Hair Conditioner
Pumpkin For Your Hair
For great shine and lusty luster, make a pumpkin hair mask by mixing together one cup of pumpkin with one-half cup plain yogurt and one tablespoon of honey. Mush it into your scalp and out to the ends of your hair and wrap your head with a shower cap or towel; let sit for up to 30 minutes. Cleanse hair as usual.
Found at: Treehugger
Peppermint for Beauty
Here are a number of ways you can use Peppermint to enhance your own natural beauty:
- Mint paste in lemon juice applied on the skin gets rid of pimples and blackheads.
- A strong tea of peppermint and nettle leaf used as a hair rinse will sooth scalp and promote hair growth. Great for getting rid of dandruff.
- Peppermint has always been a popular ingredient in skin care because peppermint oil contains menthol and menthol is good for the skin.
- Peppermint has great benefits such as soothing irritated, itchy and dry skin.
- It has also been used to fight acne, dermatitis and ringworm.
- Peppermint essential oil is often the choice to relieve the symptoms of sunburn in addition to including it with a moisturizing lotion or cream.
Queen Anne’s Honey Hair Bath
Queen Anne of England had a honey treatment for her famously magnificent hair. Though extremely simple in its content, this recipe for Queen Anne’s hair “elixir” was so closely guarded that it became known only after her death.
The Recipe:
Take one cup of honey and 1/2 cup of the finest grade of cold-pressed olive oil. Mix the two ingredients thoroughly with an egg beater or in a blender, and store in a tightly covered jar or other container. Try to prepare the mixture one or two days ahead of time, but do not refrigerate.
About 1/2 hour before shampooing your hair, condition it with this honey brew. First, shake the mixture vigorously, as the oil and honey will have separated. Then, apply a generous amount of the solution to the hair; work it thoroughly through the hair and into the scalp.
Next, wrap a plastic bag or warm towel around your hair and fasten it snugly. Leave the honey bath on your hair from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the texture and condition of your hair prior to the treatment.
As the treatment tends to darken hair, it is probably best to use it only on dark hair. When the treatment is complete, shampoo your hair as usual. Rinse well and towel dry.
Source: The Honey Cookbook
Jayna Dinnyes: Figs – A Cure For What Ails You
Saida: Salves To Heal Up Wounds
Brenda-Lee: Egg White Cough Cure
Pat Scott: Marsh Mallow Ointment
Sharon from Cleveland, Ohio: Egg White Cough Cure