What We Actually Did!
Over all, I think the project helped all of us to make progress with our various goals. I think I was the only one who flat out didn’t do anything at all to further their goal. I did, however, learn a lot about goal setting and what NOT to do the next time I decide to set goals for myself.
What follows are the results that have been posted thus far:
Well, my goal was too lofty but I DID manage to organize debt and feel good about my plan going forward. It was tough to make some of the choices that means less incoming every two weeks but in the long run it will be more peaceful. I enjoyed the The Prosperity Project inspiration along the way!
While I can not say I achieved my goal. I can say I took steps towards it. I have a rough plan of steps I need to take to bring it even closer. Steps I did not have a month ago. So a SUCCESS in my opinion.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions… that pretty much sums up how well I did with my goal. I managed to do absolutely nothing… nothing at all with regard to getting my faucet replaced. It was an absolute fail. HOWEVER… I did do so much work on the website… several new mini-sites up and running… lots of new content… AND I worked my regular job… Had a very sick grandpuppy and a very worried family… and a bunch of other stuff. So I didn’t just DO NOTHING, what I did was EVERY THING BUT the faucet.
So… While the goal itself was a failure, the last 30 days was very productive and good. And if I had it to do over, I’d set a different goal, because I really do think I picked the wrong thing.
What did I learn? I learned that it is very important for me to choose long term goals that are something I really do want to actually do… not stuff that I think I might want, or that I think would be “good” for me. The “good for me” goals need to be something small and easy that I commit to doing every single day. And if I don’t want to actually DO it, there’s no point in making it a goal, because I will do everything in my power to avoid the doing of it.
My favorite posts were the ones about Newtons Laws … I love that physics applies to my every day life to accurately. Most helpful to me ?? again that would be Newton’s Laws of Motion. The Mind Mapping looked interesting, and I think it might be something fun to try later on this year.
Well I failed miserably LOL. I only got 15 out of 40 bags sewn and 9 of them were done before we started this months project.
Note to Saskia: I wouldn’t call getting 1/3 of the bags sewn a miserable failure! You did actually sew 6 of them which is way better than 0. So that’s progress.
By The Way:
It’s not too late to post your own results to this goal setting project. Just leave a comment with your experiences, successes and/or failures, with your insights, ideas, stories, and anything else you want to share. I’ll update this post as new comments appear. We’d love to hear what you have to share!
I Can Do Anything
I’m pretty sure we could all use some of this little girl’s energy, enthusiasm, and excitement about life!
Here’s a little more about this video:
Jessica has a day where she’s feeling … really good about her life.
++++FAQ for this video ++++
Q: How old was Jess at the time of the video?
A: She’d turned 4 about 6 weeks before the video was shot.
Q: How old is she now?
A: Depends on when you’re reading this, but she was born in late October of 1997.
Q: What does she say at the beginning?
A: Though some claim they hear the word “assert” – as in assertive – she’s actually saying I can be a “shark” – but it sounds like “sark” because she was incapable of making “sh” sounds at this time.
Q: Are you sure she’s not saying “I can be a SARK?” Her daily affirmations are consistent with the teachings of the author SARK.
A: This is an interesting coincidence, but a coincidence nonetheless.
Q: Does she say, “I like my ‘elephants’?”
A: More than one person has thought that, but she’s actually saying I like my “Allisons.” Allison is her aunt.
Q: Does Jess have more than one mom? She says I like my “moms.”
A: No, she just has one mom and one dad (me.) For some reason she was “pluralizing” several things in her “like list.” That’s why she says “Allisons” and “cousins” (she only has one.)
Q: What does she say at the 22 second mark?
A: I really don’t know, though I do have a theory now: this video was taken right around Christmas-time, and it ALMOST sounds like she’s saying “I like my presents.” So that’s what I think it is – but I could be wrong.
Q: Did she do this affirmation every day?
A. Yes, until the age of seven. … Just kidding. 🙂 I think this was a day when the video camera was out, so there was an element of “putting on a show” – but Jessica still meant every word. Though she may have been hamming it up a bit, she was sincere in the things she was saying.
Q: Did you teach her that she could “anything better than anyone?” Isn’t that a little wrong?
A: Some people have had an issue with her saying this, but it’s not something that we taught her. And I’ve never seen her (even all these years later) say anything like this to anyone. I suspect it was probably the expression of some inner confidence that she just happened to express outwardly on this one particular day.
9 Quick Tricks for Overcoming Inertia
Inertia is a scientific fact. As a matter of fact, it’s Newton’s First Law.
- Objects at rest stay at rest.
- Objects in motion stay in motion.
Newton’s first law of motion states that “An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.”
Objects tend to “keep on doing what they’re doing.” In fact, it is the natural tendency of objects to resist changes in their state of motion. This tendency to resist changes in their state of motion is described as inertia.
- Inertia: the resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion.
You can beat inertia by simply making yourself take action in a different direction. Get moving. DO SOMETHING – do anything that will pull you out of your current most comfortable state.
- Watching TV? Turn the television off and go outside.
- Trolling Facebook? Log out and take a shower.
Whatever activity or inactivity you seem to be stuck in, knock yourself out of that flow and into a new one. Don’t just think about it. Take a deep breath and actually DO it.
And, just in case you need to put it off DOING something for just a few more minutes, we have here, from Always Well Within, a mix of methods to rouse yourself out of inertia and inaction. Read through them. According to the author, one of them almost always works. Be skillful by choosing one that fits your particular circumstances and mood.
- Just get started. Do anything to get the energy and inspiration moving. Start anywhere: in the beginning, middle or end.
- Remove distractions. Knowing you are prone to inertia, don’t let distractions lure you away from your goal.
- Have a preset plan for your project. Then follow it no matter what.
