Monthly Archives: June 2019

Sun Salutations

This 5 Minute Morning Exercise Will Revitalize Your Life.

Making exercise a priority in the morning can be challenging. I think most people would agree that exercising in the morning is a good thing, but the reality is time always seems to get in the way. There are many benefits that come from a morning exercise routine such as; increased blood flow, more energy and fewer aches and pains.

So what’s the solution to realize these benefits and many more? It’s a yoga sequence call Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara). The Sun Salutation is a 5-minute morning exercise that will revitalize your life and send you off to tackle your day with a sense of calm and purpose.

The Sun Salutation is a sequence of postures, each with its meaning and function. It is a daily practice intended for dawn and/or sunset and done in the direction of the sun. It’s nice if you can practice Sun Salutation outside in nature as a way of honoring the sun and sharing your gratitude for its energy, but it isn’t a requirement.

The Benefits:

A regular and faithful practice of the Sun Salutation in the mornings can benefit you in the following ways:

  • Strengthens the entire digestive system.
  • Invigorates and restores the nervous system.
  • Energizes the heart and regulates blood pressure and heart palpitations.
  • Promotes healthy lungs and breath.
  • Stimulates glandular activity.
  • Strengthens the muscles in your upper and lower body including your abdomen and back.
  • Reduces excess fat on the body.
  • Improves kidney function.
  • Encourages proper posture.
  • Brings clarity to your mind.

Basically, a morning ritual that includes the Sun Salutation will benefit all your vital organs, muscles, your mind and it will provide shape and muscle to your body in a healthy, natural way.

Doing The Sun Salutation

The good thing about the Sun Salutation is it is perfect for all levels. The series is made up of eight beginning yoga poses that take you through twelve stations. It can take you anywhere from 5 minutes to longer, depending on how many sequences you choose to do.

The Sun Salutation can be performed at various speeds. A slow rhythmic practice is recommended as it has greater effect on the mind. The Sun Salutation helps to attain a meditative mood when performed slowly, with attention on the breath and chanting the specific mantra. When performed with speed, it has more effect on the body, energizing it and burning extra calories.

No matter what the speed is, it is important to pay attention to the breathing.

  • Contraindications and Cautions

The Sun Salutation should not be practiced by those suffering from high blood pressure, coronary diseases and strokes. Also those with hernia should avoid this. Women should generally not practice it during pregnancy. People with spondylitis and sciatica should consult a doctor before practicing the Sun Salutation.

Each Sun Salutation round consists of two sets, and the 12 yoga poses complete one set of Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar). In order to complete the second half of one round, repeat the same sequence of postures, only moving the left leg instead of the right (steps 4 and 9). Sun Salutations, as the name suggests, are best done early morning on an empty stomach.

But Wait… There’s More:

Some of you might remember that Sun Salutations were shared here as part of our Well Begun project. That post is a lot longer than this one and covers the Sun Salutations in depth and in detail. If you are interested, you will find it here: Good Morning To The Sun. It even has Sun Salutations that can be done while sitting in a chair!

Daily Devotion To The Sun

Stand with your feet apart and your arms raised even with your shoulders to form a star. With the left palm up and the right palm down, breathe in the grounding energy of the Earth and exhale any scattered energy through your mouth. Continue to breathe in this fashion until you’re totally relaxed.

Then call on the Sun, saying something like:

Father Sun, Who turns the night
Into the day with golden light
I give thanks for all You bring:
Warmth, strength, hope, and other things
Like laughter, joy, and true affection
And for holding me in Your protection
I thank You for my life this day
Please bless me with Your golden rays
And with Your wisdom, warm and bright
Please open me unto Your light
Into my body let it swell
Infusing each and every cell
To energize ’til the day is done
This I ask You, Father Sun

Repeat the invocation twice more, and stay in the position until you feel the energy begin to swirl through your body.

