
Licorice and Lemon for Coughs


Another old Romany recipe to soothe any cough is made with licorice root, coltsfoot and lemon. Simmer 1 oz of licorice root in 3 pints of water till it is reduced to 1 pint. Put 1 oz of coltsfoot and a sliced lemon into a jug and add the decoction. Stir well, sweeten with honey, allow to get cold, then drink as required.

From: Gypsy Cures for Coughs and Colds

Licorice for Sore Throat


In a study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, researchers gave either a placebo or Throat Coat, a licorice tea from Traditional Medicinals, to 60 sore-throat sufferers 4 to 6 times a day for seven days; the tea tipplers reported significantly less pain on swallowing. Add a teaspoon of chopped or powdered root to a beverage tea, and feel relief almost immediately.

~Michael Castleman, Natural Health

Slippery Elm for Pleurisy

herbal_tea_potIn Pleurisy, the following is recommended:

Take 2 oz. each of Pleurisy root, Marsh Mallow root, Licorice root and Slippery Elm bark. Boil in 3 pints of water down to 3 gills. Dose: 1/2 teaspoonful every half-hour, to be taken warm.

Source: A Modern Herbal
For information on individual herbs visit: The Encyclopedia of Herbology
Measurement conversions can be found here: Table of Weights and Measures

Slippery Elm for Bronchitis


Slippery Elm bark is an ingredient in various lung medicines. A valuable remedy for Bronchitis and all diseases of the throat and lungs is compounded as follows:

  • 1 teaspoonful Flax seed
  • 1 oz. Slippery Elm bark
  • 1 oz. Thoroughwort (Boneset)
  • 1 stick Licorice
  • 1 quart water

Simmer slowly for 20 minutes. Strain and add 1 pint of the best vinegar and 1/2 pint of sugar. When cold, bottle. Dose: 1 tablespoonful two or three times a day.

Source: A Modern Herbal
For information about the individual herbs visit: The Encyclopedia of Herbology

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