The Prosperity Project

Removing Hazards to Prosperity

For the next few days we will be removing hazardous elements from the areas we have been working on.

Prosperity area:

Get rid of broken items. If it’s broke, you’re broke.

Remove reminders of broke or bad times. If your refrigerator is in your Prosperity area, take some dollar bills and roll them up and place them in the freezer. Then you will always have “cold cash” when you need it.

Remove trash cans. If you HAVE to have one in this area, use one with a lid and place a red line around the rim of the can with red paint, red tape, or red fingernail polish. This will stop your chi from ending up at the local landfill.

Dried flowers and dead plants are not welcome in the Prosperity area.

If there is a fireplace in the Prosperity area, it can suggest that you burn through money, or your money is going up in smoke. Balance out the fireplace by adding a water element, such as the color black, or a mirror over the mantel.

Is there a toilet in your Prosperity area? This will suck the cash out of your wallet faster than anything else. Balance this out using two mirrors facing each other in the bathroom.

Or place a small mirror on the floor behind the toilet, or in the tank, making sure the mirrors are facing up. This will uplift the chi. You can also place an eye-catching picture high up, so whoever enters the bathroom looks up. .

Or maybe you could get this innovative mirrored toilet lid. I found it at the invention connection.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the prosperity area is, see these posts:

Clear That Corner

For today’s decluttering project, we will be working to improve the flow of chi.

Find one corner in your home that is dark, dirty, or cluttery. Take a few minutes to put away or throw away the junk that has accumulated, and then really clean it up. Clear the cobwebs, shine the woodwork, dust the surface.. do whatever is needed to really brighten up that one little spot.

Once it’s clean, light a candle, burn some incense, or spritz a floral scent into the air. If you really feel inspired, add a vase with flowers or hang a wind chime.

Enhancing The Flow of Chi

Today’s task is to take a leisurely walk through your home and try to visualize how the chi flows. Take a pencil and paper with you and make note of the changes you might want to make.

Wherever the chi flow in a room is disrupted, difficulties occur. Anyone who has ever walked down a windy street flanked by high buildings will know that the gusts are always worse at the corners of buildings where the wind whips up into a spiral.

Where there are edges, we should aim to soften them. Plants are one solution and fabrics are another. Wherever possible, make columns rounded. Square columns are not conducive to the free flow of chi because their four corners point knife-like into the room.

Having the edges of furniture pointing at us can make us feel uncomfortable, as can the edges of shelves and fireplaces. We can use plants to soften shelf edges near where we sit.

Corners of rooms are often dark, so it is a good idea to place something colorful there, like a vase of silk flowers for example. Alternatively, you can use something that moves, such as a lava lamp or a water feature. Putting plants in dark corners where stagnant chi accumulates will help the chi to move on. Spiky plants are particularly good provided they are away from chairs where they could direct “poison arrows” upwards toward the occupants.

Alcoves filled with shelves on either side of a fireplace help prevent a stagnant area there, provided they are not crammed full, and some gaps are left.

Does your home have an attic room with a sloping ceiling? Sleeping or working under a slope depresses personal chi and these areas do nothing to aid the regenerative process of sleep nor creative process during the day. Use such rooms as hobby, or play rooms, or for any activity of a temporary nature. Use mirrors and lights to create the illusion of lifting the slope.

Beams are not recommended in Feng Shui because they can be oppressive when positioned over a bed, stove, or desk, and suppress the chi of the people beneath them. Move the dining table, desk or bed if it sits directly under a beam. You can reduce the effect of beams by hanging small light colored objects from them, and/or painting them a light color. Do not hang large heavy objects below a beam or anything that collects dust.

Doors represent our freedom and our access to the outside world; they are also a barrier, acting as protection, supplying support and comfort. Doors which squeak, stick, have broken latches, or handles too close to the edge so we scrape our knuckles whenever we open them should all be repaired. Keep a wedge close to the doors that might slam irritatingly in the breeze.

Windows act as our eyes on the world. If our access or vision through them is impeded in any way, we may suffer problems as a consequence. Everyone should have a view of the sky through the seasons or they will lose their connection with the natural world. Stained glass panels in doors permit light and lift the energy in dark spaces. Adding an attractive stained-glass hanging can offer some privacy while creating a lively energy in the room.

From The Practical Encyclopedia of Feng Shui by Gill Hale

Mastering The Concept of Chi

Many of the principles can be easily applied to the home. The most difficult concept in Feng Shui is learning about chi. The below illustration will allow you to visualize how energy moves and how it may become stagnant, stuck or move to quickly to benefit your home.

