
A Very Good Remedy For The Gravel

From Pow-Wows, or Long Lost Friend, by John George Hoffman, [1820], we have this “very good remedy” for kidney stones (the gravel).

The author of this book, John George Hohman, applied this remedy, and soon felt relieved. I knew a man who could find no relief from the medicine of any doctor; he then used the following remedy, to wit:

he ate every morning seven peach-stones before tasting anything else, which relieved him very much;

but as he had the gravel very bad, he was obliged to use it constantly. I, Hoffman, have used it for several weeks. I still feel a touch of it now and then, yet I had it so badly that I cried out aloud every time that I had to make water. I owe a thousand thanks to God and the person who told me of this remedy.

Marsh Mallow for Kidneys


Put the flower and plant (all but the root)of Marsh Mallows in a jug, pour boiling water, cover with a cloth, let it stand three hours – make it strong. If used for gravel or irritation of the kidney, take 1/2 pint as a Tea daily for four days, then stop a few days, then go on again. A teaspoonful of gin may be added when there is no tendency to inflammation.

~From a family recipe-book
For information about the individual herbs visit: The Encyclopedia of Herbology

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