
10 Best Essential Oils for the Bath

Adding oils to a bath really doesn’t need to be completed, you can start by adding a single essential oil to your bath water. Essential oils normally last about 2 years if kept in a cool dark place and you literally only need a few drops so they are very cost effective.

I’ve listed below those that I would recommend as the best singular all rounders that can be used and enjoyed at any time of the year.


  • Before adding any oils to the bath make sure you close the bathroom door so that you can keep as much of the scent in the room as possible.
  • Add the oils drop by drop and don’t be tempted to add more, working on the theory that adding twice as much will get rid of a headache quicker doesn’t work and may just end up irritating the skin.
  • On average you will need about 10 drops per bath, but with some of the stronger smelling oils you will only need 5 drops. Stronger smelling oils include; eucalyptus, peppermint, bay, basil, lime, lemon, thyme, rosemary.

10 Best Essential Oils for the Bath

  • Bergamot for depression – 5 drops
  • Chamomile for insomnia or itchy skin – 7 drops
  • Frankincense for sedative, calming and mood sweetening – 8 drops
  • Geranium for relaxing yet uplifting and energizing – 10 drops
  • Jasmine for apathy, stress or fatigue – 8 drops
  • Lavender positive, soothing and relaxing – 10 drops
  • Neroli for hypnotic with antidepressant properties – 8 drops
  • Patchouli for energizing and invigorating – 5 drops
  • Rose for happiness and pleasure very romantic – 10 drops
  • Sandalwood for sensual and mellowing a good aphrodisiac – 8 drops

Borrowed from: The Prosperity Project

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