My Million Dollar Affirmation

This is what I am doing, and it feels really good to me, so I thought I’d share it:

I downloaded the wallpaper from Steve Pavlina’s website so that I would have it right there to look at and so I wouldn’t forget what it was.

When I sit down at my desk in the morning, I look at the affirmation, and think about how cool it would be to have a million dollars. And if it was as easy as just saying this one thing every day, that would be great.

Then I am breathe in and saying (not out loud) “In an easy and relaxed manner“… and I consciously relax as I think about the concept of easy and relaxed…

I breathe out and repeat mentally “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha” (one of the Ganesh mantras)… I chose this mantra because it is for new beginnings and for success; and also because it felt good in my mind when I read it…. and I say to myself “with Ganesh as my ally and partner, this can be easy and relaxed”…

Then I inhale “in a healthy and positive way“.. and as I do, I think how good it would be to feel 100% healthy and happy…

As I breathe out “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha“.. I think about Ganesh clearing out all the clutter, crud, and crap, and how good that will feel when it’s done…

Then I breathe in and say “in it’s own perfect time“.. and I think about how I can just let it all happen naturally without putting a lot of pressure into the when and the how because life is a journey not a destination, and I can stop and smell the roses along the way, and I don’t have to be in a rush for everything to be right now.

Which is almost like a huge sigh of relief as I breathe out “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha” and think about Ganesh as the supporter of the world and how he is like going out in front of me clearing the way, and taking care of me, how that feels pretty safe and good..

And I breathe in “I intend one million dollars to come into my life” … and I think about money winging its way to me.. about money in the mail, money in my hands, money in my checking account, money piling up around softly burning candles, money coming through the front door, money slipping in through open windows, money drifting out of the clear blue sky… and I remember that I like money, and that money is my friend

As I breathe out “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha” it’s easy to think of Ganesh and his bowl of sweet fruit and modaka balls, and how life can be so sweet… and that feels really good because I don’t often entertain the notion of life as sweet.

Then, I breathe in .. “and into the lives of everyone who holds this intention“.. and I think about opening my heart to everyone and generosity and giving and sharing, and I try to feel my heart actually softening and opening and becoming tender..

And as I breathe out “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha“… I give the whole thing to Ganesh.. like a present.. and say here it is.. I release it to you.. do whatever pleases you

I do this about three times.. whenever I sit down at the computer. Sometimes, I just breathe and say the mantra and the affirmation because visualizing all that stuff seems just too complicated, other times the visualizations are effortless and come naturally. I try to just go with the flow. Then I get busy and forget about it.

This lovely image, by the way, is the Goddess of Wealth.

One Response to My Million Dollar Affirmation

    michelle said…
    This is really neat! It sounds very relaxing and peaceful. Sometimes I wish I had the quiet you do….one of these days! 🙂

    6:27 PM
    shirley said…
    Well, it is so noisy inside my head that all the outside quiet goes pretty much unnoticed.

    It was a beautiful day today though, and I did enjoy some time outside, even though I pretty much worked all night and all day on the computer.

    I still don’t know what to do with the dog blog, if I should charge for it or not. And I mostly feel like I frittered the day away doing stupid shit.

    I think I need to do that meditation right now, and then go take a shower and then rest my fevered brain.

    8:56 PM
    Melissa J. said…
    For the dog blog, I think some parts should be offered for free to get people to come to your site, but other parts should be paid services. For the person to contact you and get expert advice immediately should be a paid service, but it’s up to you if it’s a monthly fee or a one-time fee. I like the idea of the one-time fee. That way if they don’t use your services for a few months, they’re not paying for something they’re not using, but they did pay the one-time up front fee so you did get an income from it. That seems fair.

    10:40 PM
    shirley said…
    Thanks Melissa, I like the idea of a one time membership fee too. I think that what I might do is (once I get it pumped up with an adequate amount of information) get a small website up, and then every week post one thing from the blog as a “teaser” and and advertisement, and then start offering my services for in home dog training visits.

    I thought about offering both the one time memberships and the monthly ones – but that would be a book-keeping nightmare for me.

    The only drawback to the one time fee is that I will be offering my services as an internet consultant – which will require time and energy on my part answering posts – and I have no idea how big of a bite that will take out of each day. If it’s alot, then I’m going to want to have a monthly income from it…

    Well… I guess I’ll decide the specifics later on when I get it done.

    9:10 AM
    shirley said…
    I’m using this meditation for The Prosperity Game… substituting the dollar amounts… and it’s really pretty cool. It feels really good when I do it.

    12:01 PM

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