Daily Archives: September 9, 2017

Bedroom Feng Shui

The bedroom is an obvious respite from a tiresome world for many reasons: It provides comfort, warmth and familiarity in the face of great stress, hard work and exhaustion.

While it’s certainly wonderful to have a room full of the furniture of your dreams, it’s even more important to address the feng shui characteristics of your bedroom. As pleasing as material items are, the placement of certain items, the colors and even the materials can make an enormous difference in the state of your life affairs.

Bedroom arrangements in feng shui embrace the primary function of your bedroom, which is to serve such activities as sleep, relaxation and sex. Feng shui principles incorporate the right elements and furniture placement to enhance your overall health and well being. These principles ensure the continued flow of chi energy through the balance of yin (female) and yang (male) energies.

Feng shui in the bedroom can bring new and unexpected harmony to life. The benefits range from the financial to the professional to the romantic.

The idea of a perfect feng shui bedroom may bring different images to different people, but they will all have one thing in common – pleasure and dreaming as the keywords. In a good feng shui bedroom, every item will reflect the clear intent for love, healing, and relaxation.

What do you think?

I collected a wide variety of beautiful images of some spectacular bedrooms. Beautiful as they are, most of them would definitely NOT give me a good nights sleep, or a feeling of security, safety and complete restfulness. Here they are. What do you think?

And now that I’ve completed the post and read all the feng shui information, I have a pretty pretty good idea as to why they don’t “feel” quite right for a cozy and comfortable night’s sleep.

What to Do

Your bed should be placed in the “command” position or far away from and unaligned with the door. The door should be visible from the bed. This placement encourages the natural flow of chi, which in turn promotes restfulness, sleep and motivation; all of which are conducive to a successful professional life.

Early to bed, early to rise and to enjoy the sunlight. Natural light is the ideal way to start the day, not only because it releases such positive energy, but also because it raises serotonin levels, which can make your workday more productive.

What Not to Do

Don’t place clutter of any kind, especially work-related items,underneath the bed. Any type of mess has its own unique, negative energy that can disturb everything from sleep to health.

Don’t place a desk in the bedroom. If this is unavoidable, then don’t pile the desk with paperwork, bills and other work or finance related items. If these items must be in the bedroom, use a fabric or a folding screen to separate the area from the rest of your bedroom, which should be your resting area.

3 Steps To A Good Feng Shui Bedroom

So you’ve heard a lot about creating good feng shui in your bedroom and you know that it is so very important to have good energy there, right? You might also be a bit skeptical about feng shui, or maybe intrigued but convinced that it’s impossible to create good feng shui in your bedroom.

Here come 3 easy steps (read: rules) to help you get an easy grasp on good bedroom feng shui and even enjoy it in your bedroom on a constant basis!

  • Step 1 – Create A Good Energy Foundation

What does a good feng shui energy foundation mean? It is basically a set of building blocks on which all other good things can be created. There are several factors that make a good feng shui energy foundation in your bedroom.

  1. The first one is the abundance of fresh, clean air.
  2. Second is the quality of natural light.
  3. Followed by the “no clutter” rule and the “no electrical equipment” rule.

These are firm rules like “no computer in the bedroom” or “no cell phone close to the bed”, and definitely “no TV or exercise equipment in the bedroom”.

Why? Mainly because they create high EMFs for which you pay dearly (often without understanding why you are not feeling well). They also slowly but surely destroy all the goodness you want to have in your most intimate space – the energy of genuine love, deep connection and sexual healing.

Basics like keeping the window open for a fresh air flow, letting natural light in, not storing any clutter in your bedroom closets or under the bed have to become just that: basics that you do not think about, argue or make it hard to implement.

  • Step 2 – Put Your Bed In The Best Spot

Find the best furniture layout with your bed in the so-called commanding position and/or facing one of your lucky feng shui directions.

Have access to your bed from both sides and have (no matter how small) nightstands on both sides of bed.

Be mindful not to have a mirror facing your bed or any sharp angles pointing at you while you sleep. Understand what makes a good feng shui bedroom layout and see if yours is close to having good feng shui.

