Abundance Formula

Fulfillment is in the Joy Before Manifestation

Fulfillment is in the joy of possession is the message of this video. Here’s an excerpt from the talk:

Sometimes we approach life in such a way that we feel that we need this or that thing in order to feel good. And yes it is a truth that sometimes we receive certain things and we feel a greater measure of joy as a result of that thing. And yet the way in which things are really meant to happen, is we’re meant to feel the joy at first, even before we have the possession. Feeling is the first stage of reality, and feeling is even the greater measure of reality….

I did not transcribe the entire talk, so we’ll have to listen to the video to get the rest of the story.

Audio Only

For those of us who prefer to simply listen, here is an audio only version of the video:


I Am that I Am

Here is a wonderful affirmation and chant from the book “Miraculii Song Of Ascension” by Astarius Miraculii

“I The Universe” (Anthem of the Soul)

I Am by whom the Universe has a Name!
I Am in whom the Universe has a Home!
I Am on whom the Universe has a Face!
I Am That I Am! I The Universe Am!

I the Universe am personified as this body, mind, heart and soul.
I the Universe dream awake infinite wholeness and healing in every cell of my body, mind, heart and soul.
I the Universe dream awake the Ascension of my soul, my cells, my human form and mother earth.
I the Universe dream awake Cosmic Consciousness of my human mind and express infinite creativity through my human soul.
I the Universe dream awake cellular memory of Universal Selfhood in my individual soul.

I the Universe as my human self feel sacred pride in the Divine Creations of every being throughout existence, including God-Goddess Absolute.
I am cellular co-creator of all that is created.
God-Goddess Absolute is cellular Creator of all that I Create!

I the Universe invoke and dream awake all the prosperity that is, was, or ever will be, through this my human life.
I my Human Soul am a Master Cell in the Being of God/Goddess, in the Cosmic Moment when the Universe was created!
I honor and acknowledge my co-creatorship of this great Universe which I also Am!
I am cellular co-creator of all that is created!

God/Goddess Absolute is cellular Creator of all that I Create!

I am the vastness of All that Is, thrilled to keep sacred company with myself through All Beings.

I the Universe call fourth “God/Goddess Absolute”, every Angel and Ascended Master to bless and prosper my human soul.
I my Human Soul, am a Cell in the Body of the Universe, holding the entire celestial blueprint of the “Universe At Large”.
The whole reality of the Universe, which is, was or ever will be, is held within my Cells.

I Am the Microcosmic container of the Macrocosmic All That Is!
I am a Soul in the Body of the Universe!
The Universe is a Cell in the Body of my Soul!
Within my Soul I hold the counterpart cells for all that is, was or ever will be.
I contain a cell for every man, woman and child, for every angel and ascended master, for every ocean, mountain and stream, for every mineral, plant and animal, for every elemental, star and galaxy.
I am the Master Cell, microcosmic container of God/Goddess Absolute!

My Greatest Love is the bond we share!

I Am by whom the Universe has a Name!
I Am in whom the Universe has a Home!
I Am on whom the Universe has a Face!
I Am That I Am! I the Universe Am!

Audio Only:

For those of us who prefer to simply listen, here’s an audio only version of this chant:

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Emotional Wealth

“Emotional Wealth is the Energetic Frequency behind all material abundance. The frequency of Emotional Wealth is expanded through gratitude, faith and immaculate visioning which then gives birth to Material Abundance. Cause Creates Effect”!

I did not transcribe this video, so we’ll have to watch it if we want to hear what he has to say about emotional wealth and how it relates to abundance and prosperity. He speaks a little bit about femifestation which is an interesting concept and variation on the word manifestation.

Audio Only:


Cause and Effect

This is track 3 of 7 from Miraculii Abundance Rap, titled Cause and Effect. I really like it. He talks more about it on a different video, Cause and Effect, The Law of Necessity. One thing he said about it that I thought was interesting was this:

Of everything that is contained within this entire book, this was the first thing that I wrote at age 22. From that moment, I saw the vision for my whole life and felt a Power that tenderly rocked my world!

