Pumpkin Facial Mask For Oily Skin
Put pumpkin’s alpha hydroxy acids to work. Combine 1/4 cup pumpkin puree with 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar and a whole egg. Mix the ingredients until smooth and apply to face. Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse, and pat dry.
Found at: Treehugger
Egg White Cough Cure
If you have a hard cough, beat the white of an egg to a froth, then add a tablespoonful each of vinegar and sugar. Drink this at bedtime, and the cough will not trouble you during the night.
Pickled Walnut Gargle
Vinegar from a jar of pickled walnuts is a very good gargle for sore throats? Do not throw it away, keep it in an airtight jar until it is needed. Here’s a recipe for pickled walnuts: Pickled Walnuts
Lavender Astringent
- 3 parts Lavender Flowers
- 1 part powdered Orris
- Sufficient cider vinegar to cover
Combine the ingredients and leave to stand for at least 2 weeks. Strain through a cloth or a coffee filter and bottle.
Note: Vinegar washes should always be diluted before using directly on the skin; a tablespoon to a wash basin of water should be sufficient.
From: The Complete Book of Herbs and Spices
For information about the individual herbs visit: The Encyclopedia of Herbology
Jayna Dinnyes: Figs – A Cure For What Ails You
Saida: Salves To Heal Up Wounds
Brenda-Lee: Egg White Cough Cure
Pat Scott: Marsh Mallow Ointment
Sharon from Cleveland, Ohio: Egg White Cough Cure