthy abilities you haven’t yet realized. Dreams can be prophetic, what you see in a dream, may come true, so pay attention. Dreams can even have a hint of our true destiny, the tasks and solutions that life expects from us.

You may see an indication of the problems from which you turned away in the past and forgot about, but still need to be resolved. You may see tasks for which you have the power to solve, do not turn away from them. Try to use this power to settle the assigned tasks, do not waste your energy on inconsequential matters.

Dream images today show your ability for change and transformation; so, if you saw confined spaces, obstacles or dead ends, it means you are not changing. If, on the contrary, you saw open spaces, fields, mountains, sea or beautiful and bright rooms, it means you are putting in effort and heading in the right direction towards your transformation.

Thus, the main function of dreams on this day is to show your current life’s purpose; sometimes they are elaborate and difficult to figure out, but their message might also be obvious if you look carefully.

If you make preparations before going to sleep to receive this message you’ll find it easier to discover your mission. Upon waking up analyze your dream, keep in mind that life doesn’t just give us grandiose purposes, your mission may seem insignificant from your point of view, but if completed it could well be of great value to you.

You will see the tasks for which you have strength, do not turn away from them, try to apply yourself to the indicated tasks or work.


The scent of Roses transforms negative energy into a positive, filling with a sense of well-being and joy. It also eliminates the symptoms of fatigue and stops reactions to stress.

  • Relieves feelings of resentment and irritation.
  • Eliminates the inferiority complex.
  • Enriches emotions.
  • Refreshes and clarifies the mind, increases efficiency.
  • It stimulates creative and intellectual growth.
  • Heals a broken heart.

The fragrance of Roses creates a cozy and joyful atmosphere.


On this lunar day it is not suggested to mop, do laundry or wipe your surfaces with a damp rag; better to make contact with water as little as possible. This is a day of fire transformation.

Astrologists often advise against working with fire over this period as it can get out of control. Don’t build campfires and be cautious with electric appliances as well. Lastly, the 8th Lunar Day is unfavorable for working with the earth or soil.

Housework today is suitable exclusively for the smallest and smallest household chores. A very good day for alterations, repairs and alterations of old clothes. It is also helpful and useful to burn incense or potpourri.

Weddings and Relationships

Marriages scheduled on the eighth lunar day, are successful only if the couple is constantly looking for something new, are always open to change and often travel. For everyone else, a family created at this time will become a place of constant conflict and long periods of financial instability.

People are open-hearted this day. Therefore, even during the first date you can open up and allow yourself to be vulnerable. .

If your partner feels guilty he may suddenly apologize. If not, try to understand and forgive. Avoid sarcasm and malevolence this day. Show compassion and understanding.

In general, the eighth lunar day is favorable for visits with family and friends, but remember that today is the day of forgiveness. Be lenient if your loved one is confesses to any of their sins.

On the eighth lunar day, people are frank. So even on the first date you can accidentally put out too much information, which others do not need to know at all. On this day it is better to refrain from sexual contacts, including marital ones.

Conception of a Child

A child conceived on the 8th lunar day  is on the verge of a bright, busy life. Although it will not be easy. This person is endowed with enough strength to cope with many difficulties. He or she is a person of extremes, and can be very principled and even stubborn.

Therefore, in life, everything will be experienced with a certain intensity. In happiness he loses his head, in desperation he experiences utter despair. But only for a while, because his will conquers any disaster, and his spirit will only grow stronger in trials. Moreover, the willpower of such people is enormous. They need to remember that a person is not given tests that he can not stand.

Born on this Day

If you were born on the eighth lunar day, you are extremely attractive for your internal qualities. You are smart, smart, decent, hardworking and friendly. You may be distinguished by an extraordinary vision of life, ingenuity. Successful professions include: chemistry, medicine, the healing arts.

  • Advice: Practice self-improvement, and you will be able to achieve much in life, to bring great benefits to others.

A person born on this day is interesting in communication, capable of unexpected, extravagant deeds, broad gestures, not afraid of change and always ready for what life has to offer.

These people have a strong character, they are endowed with the ability to survive and recover. People of this day have good intuition and often have the gift of foresight. The main danger is the loss of self-control. This leads to constantly recurring errors. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the course of events, and be able to keep yourself in hand.

Business and Money

Today all incomplete tasks are extra obvious and especially important. An unexpected turn of events, conflicts or emergency situations may occur. Be aware that any plans will be carried out more slowly than you expected.

It is necessary to try to attract new employees and partners. A very favorable day for finding new partners who will accept your ideas and help to realize them.

At this time, working relationships can change, so you need to be discreet and prudent. Also, this period of time is characterized by the transition to the new stage of development, which means that it will be necessary to change tactics with regard to time in behavior.

Do not overwork at work. On this day you can only solve small business finances. This applies to work, money, and all plans. Possible unexpected turns of events, conflicts, emergencies. Good luck will bring the business and business trips on this lunar day.

In the eighth lunar day, it is worth buying only antiques or things that were in use. All other purchases will not bring joy, on the contrary, entail a heap of various small problems.

Moon Day Eight Meditation

This is a day for transformation and purification.

  • Purification with fire.

If possible, sit by a woodfire in the evening. Prepare yourself for complete interaction with the fire, concentrating on the flames and slipping into its energy field. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the center of the fire. Feel how it burns out all your negative emotions and clears your energy channels.

When you feel it’s enough, imagine yourself stepping out of the fire and deeply breathe in the clear fresh air. Your channels are now filled with pure new energy, your aura is light and transparent. Realize that your aura and body have just experienced some new chemical reactions, which renewed your life.

Give thanks to the fire for your purification. If making wood-fire is impossible, practice the same meditation with candles.

Magick For Moon Day Eight

Clean and clear your home with a candle by walking clockwise three times around. Chant a prayer or mantra. After cleaning you may use pleasing incense to create a new space.

A good day for the consecration of magickal tools and spaces, and for spellwork that utilizes the power of the waxing moon. It’s also a good day to burn resin or incense with specific intentions. If you are not sure what to use,  Magickal Ingredients has a bunch of information.

Divinations should include only those questions that require a call to the past, to past events, whose consequences are directly related to the present. Also on this lunar day, you can clarify all the issues related to karmic issues and interpret the prophecies obtained in past predictions.


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