Found at: Meditation

Make A Solar Cooker

I was thinking that it might be fun and good to use the Sun’s power in a simple practical way. And so, from the Mother Earth News, we have this great little article that explains how to make a simple solar cooker. I love this idea, especially for summer time picnics. Here it is:

By now, we’ve all heard about solar cookers of one sort or another. And you know an idea has finally gone “mainstream” when you open a glossy mail-order catalog and find solar cookers for sale. Nevertheless, most residents of the United States still think of solar cookers as some sort of novelty, perhaps a good weekend project for Scouts, but not something that is practical and useful.

In fact, solar cooking is practical in every state of the Union (except Alaska) for at least six to eight months every year. Even with snow on the ground, you’ll still be able to cook if the day is sunny. As for cost — well, I wouldn’t consider purchasing a prefab solar cooker. My wallet simply wouldn’t allow me that luxury.

Mother Earth News readers may have made their own cookers described in past issues, particularly the parabolic dish cooker, and the “breadbox” design made from wood or sheet metal. But there’s an even simpler — and cheaper — way of making a solar cooker: use cardboard boxes.

First, get two boxes. One should be able to fit into the other, with ideally an inch of space all around. (If you can’t find boxes, you can cut and fit your own). Now, cover both inside and outside of the little box with aluminum foil, and cover the inside of the big box with aluminum foil. A water-based glue works fine for this.

Now, placing the little box into the bigger box, the tops of each box should be at the same level. To accomplish this you need to support the inner box so that it is off the floor of the bigger box. This is done by placing small pieces of flat wood inside the big box. Generally, four small pieces of wood will serve as four “legs” to support the inner box. You can also use several pieces of cardboard to raise up the inner box.

Once you’ve placed and glued these four legs, you pack all the space between the two boxes with crumpled newspapers. Though most people have no problem obtaining old newspapers for the insulation, you can use many other substances too: old cotton rags, straw, dried grass, coconut fibers, etc. Though you might be tempted to use white blown foam packing chips for insulation, DON’T! At high temperatures, they often melt and/or give off undesirable fumes.

Now that you have one box inside another, with both of their tops level, and with the insulation packed between the boxes, you are ready to seal the insulation. This is done simply by taping or gluing pieces of cardboard over the top open section between the two boxes.

Next, make a lid for your cooker. If you were lucky enough to find a large cardboard box with a tight-fitting lid, you can now proceed with that lid. However, you may need to cut a lid from cardboard.

Once you have made your secure-fitting lid, you are ready to cut an opening for a sheet of glass or heavy-duty plastic.

You now want to cut an opening in the lid that is just as big as the opening of the inner box. But only cut the lid on three sides so you can bend up the opening and create a reflector out of it.

The opening of the lid will need to be covered with a single pane of glass or with a sheet of plastic. The plastic will be easiest to install, though glass will retain the heat better. The glass or plastic must be secured to the inside of the lid by glue or silicone caulking. Make certain that the glass is secure before proceeding.

Now, note that the flap that you cut on the lid for the glass can open and close. Line the inside of this lid flap with aluminum foil, and you have an automatic reflector. When the solar cooker is in use, you prop up the lid with a stick. Presto! Your solar cooker is complete!

An outer box with dimensions of 28″ x 24″ x 10″ and an inner box with dimensions of 23″ x 19″ x 9″ work well, but that’s only a recommendation. The design can be modified depending upon the supplies you have on hand. You may have a good pane of glass, and so you should adjust the cooker’s size based upon the glass. There’s room for flexibility.

Before you cook, you should place a black metal cookie tray, or an aluminum foil tray, on the inside of the cooker. To absorb the heat effectively, all cooking pots should be black and should be covered.

Though anyone handy with making things should have no difficulty, some of you may want more details. An organization called Solar Cookers International has been actively promoting the solar cookers concept worldwide. They sell detailed plans for making a solar cooker and other useful gear.