If you feel like moving your furniture from time to time, this is perfectly fine, just be sure you know the best spots for your major furniture pieces. A good placement of furniture – especially your bed – in your bedroom will allow for a stable and harmonious flow of energy which every room needs (and more so a bed-room!)

  • Step 3 – Beautiful Color and Decor

Beauty is like food, energy-wise. An ugly space can literally poison your energy, while a beautiful, harmonious one will elevate, nourish and heal you.

Do your best to create and maintain a sense of beauty in your bedroom and have only items that you love to be surrounded with.

Follow basic feng shui colour guidelines, such as the one that recommends earth colour tones as best colours for the bedroom (look at a wide range of colours: from deep chocolate browns to light sand colours), and be sure to add sensual, romantic touches in a fire feng shui element colour (red, pink, magenta, lavender or coral orange colours.)

Bring only art that makes you happy and inspired, use comfortable natural bedding and have either candles or dimmer switches to keep the energy soft and nourishing.

Your bedroom is the outward expression of your love for yourself, so start loving yourself more as love leads to all things good, no matter you are sharing your bedroom with a loved one or only with yourself.

Ultimately, love does not come from outside, but is rather an expression of your own ability to feel love. So express it more, as well as nourish and strengthen this expression with good feng shui in your space.

Good luck in creating an excellent feng shui bedroom!

To Encourage Career Growth

While the right design tips will go a long way in positively influencing your professional life, several elements and objects in particular encourage growth in this area. They include:

  • Water:

Water has a powerful effect on career growth in feng shui. Its dual energy and serenity mirrors the very qualities necessary for a successful professional path. Despite that, its presence in the bedroom is generally frowned upon since it generates too much yin energy. Place a small table fountain or an elegant piece of artwork depicting water in your home office or North sector of your home, but never in the bedroom.

  • Mirrors:

Mirrors are equally beneficial as they relate to careers and feng shui. However, they should not directly face the bed since they can drain your energy. Mirrors are also associated with the water element, which shouldn’t be placed in a bedroom. According feng shui guru Lillian Too, the purpose of mirrors is to reflect negative chi energy away from you.

  • Colors:

Yellow is a stimulating color that easily keeps your brain focused, while green is exceptionally calming. Colors like red, purple and gold are heavily associated with wealth. However, these colors are dramatic and deep, and hence should not be used in abundance. Instead, use them as creative accent pieces for your bedroom’s gentle color scheme. Lampshades, candles and small trinkets are excellent items to touch with these brilliant hues.

  • Other Considerations:

The key to success in both finance and career is to increase the amount of positive energy in your life. This can only be accomplished if your bed is stable and supported by a strong headboard to protect your personal chi as you sleep.

Placement of The Bed

While the aesthetic elements are the first things generally noticed in a bedroom, the most important feature is truly the position of the bed. As the largest piece of furniture in the room and the place where you rest, the bed is particularly important. The wrong placement can jeopardize your health.

  • The ideal placement for your bed is diagonally across from the door. This placement gives you privacy and also allows you to see anyone entering your bedroom.
  • Never place your bed directly across from the door. This placement puts you in a sleeping position where your feet point toward the door. This is known as the coffin position and is the worst possible position since it’s considered the position of death and is very inauspicious.
  • Avoid placing your bed in front of or underneath a window since chi energy enters and leaves a room through the windows. If your bed is in this pathway, the chi energy will flow over you as you sleep, causing a restless sleep.
  • Don’t place the mattress directly on the floor. This is very inauspicious since you’re in the main pathway of the chi energy.
  • Floating beds look very appealing, but lack the feeling of support and safety. Choose bed frames with proper support so that you can feel more relaxed.
  • Having a headboard against the wall gives you a subtle sense of security that’ll help you fall asleep easier. This has to do with our survival instincts and sense of security.
  • Never place your bed on a wall shared by the bathroom, or kitchen.

Note: If the size or configuration of your room, especially window location, prevents you from following feng shui guidelines, then you can apply corrective feng shui cures and remedies.

One easy solution to inauspicious wall placements that cannot be avoided is to use a thick headboard for your bed, which acts as a buffer, and can minimize wanted noise that disturbs your sleep.