If you’d prefer to watch it on YouTube, here’s a direct link: Cause and Effect Track 3 of 7

The Lyrics and the Chant:

That which is, is necessary
That which is necessary shall be
There is no escape
From the fulfillment of necessity
To make a vain attempt
Will find one
In the spider web of cyclicity
Around and around a constant revolution
Not learning the lesson or receiving the message
That would afford one a Divine Solution
But as for every experience, yours or mine
We are the creators of necessity
In thought and word and deed you see
Never an element of chance, not for you or for me
Because we project the causes
The effects become necessary
We create action circumstance and destiny
And now we know exactly what to expect
Through the Universal Law of Cause and Effect
But during the times
When something negative would happen to us
Our burden seemed so heavy, and oh how unjust
And we cursed and cried
How could this happen to us
But the seeming negative thing
Was a lesson and a message too
That could be highly beneficial to me and to you
The lesson and the message were like a door marked pull
But our head was so hard and we were as stubborn as a bull
For there we were pushing on a door marked pull
What are we doing, no wonder all the strife
Let us pass through the door of experience
And it will serve us in life
So we open up the door, we stand tall and we face it
Our cup is somewhat bitter, but we receptively embrace it
Oh it’s a very wise decision, for we cannot escape it
Yes this effect was reaped
From a cause we did sow
And now is simply the time
To pay the debt that we owe
So with calm assurance
We now walk through the door
To be tormented by this experience no more
For the lesson we have learned
And the message we did hear it
Oh how it expanded our mind
And quickened our spirit
Yes that circumstance was no element of chance
We were only receiving our own
And that’s why we embraced it
Behold the things of greater brilliance
On the other side of the door
That now dutifully and gracefully fulfill and replace it
To think we foolishly thought it was a disadvantage
What a blessing to realize
That every seeming negative thing
Must always have an equal positive advantage
And now that all negative thoughts
Have been divinely released
Our countenance is filled with that Heavenly Peace
A Peace firm in the supreme spirit of eternal standing
I mean that unshakeable peace, that passeth understanding
And now whatever our fate, let us not be disturbed
It did not happen to hurt us, but to humbly serve
Despite the seeming pain, and apparent distress
All situations are to uplift our consciousness
And now we deny the influence of anything distressing
For there is a lesson that is teaching
And a message wisely expressing
To please study us closely, for we are really a blessing
And now the knowledge has been bestowed
Upon you and upon me
That whatever comes into being, is born of necessity
No more will we be caught in the web of cyclicity
We’re now Empowered by the dance
Of cause and effect

Audio Only:


Spirit Rap PowWow

This is another version of the Spirit Rap with binaural beats. Pretty cool. The rap is the same as all the other Spirit Raps, it’s the sound and the rhythm that is different. Here’s an excerpt:

I invoke and dream awake expanded God consciousness, fully realized in me as unlimited abundance fulfilling my every need and desire. I invoke and dream awake the ending of procrastination, tiredness, blockages,  obstacles and unhealthy belief systems. I decree immediate abundance in my life. I invoke and dream awake my liberation from all karmic debt. I am Infinite Opulence. I invoke and dream awake my personal empowerment in every instant that anyone is impacted by my Being and Creations.

The lyrics (or chant) in it’s entirety can be found below the video. Enjoy!

Spirit Rap Lyrics

I Invoke, Decree and Dream Awake the full cellular ascension of my being; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual in this Now, with the full support of God/Goddess, the Ascended Master realm to include:

>Our Ascended Master Self, Father Saint Germain, Sananda, the Holy Mother Mary, Quan Yin / Goddess of mercy,
Archangel Michael and the legions, Ashtar and the entire command, Babaji, Raphael, Gabriel, Clan of the Trumpet Angels, Aboriginal and Tribal Shamen, Goddesses of Fortune, Angels of Light, Elohim, Clan of the Serpents, Shiva, All Christ frequencies, All Animal Totems, Elementals of Fire, Air, Water and Earth, all Divine Beings of Light, Love and Ascension, named and unnamed, to activate the cells within my being who are your counterparts.

With the unified power of the One, I decree my highest good always operating in this now. I decree grace and mercy always operating in this now. I Invoke decree and dream awake the full truth and reality of Ascension in this Now. I invoke and dream awake with every breath that I breathe, the violet fire, transmuting my whole being. I invoke and dream awake the full current of Ascension in every cell of my being.


I invoke and dream awake expanded God consciousness, fully realized in me as unlimited abundance fulfilling my every need and desire. I invoke and dream awake the ending of procrastination, tiredness, blockages, obstacles and unhealthy belief systems. I decree immediate abundance in my life. I invoke and dream awake my liberation from all karmic debt.

I am Infinite Opulence. I invoke and dream awake my personal empowerment in every instant that anyone is impacted by my Being and Creations. I invoke and dream awake the Infinite empowerment of my sexual, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical and financial relationship with Life. I invoke and dream awake sacred sexuality, erotic innocence, and always express the sacredness of sexual force, for pleasure, creativity and healing.