Eight Cooking Speed Factors

  • Sun’s angle (determined by season and time of day).
  • Cloud cover.
  • Wind. A strong wind will slow the cooking process somewhat.
  • Cooker’s orientation to sun. For meals that need to be cooked several hours, adjust cooker’s position to maximize sunlight at approximately 1 1/2-hour intervals.
  • Cooker size. Boxes should be as small and shallow as required to avoid substantial heat loss and shadows on food.
  • Size and color of pots. Again, use the smallest pot possible and, ideally, exterior should be black to facilitate the absorption of heat. Thinner pots will allow for faster cooking.
  • Food-piece size and quantity. Cut up portions as small as possible. Smaller quantities of food will cook faster.
  • Water content. Use as little water as possible. Boiling in a large pot of water takes much cooking time.
  • Air temperature is not as important as sun exposure, but should be above freezing.

Cooking Time On A Sunny Day

  • 1-2 hours: Eggs, rice, fruit, vegetables (above ground), fish, chicken
  • 3-4 hours: Potatoes, vegetables (roots), most beans and lentils, red meat, bread



Gayatri Mantra

The Gayatri Mantra is considered the most potent recitation for attracting spiritual and intellectual enlightenment. It calls for the celestials to shine their light of awakened consciousness on all of the physical and spiritual realms, as represented by our chakras.

The Mantra:

Om Bhu, Om Bhuvaha, Om Swaha
Om Maha, Om Janaha, Om Tapaha, Om Satyam
Om Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yonaha Prachodayat

The Meaning:

“O self-effulgent Light that has given birth to the luminous planes of consciousness, who is worthy of worship and appears through the spiritual lens of the sun, illumine our intellect.”

Here’s a Video:

You might notice that the video version is slightly different than the one detailed above, which is from Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley Farrand. I love how happy and musical it is.

Found at: Meditation

Blue Solar Water

Blue Solar Water is easy to make, delicious to drink and is very a powerful tool for healing the body and spirit.

As we know, water carries vibrations, energy frequency, crystals, colors… Blue solar water provides the best: the powerful energy of the sun, the source of all life, and the fascinating properties of the healing and calming blue color. This water has become a favorite and popular after the book Zero Limits by Dr. Hew Len and above all through Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian healing technique.

In addition to being extremely healthy, this water helps cleanse the deep negative subconscious programs that we automatically repeat over and over again. Blue solar water heals emotional wounds and blockages, takes them to the surface and relieves us from them so that we get reset back to zero, in a pure state, to a clean start, without the background noise of negative thoughts. This water meets positivity, peace and love. And everyone can drink it, children, sick with cancer, especially those on chemotherapy. It is even tastier than plain water. And it is very easy to make.


Why blue?

Blue is the color of the fifth chakra, the so-called power center or the throat chakra (Vishuddha). The throat chakra is extremely important because it is the way through which energy from the higher energy centers can move to the lower ones and vice versa. It is the first center of higher frequencies and only when it is completely clean and open, we can reach higher states of consciousness. It is a bridge between the physical and the spiritual world, between the heart and the mind. It separates the secular from the sacred and transmitters the intention of the soul.

And it has been scientifically proven that the color blue has a tremendously powerful impact on our brains, decision-making and behavior.

Blue sky means a nice, relaxing day. Clean calm blue sea means calmness and serenity. In fact, everything blue symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Krishna is blue.

Science says it’s no coincidence these blue things make all of us us feel so good. After all, blue is the only color spectrum that can effectively prevent people from committing suicide.

It is proven that the color blue has a calming effect on people, and that is why it is used in different ways. In 2000, police in Glasgow, Scotland, installed blue lights in areas with a high crime rate. Since then, crime in those infamous neighborhoods decreased by 9%.

In Japan, several major railway companies switched to only blue lights at all railway crossings. To date they have a stunning success: In 2007, a year before the blue lights were installed, they had 640 suicides. In 2008, after the lights were installed, there were zero suicides!

If this is all strange and you do not believe in the incredible efficiency of blue, read on.

One theory says that the color itself has a tangible, biological effect on our brain chemistry. Harold Wohlfarth, president of the German Academy of Color Science, conducted a study in which he found that blue color lighting actually had a psychological impact on children and adults, and what is particularly bizarre in all things is the fact that it had the same effect even on blind people.