Think of chi as a bucket of water. Pour an imaginary bucket of water into your home from the front door. Where does the water go? Does it quickly go in a straight line out your back door or does it get stuck at the front door where all the shoes and jackets are kept. Keep pouring the imaginary water in different rooms to see where it travels. You should note how the chi moves and with what speed.

Taken from an article at where you can find more information and a number of interesting links.


A Quick Fix

Declutter activity for today:

Find at least five items that are broken, chipped, in some sort of disrepair, that deep down you truly know you are never going to fix, and throw them in the trash.

This could include ratty towels, chipped dishes, coffee mugs with the handles broken off, broken children’s toys, pantyhose with runs, paperback books with the cover ripped off, broken lamps or chairs, old musty curtains, costume jewelry with missing gemstones, anything that you are holding onto for nostalgic reasons, or that you keep telling yourself “I will get around to fixing it someday.”

Don’t guilt trip yourself. Don’t “should” yourself. Just release it. Get rid of at least five items so you can free up that emotional and physical space. This should take less than five minutes. Do it for you!

That’s it. Now let’s get on to the fun stuff in our day!

Enliven Your Creativity

Feng Shui activity for today:
Add a symbol

Metal is the element for this area. The more metal, the merrier! Musical instruments, metal bells, and wind chimes with a sound that is soothing to you all belong here.

Loose coins, eating utensils, cooking pots and pans, jewelry boxes can all go here.

Round or circular objects belong here. A round metal clock, round pillows, Frisbees work.

Flat or square items belong here also. A wrought-iron coffee table, computer disks, square metal picture frames, a marble chess set, and of course the television can go here.

Toys and games, candy, magic tricks, Playstation, a child’s finger-painting, any type of music, any artwork that you love should go here.

This is an excellent area to work on your hobbies or crafts.

Lights and lightbulbs symbolize your having “bright ideas.” The lights don’t have to be turned on – they just need to be plugged in and in working order.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the creativity and children area is, see these posts:

Colorize Your Creativity

White is the color for the Creativity area. If your kitchen is in the Creativity area, use your white milk jug to get your creative juices flowing. If your garage happens to be in this area and you have a white car, all the better! Think of an art gallery with its white walls that are ready for an unlimited number of creative endeavors. Make your space free in the same way, ready for your unlimited creative possibilities!

Yellow is also appropriate in this area. Yellow represents earth, which works here. Yellow planters, towels, curtains, dishes are all great here.

Remember, you can use yellow construction paper too. You can even tape it under furniture and place it out of sight.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the creativity area is, see these posts:

A Quickie

Take a quick look around your home. What area bothers you the most? Which area is the most cluttered? In which area do you feel the most uncomfortable?

Set your timer for 5 minutes. In this area, do a quick tidy-up: put any dirty clothes in the laundry; throw away any trash; put toys away; gather up unopened mail and magazines and put them in a basket or box so they are all contained in one place. Any item that is out of place that bothers you – pick it up and put it away or throw it away! After 5 minutes, stop. That’s it for today!

This idea is from our very own Melissa.


The Creativity and Children Area

The Creativity and Children area –
Being imaginative in this area of the home can help you:

  • Become able to conceive and bear children
  • Find fulfillment and gratification with a hobby or job
  • Have better, more creative ideas for every situation
  • Get unstuck in a project
  • Improve your relationship with your children
  • Become more comfortable showing the childlike aspect of your personality
  • Make “something out of nothing”
  • Create efficiency in a company
  • Deter the aging process

If you are unsure of where the creativity and children area is, see these posts:

Spread The Love

There is nothing worse than being a “fifth wheel” at a party or get together – so look for items that you have too many of, or that don’t quite fit in. Things you like but never use. That Christmas gift that didn’t quite hit the mark, those cute little doodads that well meaning friends gave you for Christmas, or birthday.

And what about the “extras”? Do you keep an extra this or an extra that just in case? Isn’t that a little bit like keeping your little black book of phone numbers just in case your current relationship doesn’t work out?

Maybe you have a nice little collection of elephants, or dogs, or salt and pepper shakers and you haven’t added to it in years. Isn’t it time to let that collection go to someone who might really enjoy it?

Don’t take too much time with this, just do a quick survey and grab those items up.

Relationships are about giving as well as receiving, so while you are at it, get out that extra roll of wrapping paper, some scotch tape, and a ribbon or two if you have one. Lovingly wrap each item up as a gift. Think of someone who just might like it, and give it to them.

Alternatively, you could box the items up and take them to a battered woman’s shelter.

Remember, we aren’t talking about “junk” items now. We are talking about the “nice” things you have but don’t really love, the useful things you own but don’t ever use, the “pretty” little decorative items that don’t really fit your decor. They deserve something better. And so do you.


Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown

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Abundance Chants & Raps

  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 

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