Additional Bedroom Furniture

Everything you place in your bedroom has a profound effect on the flow of chi energy. You want to ensure auspicious energy flows easily between the bedroom door and windows. By keeping this natural pathway free of clutter and large pieces of furniture, such as chairs and armoires, you’ll prevent stagnant chi and enhance all activities that take place inside your bedroom.

The bedroom is the most yin place in a home. Think of a comfy cave: dark, cozy, small. There should be a sense of enclosure, and freedom to move within it. Keeping that goal in mind, there are three main rules for your bedroom, which advise against:

  • Placements that block natural pathways and doorways.
  • Cluttering the bedroom with too much furniture.
  • Placements that create poison arrows directed toward the bed.

Poison arrows are created whenever you place an armoire or dresser so that the sharp edge of the corner is angled directly at the bed.

If you can’t avoid placing furniture so that it create poison arrows, then you can remedy this by suspending a multi-faceted crystal ball from the ceiling so that it is between the poison arrow and the bed. Another solution is to use a runner for a a dresser to conceal and soften the corner edges.

Don’t place large furniture by your bed. Some people like putting large bookshelves right by the bed. It provides easy access to books for those who enjoy reading right before going to sleep.

Small bookshelves are fine. However, if you have bookshelves that are more than six feet (180 cm) tall, then you are better off without the bookshelf. The reason is that the large furniture can give you that invisible pressure that makes you feel oppressed. It’s similar to the feeling you get when you drive right next to a truck or when you’re standing right under a monumental structure.

You can place nightstands on either side of the bed; just be sure that the nightstand isn’t higher than the mattress, since this creates a poison arrow targeting the bed. Chairs and other pieces of furniture should also be set in the bedroom according to the same guidelines.

If your armoire doors have mirror insets, then you want to place it where it doesn’t reflect the bed. If this is unavoidable, then you need to cover the mirrors when sleeping.


Mirrors can be used in a bedroom, but with great discretion. There are placements you want to avoid such as placing a mirror directly across or over a bed. You simply don’t want to reflect the bed in a mirror. This invites a third party into your marriage or relationship and results in infidelity. Some practitioners believe that a mirror can also startle the soul when it steps from the body for its nightly astral travels.

If you must place your bed so you don’t have direct line of sight of the bedroom door, you can place a mirror so that you can see the door from the bed, just be sure not the mirror doesn’t reflect the bed.


To create chi balance, you must first rid your bedroom of all clutter and work-related equipment. Dirt and dust create stagnant chi which can result in such things as illness, disharmony within your relationships and loss of wealth.

One of the biggest stress producers in most of our homes is… CLUTTER! Even if you consider yourself a hopeless clutterbug, give yourself the gift of creating a clear and clean sanctuary in your bedroom. Be ruthless!

Fresh Air

Open the windows often or use a good quality air-purifier to keep the air in your bedroom fresh and full of oxygen.
Be mindful of the quality of air in your bedroom. You cannot have good feng shui in your bedroom if the air you breathe in is stale and full of pollutants. Please note, though, that plants in the bedroom are not good feng shui unless your bedroom is fairly large and the plants are located far from the bed.

  • Essential Oils

Essential oils can also help you purify the air in your bedroom, but be sure to choose actual essential oils (they have healing properties) vs fragrance oils (which are mostly toxic).

If you are new to the world of essential oils, you can first look into the basic properties of most popular essential oils and choose which ones you would like to use in your home. There are many essential oils that are easy to love and use, lavender is certainly the number one essential oil because of its versatility and wide array of healing properties.

Your bedroom, for example, will definitely benefit from soothing sensual scents of lavender, rose, ylang ylang, or jasmine, while a ​home office can improve its energy with a good dose of peppermint, clary sage, or lemongrass in the air. I love diffusing a mixture of eucalyptus, peppermint, and some citrus oils (tangerine, grapefruit or orange) in my office space, especially in colder season when I cannot have the windows wide open.

Once you have made your choice of pure essential oils for feng shui purposes, how do you actually use them?

Spraying an essential oil mix into the air is the easiest, quickest way to change the quality of energy around you. There is a variety of essential oil mists on the market – from love energy mists with soothing, sensual oils to travel jet lag mists to help strengthen your immune system.