Wohlfarth believes that traces of electromagnetic energy from the blue light affects certain neurotransmitters in the brain. When light of a certain color falls on the eye, even if the eye is blind, it affects the gland that produces melatonin, which creates a chain reaction that elevates mood and calms emotions.


How to make Blue solar water?

All you need is a blue glass bottle (the shade of blue is not important) and fill it up with filtered, spring or plain tap water. You also need to make sure that the cap you seal the bottle with is not made of metal. It can be glass or plastic, but never use metal. The cap only serves as a protection against dust or insects that are very fond of this water.

This water bottle should be then kept on the sun for 1-12 hours. The longer you keep it on the sun, the sweeter its taste will get. But remember not to keep it longer than 12 hours.


How to drink it?

Drink this water as much as possible, it is very tasty and drinkable. Somehow, our body recognizes it, so even those who don’t drink so much water will have no problem drinking a few liters.

In addition to drinking it, you can use this water for cooking, watering flowers, for your animals, add it in the washing machine, dishwasher, put in a sprayer and refresh the rooms, add it to your bath…

Once you have made your Blue Solar Water you can transfer it into another container, plastic or glass, doesn’t matter. It can be kept in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

If you get really excited about the solar water, here are some other uses:

  • Add some to your coffee, tea, cocoa, juice, etc
  • Use it to “wash your hands” of a given situation
  • Add Blue Solar Water to everything you cook, pasta, soup, oatmeal, etc.
  • Add some Blue Solar Water to your washing machine when washing clothes
  • Spray some in your dryer
  • Pour it over your head to clear yourself of bad vibes and negative energy
  • Add it to your radiator to make your car hummmm
  • Add it to your bath water
  • Spray yourself with Blue Solar water after showering
  • Spray rooms with Blue Solar Water
  • Gargle with it.
  • Wash floors with it
  • Wash your car with Blue Solar Water

Found at: Color Therapy

Hymn To The Sun

Shamash was the Sun God of ancient Babylon. The prayer that follows is one of the longest and most beautiful of the hymns that have come down to us in cuneiform. I think this would make an awesome invocation, prayer, or meditation to greet the Sun as morning dawns.


Hail Shamash

You climb to the mountains surveying the earth,
You suspend from the heavens the circle of the lands.

You care for all the peoples of the lands,
And everything that Ea, king of the counselors, had created is entrusted to you.

Whatever has breath you shepherd without exception,
You are their keeper in upper and lower regions.

Regularly and without cease you traverse the heavens,
Every day you pass over the broad earth. . . .

Shepherd of that beneath, keeper of that above,
You, Shamash, direct, you are the light of everything.

You never fail to cross the wide expanse of sea,
The depth of which the Igigi know not.

Shamash, your glare reaches down to the abyss
So that monsters of the deep behold your light. . . .

Among all the Igigi there is none who toils but you,
None who is supreme like you in the whole pantheon of gods.

At your rising the gods of the land assemble,
Your fierce glare covers the land.

Of all the lands of varied speech,
You know their plans, you scan their way.

The whole of mankind bows to you,
Shamash, the universe longs for your light. . . .

Every single person is entrusted to your hands;
You manage their omens; that which is perplexing you make plain.

You observe, Shamash, prayer, supplication, and benediction,
Obeisance, kneeling, ritual murmurs, and prostration.

The feeble man calls you from the hollow of his mouth,
The humble, the weak, the afflicted, the poor,
She whose son is captive constantly and unceasingly confronts you.

He whose family is remote, whose city is distant,
The shepherd [amid) the terror of the steppe confronts you,
The herdsman in warfare, the keeper of sheep among enemies.

Shamash, there confronts you the caravan, those journeying in fear,
The travelling merchant, the agent who is carrying capital.

Shamash, there confronts you the fisherman with his net,
The hunter, the bowman who drives the game,
With his bird net the Fowler confronts You.

The prowling thief, the enemy of Shamash,
The marauder along the tracks of the steppe confronts you.