I invoke and dream awake World Universal Healing from all sexual woundedness and shame. I invoke and dream awake world wide release of all 150 manipulating forces and beings who would control humanity, past, present and future. I invoke the Angels and Ascended Masters to re-align and heal all mis-used energy, to include the full restructuring of our DNA.

I invoke and dream awake the transmutation of all negative and judgmental projections. I invoke and dream awake my constant ability to be centered and balanced in my psychic perceptions and empathic nature. All overwhelming psychic energies are released by me automatically, easily, effortlessly.
I Am Empowered by Everything!

I invoke and dream awake my Lucid Dreaming each night I sleep and total remembering when I awake. I invoke and dream awake my Infinite harmony with God/Goddess I Am. I invoke and dream awake the full expression of my Miraculous Healing Power. My Life is a continuous stream of Miracles.

I invoke and dream awake my Infinite ability and willingness to receive all Life’s Blessings. I invoke and dream awake a constant attitude of Gratitude for my whole life, all my Accomplishments and Blessings, including the same for the Universe at Large. I invoke and dream awake the full Blessings of God/Goddess, the Ascended Masters, Angels, guides and Beings of Light to Bless this Earth.

I invoke and dream awake all my Decrees, Invocations and Prayers I have released to the Universe and open myself to God’s response, support and Love in my Highest Good. I invoke and dream awake the release of all past, present and future lifetimes of decrees and vows, which would bind me to limitation, lack, density and anything not of Ascension in this now.

I invoke and dream awake the full reclaiming of my Eternal Self as Powerful, Loving and fully aligned in abundant God Consciousness. I invoke and dream awake the total dissolving of all manipulating forces, which would bind this earth plane in fear. I invoke and dream awake the influence of the Ascended Master realm and Angels to intercede and raise the vibrations higher, to bring darkness into the Light, raising the frequency of Love and God Consciousness on Planet Earth in this Now.

I Invoke and Dream Awake the Ascension of Planet Earth in this Now!

Audio Only

For those of us who prefer to simply listen, here is an audio only version of the Pow Wow Spirit Rap:


The Prosperity Master Plan Movie

This is the Prosperity Master Plan movie with Theta Binaural Beats. I transcribed a portion of this video because I really like to see the words, but it’s quite long, so I didn’t transcribe the whole thing. Here’s a short excerpt:

I feel the presence of my lavish abundance, fashioned out of the fabric of my own mind and soul. My being is one of infinite prosperity. All my wealth and riches are real in this very moment. My abundance is always immediate. Now is my access code to all wealth. I am therefore a billionaire of being, allowing my expression as a multibillionaire.

Isn’t that great?

Here is the first part of it:

I allow the lavish resonance of God’s Nature to express through me as me.
I hold this truth for the omnipresence of life.
I allow my awareness and knowing to remember that I am the I AM Presence from which all my substance and supply comes.
I celebrate the truth that I am the heir of all goodness.
This is my time.
I am so grateful I look forward to sharing this great substance and supply with the whole world in manifested form.
I am therefore have multiple streams of income flowing from known and unsuspected sources.
I am therefore feel celebration and sacred pride in the success of all, and my own success by extension.
I feel the presence of my lavish abundance, fashioned out of the fabric of my own mind and soul.
My being is one of infinite prosperity.
All my wealth and riches are real in this very moment.
My abundance is always immediate.
Now is my access code to all wealth.
I am therefore a billionaire of being, allowing my expression as a multibillionaire.
My consciousness of God is the true reality of my supply.
I am therefore aware of my God Self the Christ within as my source and my supply.
I honor that the origin of my abundance is the womb of the great within, the great femifestation, the creator of all manifestation.
I am therefore who I really am.
I live, move, and have my being as the presence of the Divine.
Divine mind is the all providing activity within me pouring forth my limitless supply.
That which I allow for me is also what I allow for the all that is, in realizing that my inner being is the root of my supply.
I therefore also realize that first and foremost, I am my own inner money substance, and my outer money is the offspring of God within me.
My inner money substance is the primordial cause, and my outer money is the material effect.
Outer money people places and conditions are the privileged conduits through which my unlimited supply flows from the well spring of my inner source.
The principle of supply is always in action, manifesting the immediate fulfillment of all my needs and desires.
I trust my inner supply to instantly immediately and continually crystallize in forms circumstances and experiences of my needs and desires fulfilled.
I am therefore in a constant living meditation resonating the life of this truth.
I am.
Therefore I let go and let god fulfill the all sufficiency of abundance into my life and affairs.
Divine consciousness within me lovingly fulfills this responsibility.
My true nature is to always be abundant.
I honor, allow and embrace the truth of my abundant supply.
The kingdom of heaven is my own.
Spirit within me is the divine power that lifts me up and makes everything new.
I bless the years the locusts of negative thinking have eaten, and like the phoenix, this energy now rises up to support the fulfillment of the great abundance that I desire.
I honor that I am this abundance, that it is formed from the substance of my spirit.
I am therefore completely fulfilled by my god self within me.
My awareness of this truth allows my goodness, blessings, and supply to continuously flow down the corridors of forever.
I am relaxed in the ease and grace of the eternally flowing stream of my abundance.
God within me is the only cause of my prosperity.
The activity of divine abundance within me is my focus.
My inner being is the substance of all things visible. I feel the full measure of my abundance, my prosperity supply feels so good.
I am therefore lavishly rich in my consciousness of my soul as my individualized expression of infinite prosperity.
God within me is my eternal source and supply.
I am therefore so rich, a billionaire of being.
The products of my blessings are distributed in my outer world of manifestations after being created and manufactured in the innermost recesses of my divine being.
My spirit is the substance of all my blessings and manifestations. Abundance is the frequency of manifestation.
The wellspring of abundance is bred from my divine self within.
Prosperity is the natural activity of my inner being.
Light and truth are the origin of all my blessings.My inner substance is the first stage and the greater measure of all my blessings.
I am divine substance, yielding massive forever expanding supply.
I am therefore infinite prosperity consciousness.
I allow, receive,manifest and live my awareness of the infinite prospering activity of god within me as the source and supply of my abundance.
I am, therefore I have unlimited awareness of the truth of my infinite prosperity, therefore my abundance is unlimited.
God within me is the source and substance of my infinite supply.
I am therefore a billionaire of being, and therefore a multi billionaire. right now my inner abundant supply becomes form, experiences and circumstances fulfilling my every need and desire.

