Paul Getty Strikes It Rich
“My formula for success is rise early, work late, and strike oil.”
~Paul Getty
This is really funny but actually, it’s also true.
Paul Getty makes the observation here that “working hard all day” alone isn’t going to do the trick – to get THAT wealthy, you have to “strike oil” once in a while.
That’s luck, fortune, finding something precious that other people need and want.
Conversely though, it also works the other way around.
If he just struck oil but DIDN’T work hard to maximize on what he’d found, would he have been that wealthy?
Well we know the answer to that – of course not. A fool and their money are soon parted, as they say, and most likely, you end up without wealth OR the deeds to the oil filled plot of land if you don’t do your homework.
Here’s our 60 second reflection exercise.
- What is YOUR OIL?
- How do you prospect for it, and how single minded are you in pursuing the finding of this?
- Have you found it already and you’re just in the stages of “rising early and working late”?
- And what other oil is still out there for you to find …?
- Dr Silvia Hartmann
- The 60 Second Wealth Creators
- Provided by
Ancestors Cheering
At a Wealth Consciousness workshop, I found out that many people are worried that they will somehow displease their poor and hard working ancestors by becoming extremely rich and successful.
I had a sense that that was probably a misconception, so we did this following exercise to find out.
- In a moment, close your eyes and go to a meeting place where you meet representatives of your ancestral lines.
- Tell them that you want to be rich, powerful and successful and that you want to change the world through your works.
- Then ask them for their support.
You will find that they want nothing more than for YOU to SUCCEED. You are their child, their living representative, and YOUR success is also THEIR SUCCESS.
Let them cheer you and know always that you have THEIR SUPPORT in what you do.
- Dr Silvia Hartmann
- The 60 Second Wealth Creators
- Provided by
6 Reasons Why You Must Be Wealthy
In wealth creation, we often hear talk about wants and needs, and hopes and dreams of riches and of wealth, but today, we are going to use another driver instead.
Namely, we will find 6 reasons why you MUST become rich, and wealthy.
Failure is not an option, right?
So, take a minute now to find those six IMPORTANT reasons FOR YOU.
Ready, steady, GO!
- Dr Silvia Hartmann
- The 60 Second Wealth Creators
- Provided by
Guest Quote: Calvin Coolidge
“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Geniuses will not; unrewarded geniuses is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.” Calvin Coolidge
Calvin is RIGHT! Talent, education and genius are nice if you have them, but SUCCESS comes from perseverance.
From going back into battle again, and again, and again, and then again.
Let’s take internet marketing. When I started with that, coming up for ten years ago, there were loads of people around then, just as there is now. Ten years on, and out of everyone I knew back then, I am the only one still standing!
I was utterly hopeless back then and still am not exactly a “born marketer”, but you just CAN’T do ANYTHING AT ALL for that long and NOT get reasonably good at it!!
So today, I want you to use our 60 seconds of thinking of something you tried at one time, didn’t succeed and gave it up for a lost cause. Something, that if you had another go and managed to get even a little bit further would seriously help you get wealthy, powerful and happy – right now.
“You’re not out for the count until you’re dead” – SFX
- Dr Silvia Hartmann
- The 60 Second Wealth Creators
- Provided by
Guest Quote: Marion Zimmer Bradley
“It has never been, and never will be, easy work! But the road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveller than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination.”
~ Marion Zimmer Bradley
Marion Bradley is one of my personal heroes, so I was delighted to have found a quote by this lady to add to this collection.
Something that “your hero” says is far more important and more impactful than a thousand snide comments from nobodies, so …
… what is one of your favorite quotes from your personal heroes?
Type it out and email it to yourself today!
- Dr Silvia Hartmann
- The 60 Second Wealth Creators
- Provided by
The Man On The Steps Of The Bankruptcy Court
Today, I’m going to tell you a story that really inspired me, made me laugh and got me personally to understand something important about wealth and more importantly, living life.
This is a story about a man who got very, VERY wealthy, he had many millions and businesses all over the place.
Then something hideous and unforeseen happened, and he lost the lot and then some and found himself in bankruptcy court.
When he came out, he had absolutely nothing left.
Coming down the steps, he spots one of the creditors and calls him over and right there on the steps, sets up his NEXT business deal!
What this guy knew was HOW TO MAKE MONEY – period. He would always make money because he knew HOW it is done. In principle.
That’s what I always wanted to know too, because if you know that, then you just can’t fail.
“It’s never about “the” money, but about how to make it.”
And here’s our exercise.
Take 60 Seconds now to recall an inspirational story that MADE ITS MARK ON YOU like this one did on me.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath and DO IT NOW!
- Dr Silvia Hartmann
- The 60 Second Wealth Creators
- Provided by
So Tell Me What You Want …
One of the many ways we manage to talk ourselves out of desires and achievements is the thought of, “Oh BUT I don’t know how …”
It happened again yesterday with someone who blatantly wanted something BUT (godawful word! should be stricken from the dictionary!) wouldn’t even ADMIT to wanting it – BECAUSE they had no idea how to get it.
So in order to alleviate disappointment, it’s better not to want it at all, right?
If you don’t WANT something, or you don’t ALLOW YOURSELF TO WANT SOMETHING, how the HELL are you ever going to get it?
It’s a structural impossibility!
So to the rescue comes the handy thought that in order to WANT something, you DO NOT HAVE TO KNOW ***HOW*** that could be possibly achieved.
That’s a different topic, a different matter, and has NOTHING to do with the wanting of something.
I want to see the Earth from space, for example.
BUT … I’m too old, not rich enough, it’s impossible!
<kicks the but up the butt, and the but flies out of the window, never to return>
I really do.
And THAT, as they say, is my birthright as a human being – to WANT THINGS, TO WANT EXPERIENCES, TO DESIRE.
Now, it’s YOUR turn.
- Dr Silvia Hartmann
- The 60 Second Wealth Creators
- Provided by
These Wealthy Hands …
This is fun, kinaesthetic and brings our whole body to this wealth and happiness party. Even if you’re not feeling on top of the world today, have a go – I promise it will cheer you up.
- Touch your head with your hands and think or say:
This is my clever, wealthy head. This is the head of a very rich man!
Continue on and make it up as you touch your self:
- Acute ears, listening out for opportunity and success!
- Brilliant eyes that see abundance in all things!
- A wealthy nose for success!
- My rich mouth, tasting the very best the world has to offer!
- My strong shoulders and my powerful arms, ready to embrace my riches!
- Productive, industrious wealthy hands and fingers!
- A stomach for ingesting and digesting wealth and prosperity!
- A rich man’s bottom!
- Rich, rich legs, walking me towards a fantastic future on abundant feet!
How’s that? You can play this under the shower too and add as many body parts as you desire ☺
- Dr Silvia Hartmann
- The 60 Second Wealth Creators
- Provided by
I’m Right Behind You!
This is a GREAT exercise!
Today, you have 60 seconds to write yourself an ENCOURAGING EMAIL and post it to yourself!
You know EXACTLY what YOU LOVE to hear, what will motivate you on this day to really go for it and make the most of what you’ve got.
Do this now, the 60 seconds start from the moment you start writing.
- Dr Silvia Hartmann
- The 60 Second Wealth Creators
- Provided by
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
So, it’s Thanksgiving Day, and a great day for a bunch of positive and motivational quotes, especially since thinking about, or focusing on something positive is one of the staples of a good morning routine. So, here you go. It’s a positively positive plethora of positivity!
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