The roving dead, the vagrant soul,
They confront you, Shamash, and you hear all.

You do not obstruct those that confront you. . . .
For my sake, Shamash, do not curse them!

You grant revelations, Shamash, to the families of men,
Your harsh face and fierce light you give to them. . . .

The heavens are not enough as the vessel into which you gaze,
The sum of the lands is inadequate as a seer’s bowl…….

You deliver people surrounded by mighty waves,
In return you receive their pure, clear libations. . . .

They in their reverence laud the mention of you,
And worship your majesty for ever. . . .

Which are the mountains not clothed with your beams?
Which are the regions not warmed by the brightness of your light?

Brightener of gloom, illuminator of darkness,
Dispeller of darkness, illuminator of the broad earth.

Salutations To The Shining One

This mantra invokes the healing power of the sun. When using it, for maximum benefit spend some time in the sun each day. You will achieve optimal results by practicing the mantra between ten and twenty minutes each day for forty days.

Om Hiranyagharbhaya Namaha

(Om Heer an yah gar bah yah Nah mah hah)

“Om and salutations to the Shining One
who heals and is golden-colored.”

An alternate translation:

“Om and salutations to Hiranya-garbha’s golden-colored rays.
May your powerful solar energy heal my heart and emotions.”

I also found a video:

Sun Meditation

At sunrise, sit facing the sun. Meditate on light, on the dawning of a new day. Ask yourself what it is you wish to bring into your life. Thank the sun for illuminating your path.

At sunset, watch the sun as it disappears over the horizon. Reflect on your day and the coming darkness.

  • What shadow aspects of your being do you need to confront?
  • What do you want to release, or complete in your life?
  • What do you need to work on in your night dreams?

Give thanks and make an offering to Father Sun; receive his blessings and gifts.

From: Circle of Song

Presenting An Infant To The Sun


Now this is the day.
Our child,
Into the daylight
You will go out standing.
Preparing for your day,
We have passed our days.
When all your days were at an end,
When eight days were past,
Our sun father
Went in to sit down at his sacred place.
And our night fathers
Having come out standing to their sacred place,
Passing a blessed night
We came today.
Now this day
Our fathers,
Dawn priests,
Have come out standing to their sacred place.
our sun father,
Having come out standing to his sacred place,
Our child, it is your day.
This day,
The flesh of the white corn,
Prayer meal,
To our sun father
This prayer meal we offer.
My your road be fulfilled
Reaching to the road of your sun father,
When your road is fulfilled
In your thoughts may we live,
May we be the ones whom your thoughts will embrace,
For this, on this day
To our sun father,
We offer prayer meal.
To this end:
May you help us all to finish our roads.

Found at: Feathers and Bones

Orange Juice For A Fresh Start

For our first activity, we have this fun and simple magickal exercise:

Materials needed:

  • Small glass of orange juice

Take the juice outside at daybreak, and, facing east, offer it to the Infant Sun by saying something like:

O Infant born into the sky
I offer this to You on high
And offer thanks for Your arrival
And for the role You play in our survival

Turning clockwise, pour the juice on the ground in a circle around you. Then ask the Sun for a fresh start by saying something like:

Oh Infant Sun, I call to You
Who starts each day with life anew
Whose birth brings warmth and gives us joy
Whose light the darkness does destroy
Who separates the night from day
Who guides us with His gentle rays
Who gives us hope and makes us smile
Who makes each step we take worthwhile
Who inspires and cultivates
Fresh ideas and captivates
All who feel His golden light
I ask You, Infant Sun, so bright
To bring to me a new beginning
That puts me on the path to winning
What I desire most in my life ~
Free of needless stress and strife ~
Oh, bring to me a fresh new start
And I ask You, too, impart
Your courage as I tread anew
The path that I now ask of You
Bring this at once now, Infant Sun
As I will, so it be done.

Kiss your hand to the Sun and step over the juice circle. Go indoors and know that a brand new beginning is on its way.

Found at: Book of Shadows

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

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Abundance Chants & Raps
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  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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