If you want to make your own mix, all you need is a spray bottle, preferably glass. Next, fill the bottle with pure water and add several drops of essential oil. Shake it and test it, see if you like the scent, then maybe add a couple more drops.

The easy to follow guideline is 8-10 drops of your favorite essential oils to 8 oz water (I always tend to make it more concentrated, though, but it depends on the oils I am using). Experiment and find the right ratio for you. Making your own essential oils air spray is really easy, and you can just use it in your space as needed.

Desks and Work Spaces

Work and sleep don’t mix, so don’t place a desk in your bedroom. This is a poor idea for a feng shui optimized bedroom. For good health and rest, keep your work separate from this rest area.

If your bedroom must also double as a work space, then select furniture such as secretary or other cabinet style desk that can be closed and out of sight when not being used. If you live in a small space, you can try dividing your work area and your bed with a curtain.

Electronics and Television

Electronics are out, too. They contribute electrical currents to the room that can disrupt your sleep.

Most feng shui experts believe that all electronics should be banned from the bedroom. “I want to say a special word here about televisions. Get it out of the bedroom! You’re inviting strangers into your bedroom every time you turn the TV on, bringing that often harsh outer world into your private chamber. Perhaps more importantly, you are distracting yourselves from each other.”

In a practical world, televisions and laptops are often a necessary evil in your sacred bedroom space. It’s impossible to get away from technology, so a compromise solution is to place your TV in an armoire or other cabinet that can be closed when you’re finished watching TV for the night. Close your laptop when not being used and store inside a night stand or drawer. That way they are at least out of sight and your space while you rest.

Some say that TV has a similar effect as a mirror, however, most of us use LCD’s now, and I can hardly see any reflections from that. So I don’t think the mirror-effect applies anymore.

Though some claim that TV helps them sleep, the light and sound from the TV are actually causing us to stay awake longer than needed. The light from the TV is a form of artificial light that has the tendency to keep us awake by delaying the release of sleep-inducing hormone, melatonin. Further, whatever show or movie that you’re watching can also invoke strong emotions that’ll keep you awake longer than usual.

Some experts also mentioned that electronics in the bedroom, such as TV, brings electromagnetic field that can potentially harm us. I’m not sure how it affects our sleep, but I do know that strong electric currents create strong electromagnetic fields that can cause many health consequences, which is why you shouldn’t live close to power lines.

Color Matters

You can decorate the bedroom walls in color, texture, patterns and artwork. You can use feng shui compass directions to aid you in color selection. Choose colors that are restful. Soft colors like cream, peach, and pale pink are good choices. A soft yellow is considered particularly beneficial. Blues are nice.

The best feng shui bedroom colors for are considered the so-called “skin colors”, and we know the colors of human skin vary from pale white to rich chocolate brown. Choose colors within this range that will work best for your bedroom decor.

Avoid vibrant colors as the main theme of your bedroom. These colors include bright orange, pink, and yellow, and they are not suitable for your bed linens, curtains, and your bedroom walls.

Brighter colors tend to shout out at you, which can amplify your emotions and give you more energy. They also reflect more light, which is known to disrupt your biological clock and keep you awake. If you desire to use bright colors, you may need to dim down the bedroom lights to balance out the brightness. Another method is to use the bright colors as accents rather than the main theme.

Color is usually used to enhance a particular kind of energy (element), or to balance the yin/yang relationship. Some feng shui consultants work with color a lot, others not so much, saying that there are more powerful ways to affect the energies. Personally, I love color and use it a lot because it can have a tremendous impact on how we feel in a space.

Choosing Art For The Bedroom

Choose your bedroom art wisely, as images carry powerful energy. The best feng shui advice for choosing bedroom art is to choose images that you want to see happening in your life; images with nourishing, happy and beautiful energy. Unless you enjoy being sad and lonely, do not use sad and lonely images in your bedroom.

Best art for the bedroom are images related to the emotions of love, happy relationships, body healing, and intimacy.When you select wall art for your bedroom, choose subjects that are happy and restful. Nature images and themes in twos, such as two mandarin ducks, swans, or peach blossoms, promote romance and a relaxing atmosphere.

