Monthly Archives: August 2017

Deliciously Aromatic Cleaning Products

Here is a collection of recipes for some deliciously decadent wonderfully aromatic cleaning products that you can make yourself.

White vinegar is something of a super tool when it comes to cleaning. It’s non-toxic, inexpensive, easy to find, and cleans, oh, just about everything: It brightens windows, freshens laundry, banishes spots on carpeting, and much more. A spray-bottle of a vinegar solution is great to have around for pesky cleaning tasks (though, avoid using it on marble countertops and hardwood floors, since the acidity could damage them).

The most effective cleaning mixture is 50% white vinegar, 50% water, but you can also add fruit peels, herbs or essential oil to the bottle so your house will smell great, too. Just give it a shake and let it infuse for at least a week.

Here’s an all purpose recipe:

Get a spray bottle and fill it up. If you’re recycling a bottle from a previous cleaner make sure you rinse it out well before mixing your ingredients (duh).

You’ll need:

  • Warm Water
  • White Vinegar
  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Dish Soap (a drop)
  • Fresh aromatic herbs and/or your favorite essential oil.

Put your leaves in the bottle and bruise them with a wooden spoon handle. You can also just twist them up or squeeze them in your hand. This activates the leaves to produce their natural oils. Make sure your herbs are very fresh so you get as much scent as possible from them. It’s really hard to completely mask the smell of vinegar but that’s just the price we pay for DIYing it. The smell quickly dissipates when it dries so it’s fiiiiine.

The mixture is easy:

  • 1 part warm water,
  • 1 part vinegar,
  • 1/2 part alcohol.
  • Add a DROP of dish soap and shake it up.

The herbs will permeate the mixture with their natural essential oils. Not only does it help cut the alcohol and vinegar scent some but herbs and essential oils also act as a natural antibacterial component.

There you go!

In summer I like to add orange or lemon peels. You can easily use essential oils to scent your spray as little or as much as you’d like. They work a little better since the scent is concentrated.

Note: You can refresh the scent with essential oils if and when your mixture begins to smell too much like vinegar.


1. A Balanced BlendTwo or three pieces of lemon rind and a few springs of rosemary blend together to create a clean, fresh scent. Plus, the fruit’s acid adds extra cleaning properties — perfect for stubborn stains.

2. A Hint of Citrus: A little bit of essential oil goes a long way, and 2-3 drops of peppermint are just enough to lend an energizing burst to the summery scent of orange rinds.

3. A Cool Burst: A few sprigs of eucalyptus and 2-3 drops of tea tree oil create a stench-absorbing powerhouse — and some people believe tea tree fights bacteria, too. Whether that’s true or not, this combination is incredibly invigorating.

4. An Earthy Option: Infuse your solution with fresh sage leaves.

5. Spicy and Sweet: This recipe adds interest with orange peels, cinnamon sticks and vanilla beans. You could also add cloves, allspice, and nutmeg for something a little more seasonal.

6. A Relaxing Aroma: Infuse your vinegar solution with fresh lavender, lemon balm, or even delightful spicy scented geranium leaves.

7. Play with Oils: Essential oils come in many fun scents (and some will kill bacteria and mold).  Just be sure to shake to combine before using. Add about 10 drops of a pure essential oil (no synthetic fragrances or you’re defeating the purpose of non-toxic cleaning) to your half vinegar-half water spray bottle. Of all the essential oils I’ve tried, peppermint is one of the few that actually masks the odor of the acetic acid in vinegar. Not a mint fan, try clove or eucalyptus which are also strong oils.

Sources: Good Housekeeping and Melodrama

Lets Clean Up Our Act

It occurred to me as I was browsing for images to decorate our project with, that in all the images of beautiful homes, lifestyles of the rich and famous, and luxurious still life paintings… there is this pervading feeling of clarity and cleanliness. The glass in the paintings sparkle in their transparency, the homes are spectacularly clean and clutter free, and so I was thinking that maybe it would be worthwhile to do some cleaning.

And then, when researching for ideas for my front door, I stumbled onto this. I think it’s perfect for this project. What do you think?

The All Year Cleaning List:

The “All Year Cleaning List” has arrived at the Front Door. Keeping your home clean all year can be daunting and sometimes a little confusing. Some tasks need to be done everyday, while others can be done once a season. We’ve created an easy guide to follow daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonally. We’ve found keeping this guide up on the refrigerator is a nice reminder for the day’s tasks. If you want to kick it up a notch, use a clear sleeve to hold this guide and mark off what you do each day with a dry erase marker.

  • Make the beds
  • Wipe down the countertops
  • Take out full trash
  • Declutter common surfaces
  • Clean any dishes
  • Wash and fold laundry
  • Vacuum and sweep floors in most used areas
  • Dust surfaces
  • Wash sheets and towels
  • Scrub bathroom and towels
  • Scrub bathroom sinks, surfaces and toilets
  • Clean Mirrors
  • Wipe down the fronts of appliances
  • Wipe down inside cabinets
  • Clean inside stove and microwave
  • Wipe down cabinet fronts
  • Clean showers and tubs
  • Dust ceiling fans and molding
  • Dust and clean windows and blinds
  • Dust baseboards
  • Clear out expired foods
  • Air out rooms in the house
  • Wash and air out comforters and quilts
  • Vacuum and sweep under furniture

Leave Your Troubles At The Door

At the end of a long, stressful day of duties and responsibilities and hard work it can be really hard to disconnect from the office and the stress so that we don’t take it into our homes with us at night. The last thing our families want to deal with is our stress from the day – they are excited to spend time with us having fun and enjoying one another.

