It’s A Meet Up

A fun fact: More than 11 million business meetings take place daily around the world, so learning which words affect the productivity and outcome of those meetings can help companies change the course of their success. Research shows that the words “yeah,” “give,” “start,” “meeting” and “discuss” have a bigger impact than other words. Furthermore, those words often result in proposals being accepted more often than others.

So what’s that got to do with anything? I thought it might be helpful to discuss the idea of having a meeting with yourself. Maybe take some time to look at your collection of “wants and needs” and give yourself an opportunity to think about how to start actually doing something practical and radically real.  Yeah us!

So lets call a Board Meeting… or maybe a Bored Meeting? I don’t know. Maybe in your world it would be Tribal Council, a Meeting of the Minds, a Parley, a Huddle, a Town Hall? Possibly even a Get Together for the purpose of Getting It Together.

What’s on the agenda in this meeting? Let’s check in with ourselves and take a look at our wants and needs. Remember how we started? The story about a teacher who had students leave notes about their needs in a box? Now, I don’t know if you have a mental list of notes, or a box with notes in them. Maybe you have a list of notes in a journal. Doesn’t matter how you keep track, what does matter is that today we’re going to schedule a specific time to sit down with that list, pick just one thing, plan some affirmative action, and then take steps to actually follow through on those plans..

I think I’m going to call for a Parley. How about you? What are you going to call your meeting and when are you planning to schedule it?

3 Responses to It’s A Meet Up

  • I jumped the gun a little bit and did this on Sunday morning… called it a Bored Meeting… I took notes… assigned tasks… it worked really well for me… used some of the “best boss ever” strategies… tried to be my own best friend … and stuck to my boundaries of no phone game bullshit until after a fair amount of stuff is accomplished and no phone surfing or gaming after 7pm… got a lot done with almost no resistance on my part !! So curious to see if this is a one time fluke or a better way to do weekends…

  • I am finding self care to be difficult. I can come up with the notes/ needs etc. But they turn into to do lists. Which is maybe a good thing as a lot of those to do things cause stress in some form so doing them gets rid of stress. But no so successful in doing/starting things that could possibly be self care. I am much better with caring for others than myself. I have good intentions but get distracted and don’t do a good job of following through/

    • It’s tricky I think. If it was easy we’d already be good at it. To do lists are also tricky … I write them and then immediately resist the actual doing of them. The bored meeting helped me… but maybe a play date would be better for you… I dunno… sometimes if I just bite the bullet and do a hard thing that’s the answer… other times just one simple easy thing is all I can manage… and sometimes I need someone to just stand around and lend me their energy while I muddle through.

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