- Do the fun parts to get out of your funk. I know it sounds like cheating, but it really gets the juices flowing again.
- Remember your purpose and rekindle your belief in your work.
- Allow yourself to do a mindless task for a short but set amount of time. Then get on with your work in progress.
- Taking a nap always refreshes me and makes me more enthusiastic to get back on track.
- Go for a walk and get some fresh air. The luxury of space and increased oxygen to your brain can easily refresh your view.
- Take a day off and thoroughly enjoy your self. We all have lulls in our motivation. It’s OK for you to have one too.
The brain needs downtime to replenish itself. Inertia may be a sign that you are not taking enough mental breaks during the day, which are crucial to increase productivity and boost attention. Inertia might also indicate it’s time to check in with yourself to see if this is the right project for you.
No More Excuses!
Get moving, get doing, get started!
Just Do It!
It has been my experience with the Prosperity Project, that somewhere around day 10 or 11, I begin to lose my excitement, my enthusiasm, my drive. I also tend to procrastinate, and have a history of completing projects and tasks at the last conceivable moment. I’m probably not the only one, so I’ve brought Shia LeBeouf in to give us a talking to:
I also found this one. “I’m sorry Shia,
I’m afraid I can’t do that.
So, are we motivated now?
Something Motivational
Come on in… The water’s warm!
Taking Action
Thought is the creative power, or the impelling force which causes the creative power to act; thinking in a Certain Way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely upon thought alone, paying no attention to personal action. That is the rock upon which many otherwise scientific metaphysical thinkers meet shipwreck – the failure to connect thought with personal action.
By thought you can cause the gold in the hearts of the mountains to be impelled toward you; but it will not mine itself, refine itself, coin itself into double eagles, and come rolling along the roads seeking its way into your pocket.
Your pocketbook is not going to be transformed in to a Fortunatus’s purse which shall always be full of money, without effort on your part.
This is the crucial point in the science of getting rich; right here, where thought and personal action must be combined. There are very many people who, consciously or unconsciously, set the creative forces in action by the strength and persistence of their desires, but who remain poor because they do not provide for the reception of the thing they want when it comes.
By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.
From The Science of Getting Rich
by Wallace D. Wattles.
I suppose it’s kind of like having an apple orchard. You plant the trees, the weather cooperates, and eventually there are apples. But unless you harvest and use them, they are just bird food. And if you aren’t ready to go out and get them when they are ripe, and if you don’t can, cook, eat, or sell them, those apples will still end up being bird food.
Getting Motivated
Here is a small piece of an article I found at Steve Pavlina’s website. It’s something that happens to me all the time, so I thought I would share it here and see if we can get some good insights and commentary going.
Do you ever feel there’s a greater being inside of you just bursting to get out? You can feel its presence sometimes, can’t you?
It’s the voice that encourages you to really make something of your life. When you act congruently with that voice, it’s like you’re a whole new person. You feel like a god in a human body. You’re bold and courageous. You’re strong. You’re unstoppable.
But then reality sets in, and soon those moments are history. Where did that powerful voice go? Were you merely suffering from delusions of grandeur?
It isn’t hard to temporarily put yourself into an emotional state of power. Just go to any Tony Robbins’ concert seminar, and he’ll have you dancing in the aisles feeling totally motivated. Put on your favorite fast-tempo music, stand tall, breathe strong, chest out, shoulders back. Strut around like a superhero. Shout, “Yes!” Pound your chest a few times for good measure. You’ll look like a dolt, but this does actually work.
But then you go home, and the emotional motivation fades away. Your great ideas now seem impractical. How many times have you been temporarily inspired with an idea like, “I want to start my own business,” and then a week later it’s forgotten? You come up with inspiring ideas when you’re motivated, but you fail to maintain that level of motivation through the action phase.
So how do you reach the point of high motivation and stay there?
Steve Pavlina has some interesting answers to this on his site, you can look at them here. I’m also curious and interested to know what our own answers are.
Don’t Take No For An Answer
This story is from Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich“, written in 1937.
One afternoon, Mr Darby was helping his uncle grind wheat in an old-fashioned mill. The uncle operated a large farm on which a number of share-crop farmers lived. Quietly, the door was opened, and a young black girl, the daughter of a tenant, walked in and took her place near the door.
The uncle looked up, saw the child, and barked at her roughly, “What do you want?”
Meekly, the child replied, “My mama say send her fifty cents.”
“I’ll not do it,” the uncle retorted, “now you run on home.”
“Yes sir,” the child replied, but she did not move.
The uncle went ahead with his work, so busily engaged that he did not pay enough attention to the child to observe that she did not leave. When he looked up and saw her still standing there, he yelled at her, “I told you to go on home! Now go, or I’ll take a switch to you.”
The little girl said, “Yes sir,” but she did not budge.
The uncle dropped a sack of grain he was about to pour into the mill hopper, picked up a barrel stave, and started toward the child with an expression on his face that indicated trouble.
Mr Darby held his breath. He was certain he was about to witness an assault. He knew his uncle had a fierce temper.
When the uncle reached the spot where the child was standing, she quickly stepped forward one step, looked up into his eyes, and screamed at the top of her shrill voice, “My mama’s gotta have that fifty cents!”
The uncle stopped, looked at her for a minute, then slowly laid the barrel stave on the floor, put his hand in his pocket, took out a half dollar and gave it to her.
The child took the money and slowly backed toward the door, never taking her eyes off the man whom she had just conquered. After she had gone, the uncle sat down on a box and looked out the window into space for more than ten minutes. He was pondering, with awe, the whipping he had just taken.
Mr Darby too was doing some thinking. That was the first time in all his experience that he had seen a black child deliberately master an adult white person, (remember this is 1937). How did she do it? What happened to his uncle that caused him to lose his fierceness and become as docile as a lamb?
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