Humans have an amazing ability to recognize faces and familiar patterns. It is suggested that you remove animal heads (hunting trophies), pictures of faces, and other odd decors from the bedroom, because they can keep you distracted and awake.

Being surrounded with unpleasant images, such as pictures depicting violence or sorrow, can invoke strong emotions that can keep you awake at night. Worse, these emotions can carry over to your dream, making you wake up tired the next day.

If you have any pictures that invokes strong emotions, remove them. Pictures that soothe and relax you are more suitable for the bedroom.

The Ceiling

If you have a choice, avoid putting your bedroom in rooms with sloping roofs and or low ceilings. Low ceilings give an invisible pressure that makes most people feel uneasy. The same is true with slanted or sloped ceilings.

Though the feeling is very subtle, it does give you some sort of unease or feelings of being compressed (worse for claustrophobics), and those feelings carry over whenever you go to bed. This is especially true if you sleep on the side with the lower ceiling. An easy solution is to use a canopy bed. The four pillars that surround you while you sleep have the tendency to make you feel more “supported” from the downward pressure of the ceiling.

A canopy can also provide protection from other negative ceiling elements, like bright light fixtures, a bathroom on the floor directly above you, and a ceiling fan.

Avoid placing your bed directly beneath exposed beams. Just like the sloped or slanted ceilings, sleeping under a beam can also give you a subtle feeling of unease. Beams give you discomfort because it is similar to having a sharp object pointed at you. Also, they can give you a feeling that your space is being chopped up, which can be highly distracting.

The size and shape of the beam, as well as the height of the ceiling, can all play a role on how much discomfort you feel. The easy cure to this is to use a canopy bed. Or you can add a pair of flutes with red ribbons at an angle so the open end is pointing upwards along the overhead beam.

If you have anything hanging right above your bed, such as a chandelier, you will get that same feeling of discomfort because you may not feel 100% safe, and the effects are worse if it is hanging right above your head. The cure is to remove that furniture and place it somewhere else, like right above a dining table, where people will not reside right under it.

  • Here’s a nice little gallery of cool canopy beds:

Lights and Lighting

Have several levels of lighting in your bedroom, or use a dimmer switch to adjust the energy accordingly. Good, appropriate lighting is very important, as light is our #1 nutrient and one of the strongest manifestation of energy.

Candles are the best feng shui bedroom lighting, as they not only clear the energy but also create a very intimate, warm and healing atmosphere. When buying candles, check to be sure your candles are toxin-free.

Avoid using harsh overhead lighting. Bright lights keep us awake and can disrupt our sleep pattern. It is true even with artificial lights and especially true for LED lights, which is known to create “light pollution” that causes sleepless nights (this is also the reason why it’s bad feng shui to sleep with your head under a window).

Try to use dim lights with a soothing color, as it can provide the atmosphere and environment as you are getting ready for bed.

Even a little bit of lighting can disrupt your sleep, simply because light can penetrate our eyelids and influence our biological clock.

You are in complete control of the lights in your bedroom. However, you have little or no control of the lights outside of your home. That is why you need blinds and curtains that can completely block out the light from the outside. If your current blinds or curtains have light shining through the cracks at night, it may be worthy to invest in double layered curtains to improve your sleep sleep.

Plants and Greenery

Remove the plants from the bedroom. Plants have an “evening complex” where they grow taller at night. The vibrant growth energy gives off quite the opposite energy you want when you’re asleep.

Also, most plants release more carbon dioxide than oxygen at night. Carbon dioxide has the ability to affect your sleep quality, and is another reason why plants should not be in your bedroom.

Cures and Elements

You can activate various areas in your life by placing feng shui elements and object in your bedroom. For example, you can activate your wealth area in the southeast sector of your bedroom by placing three metal Chinese coins tied together with red ribbon. Improve or enhance your marriage or relationship with a carved pair of rose quartz mandarin ducks on your nightstand.

Bedroom Location

The ideal location of your bedroom is far from any doors that open to the outside world. For this reason, it’s best if your bedrooms are located at the back end of the house, or or at the opposite end from the street.