Audio only

For those of us who like to simply listen, here is an audio only version:


Amazing Creator

Chant for Awakening your INNER CREATIVE POWER from the album “Ascension Rap” by Astarius Miraculii. If you’d like to watch the video on YouTube, here’s a direct link: Amazing Creator – Awaken Your Inner Creative Power

I love this little chant. Here’s the gist of it:

I’m an amazing creator
Successful and Ascended
I’m an amazing creation
Successful and Ascended
I am that I am
Ascended I am

Audio Only

For those of us who would like to simply listen, here’s an audio only version:

Sources and Links:

Attitudes Are Important

A message about why Attitudes Are More Important than Circumstance. This little video includes a nice talk by Astarius along with a poem he wrote about attitudes and uncomfortable circumstances. The poem is shared below, but I did not transcribe the talk. So we’ll have to watch it to learn what he has to say.

Hear ye oh seeker
Play not a game of chance
Maintain a lofty attitude
To conquer lowly circumstance
Some circumstances seem so bad
Though goodness in disquise
It’s up to us to see the good
Or else be victimized
Perfect circumstance seems down
And we reject it with a frown
That circumstance is then compelled
To pull us down in mental hell
But if we keep our mind on high
Despite the pain of circumstance
Up with our attitude our circumstance rises
And beyond its pain we then advance
Bitter circumstance is as a medicine
To bring the wellness of a learned lesson
But we must swallow this medicine down
To receive the healing and achieve the blessing
For if we spit this medicine out
Life gives another dose without a doubt
Then we become victim of circumstance
A tyrant from which we can’t advance
Until we learn to face it with a smile
Drink that bitter cup and go the extra mile
So that all things may be enhanced
Because your attitude is more important than circumstance

Audio Only

For those of us who prefer to simply listen, here’s an audio only version of the above video.


Spirit Rap with Lakshmi

This is an interesting variation of the Spirit Rap. It is invocations from Spirit Rap along with the following:

  • Multi-track Vocal Harmonics by Astarius Miraculii
  • Moolmantra (chant) by Kshitij Tarey

The chant was then converted to 432hz by 432hz Music on YouTube. If you’d like to watch the video on YouTube, here’s a direct link: Spirit Rap with Lakshmi.

The Mantra:

Om shreem Om hreem shreem hreem kleem shreem kleem Vitteshwaraye namaha

Audio Only

For those of us who prefer to simply listen, here’s an audio only version:


The Trust Fund of Blessings

This is a nice little talk about The Trust Fund of Blessings, along with some didgeridoo and vibrational healing. I did not transcribe this video, so if we want to know about the Trust Fun of Blessings, we’ll have to listen to the talk. 🙂

Audio Only:

Here is an audio only version of the video for those of us who prefer to simply listen:

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Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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