Monthly Archives: November 2017
An Old Diarrhea Cure
For the Sting of a Wasp or Bee
A Liverpool paper states as follows:
“A few days ago, happening to be in the country, we witnessed the efficacy of the remedy for the sting of a wasp mentioned in one of our late papers. A little boy was stung severely and was in great torture, until an onion was applied to the part affected, when the cure was instantaneous. This important and simple remedy cannot be too generally known, and we pledge ourselves to the facts above stated.”
From: Pow-Wows, or Long Lost Friend, by John George Hoffman, [1820]
Remedy For The Lock Jaw
We are informed by a friend that a sure preventive against this terrible disease, is, to take some soft soap and mix it with a sufficient quantity of pulverized chalk, so as to make it of the consistency of buckwheat batter; keep the chalk moistened with a fresh supply of soap until the wound begins to discharge, and the patient finds relief.
Our friend stated to us that explicit confidence may be placed in what he says, that he has known several cases where this remedy has been successfully applied. So simple and valuable a remedy, within the reach of everyone, ought to be generally known. ~N. Y. Evening Post.
From: Pow-Wows, or Long Lost Friend, by John George Hoffman, [1820]
Pow Wow Peach Remedies
- The flowers of the peach-tree, prepared like salad, opens the bowels, and is of use in the dropsy.
- Six or seven peeled kernels of the peach-stone, eaten daily, will ease the gravel; they are also said to prevent drunkenness, when eaten before meals.
- Whoever loses his hair should pound up peach kernels; mix them with vinegar, and put them on the bald place.
- The water distilled from peach flowers opens the bowels of infants and destroys their worms.
From: Pow-Wows, or Long Lost Friend, by John George Hoffman, [1820]
- Saida: Salves To Heal Up Wounds
- Brenda-Lee: Egg White Cough Cure
- Pat Scott: Marsh Mallow Ointment
- Sharon from Cleveland, Ohio: Egg White Cough Cure
- Vagabond Witch: Soapwort Shampoo