Words of Encouragement
You Got This!
Knowledge and self-confidence can be used to turn your weaknesses into strengths. A true warrior is someone who fights for his or her own self-mastery. Here are some tips:
- Know yourself.
- Face your fears head on.
- True victory is victory over yourself.
- Always strive to be better today than you were yesterday.
- Be secure in both your strengths and your weaknesses.
It is the inner warrior that allows you to be brave and take risks in unfamiliar situations. Cultivate your inner warrior by seeking out opportunities to express your true self; to be who you really are; and to be the person you want to be instead of the person you are expected to be.
Use Your Words
Words matter. Self talk matters. Today I want to suggest that we make a simple but radical change in the ways we talk to and/or about ourselves. It’s important to speak your truth, I agree with that. And sometimes the truth about me isn’t very flattering but that doesn’t mean that I have to talk down to myself.
This morning I accidentally knocked over a small container with rice in it. Dry rice, not cooked, and it made a decent size mess. What was the first thing I said? “So Stupid!” And I was absolutely referring to myself. How could this be tweaked and changed?
I came up with the idea that every time I caught myself saying mean things to Shirley, I could use an add on phrase to take the sting out, while still staying with my truth. So, if I do something stupid, and I hear myself say “So stupid…” I could add one or more of the following:
- That was stupid … and it’s ok.
- I’m stupid … but not all the time.
- So stupid … and I don’t care because it really doesn’t matter.
Will this work for other negative self talk? Let’s see…
- My life sucks … but not all the time.
- I’m an idiot … and it’s ok because I am certainly not alone.
- I’m a complete mess … and I don’t care because I am also loveable and cute.
So, that works… what else is there to test out? What about “I can’t”… telling yourself that you can’t do something that you want to do can be very deflating and defeating.
- I can’t go on vacation … right this minute.
- I can’t fix my toilet … but that’s ok because I can find someone who can.
- I can’t get my act together … and I don’t care because I’m loveable and cute and it really doesn’t matter.
- I can’t get my house in order … right now, and I will try again later when I have more energy… enthusiasm… etc…
So what about your self talk? What does it sound like. Can you come up with more useful phrases to use if you find yourself talk is rude, demeaning, or just plain mean?
Note: I’ve been doing this all day, and it really does make a difference. I feel less defeated and more energetic. Try it! You might like it!
I’m Right Behind You!
This is a GREAT exercise!
Today, you have 60 seconds to write yourself an ENCOURAGING EMAIL and post it to yourself!
You know EXACTLY what YOU LOVE to hear, what will motivate you on this day to really go for it and make the most of what you’ve got.
Do this now, the 60 seconds start from the moment you start writing.
- Dr Silvia Hartmann
- The 60 Second Wealth Creators
- Provided by www.DragonRising.com
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- Shirley Twofeathers: It’s A Wrap
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- Shirley Twofeathers: It’s A Wrap