The main reason is that bedrooms at the back-end are usually much more quiet. Your sleep is less likely to be disrupted from the sound and movement of anything that roams in front of the house, which includes both human and automobile traffic. Because of this, you will also enjoy higher levels of privacy.

If possible avoid placing your bedrooms at the top of the garage. When your bedroom is on top of a garage, your sleep can be disrupted by a variety of factors, including the smell of car exhaust, noise from garage door movements, insects that creeps into your bedroom, and warmer bedroom temperatures. If these four factors are non-existent, this bedroom location should be fine.

Avoid bedrooms under highly active areas. Active areas can include restrooms, entertainment rooms, or other areas where humans are active instead of sleeping peacefully. This usually does not apply to apartments and high-rises, because the bedroom is likely below another bedroom, and the flooring is usually thick and sound-proof.

However, single family homes are a different story. If your bedroom is right under a restroom, your sleep can be interrupted whenever someone flushes the toilet. Or, if you live right under a room of a teenager who has a different sleep schedule, their movements, music, or other activities can keep you awake all night.

Some say that sleeping above the kitchen stove brings bad energy that disturbs sleep and creates health issues.

Bigger Isn’t Better

Don’t oversize your bedroom. If your bedroom is too large, you may wake up tired even if you get a full eight hours of sleep. Some people feel find it hard to fully relax in extremely large bedrooms.

This could be our survival instincts at play. We are most vulnerable when we’re sleeping, and with a larger space, we may feel less in control of our surroundings, causing us to sleep on high alert rather than fully relaxed.

Open vs Closed

Keep all bedroom doors closed at night, be it the closet doors, the en-suite bathroom door or the bedroom door. This will allow for the best and most nourishing flow of energy to strengthen your health, as well as the health of your relationship.

Keeping your bedroom closet clean and organized will further create a sense of peace and calm in your bedroom. Understand the interaction between the doors and windows in your bedroom and be sure the energy is not escaping your bedroom, but rather nourishes and strengthens it.

  • Close the window when you sleep

This is mainly true if you live in an urban area, or if the bedroom is facing the street or other potential sources of noise or outside odors. If you live in a rural environment, or if the bedroom is completely private and well protected, an open window might be just fine, providing fresh air and soothing night sounds and scents.

  • Open the Window During the Day

After a full night’s sleep, your bedroom is filled with your own carbon dioxide. To refresh the air quality in your bedroom, make it a habit to open the window right after you wake up. This way, your bedroom will feel more nurturing during the night.

Carbon dioxide is known to adversely affect the quality of your sleep. So even if you live in a region with extreme cold or hot weather, try to keep your window fully open for at least a couple of hours during the day to recycle your bedroom’s air.

  • Close your bathroom doors

Many homes have a bathroom attached to the master bedroom. If possible, it’s best to keep the door between them closed at night.

  • Close the Bedroom Door

Closing the bedroom door increases your sense of privacy, especially if you live with family members. It can also provide you with a feeling of security, which can further relax your survival instincts to assist you with your sleep.

Closing the bedroom door also cancels out the noise from within your home. These sounds include the humming of the refrigerator or other home electronics, and the noise from your family members or roommates living with you.

Tips and Tricks

  • A solid headboard will ensure you have a sound restive sleep since it serves as a wall to insulate you from the outside world.
  • Don’t crowd your bedroom with items that don’t belong there.
  • Keep clothing neatly in drawers and closets.
  • Routinely clean underneath dressers and beds.
  • Don’t store things underneath dressers or beds.
  • Don’t use your bedroom as a storage area.
  • Never place water features or paintings of water scenes in a bedroom. This provides too much yang energy and creates a restless sleep.
  • Never place live plants in your bedroom since these stimulate and attract too much yang energy.
  • Use subdued, indirect lighting, like that provided by table and floor lamps.
  • Remedy any poison arrows created by sharp angles of furniture with multi-faceted crystals or rearrangement of furniture.
  • Avoid open bookshelves; books create poison arrow effect. Remedy by adding either glass or wood doors.

But wait! There’s More!

Here is another collection of cool bedroom ideas:


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