So how do we suddenly switch modes and leave it all behind when work is over? Our families deserve a happy “us” and that means we have to train ourselves to leave a hard day behind us and allow ourselves to focus on our families when we get home. I recently heard a story called “The Trouble Tree” that shared a great example of how we can make that happen:

The Trouble Tree Story

The carpenter who was hired to help a man restore an old farmhouse had just finished his first day on the job and everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. First of all, on his way to work he had a flat tire that cost him an hour’s worth of pay, then his electric saw broke, and after work his old pickup truck refused to start. His new boss volunteered to give him a lift home and the whole way to his house the carpenter sat in stone silence as he stared out his window. Yet on arriving, he invited his boss in for a few minutes to meet his family.

As they walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When he opened the door, he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned face was one big smile as he hugged his two small children and kissed his wife. Afterwards, the man walked his boss to his car to say thank you.

Now on their way out of the house, the boss’ curiosity got the best of him so he had to ask the man about the tree on the front porch. He said, “I noticed when you came up on the porch before going into your house you stopped and touched the tree, why?”

“Oh, that’s my trouble tree,” he replied. “I know I can’t stop from having troubles out on the job, but one thing’s for sure – my troubles don’t belong in the house with my wife and children. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again.”

“Funny thing is,” he smiled, “when I come out in the morning to pick ‘em up, they aren’t nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.”

Trouble Tree Ideas

What a great idea! We should all come up with our own symbolic “Trouble Tree” to drop our problems off at night before we enter our homes. I especially like the option to pick them all up again when you leave home the next day. So I did some thinking, and I came up with several ideas that I think might work for me, and a few more that might be useful to someone else.

A Basket or a Bag:

Hang a basket next to the door, and then just drop your troubles in. This is a super cool idea to combine lights and a wire basket for a nifty entry light that could double as a place to leave your troubles at the door!

Doorknob baskets are also a fun idea, you wouldn’t have to hang it on the actual doorknob, you could hang it next to the door. Or maybe take a trip to the thrift store to find a basket or bag that would look super cool at your front door. Maybe even find a cool antique decorative doorknob that you could attach to the wall at your front door.

Here are a few more ideas:

It might be fun to put shells, or stones in the bottom of a wire basket, make it decorative as well as useful. So many different ways to do this one! How fun!

A dream catcher

Maybe a dream catcher could double as a bad energy filter!

Hang a dream catcher on or next to your door. Let it catch your troubles as you pass. The one in the picture was made from a bicycle wheel, a doily and some ribbon. Dream catchers made from doilies are amazingly easy to put together!

Here’s a short visual tutorial:

Basically, you use the inside hoop of an embroidery hoop for the frame, and then you tie the doily on in four places to keep it stabilized. Then, using embroidery thread, you attach the doily to the frame. When that’s complete, add the ribbon and voila! Read the complete tutorial at: Bumble Bee Linens

This is the finished product:

A Bottle of Water

Here’s an idea. Keep a bottle of water next to the front door and wash your hands before you go in. As you wash your hands, imagine that you are rinsing away the bad juju of the day…. super easy!

These are etched, but I don’t see why we couldn’t use our new found DIY skills and use sharpies to decorate them. Nail polish will also work really well.

Story from: Amy Rees Anderson’s Blog

The Front Door

Furnishing and decorating your home starts at the front door. The front door can be considered a great opportunity for personal expression, not to mention the ultimate way to grab the attention of everyone in the neighborhood (if this is what you are after). The main entrance to any home can reveal much about the house and its inhabitants, so why not make the best of it?


There are plenty of key elements that can make your project successful. The pathway or stairway leading to the front door can be added a fresh touch by using flower pots and other creative green arrangements.

The door mat, bell, door knob and door knock can all enhance the look of the main entrance, so try to take advantage of their presence the best way you can. Make a powerful statement by painting your door in a vivid, yet visually pleasing color, well integrated in the overall exterior design of the house. Then add a large street number or some other fun decorations to match the color.

Consider outdoor pendant lamps or various lighting solutions to flank the main pathway or stairway leading towards the main door.

Feng Shui and the Front Door

In feng shui, the front door is considered the called the mouth of Chi. It is through the front door that the house receives its feng shui nourishment of energy. The quality of this energy determines the quality of energy in your home. In classical feng shui, the choice of most auspicious color is based on the direction of the front door and its corresponding feng shui element.

Feng shui is all about good energy, and you can welcome this energy with a strong, auspicious feng shui front door. Because it is through the front door that the house absorbs most of the energy it needs in order to nourish your personal energy, it is important to do your best in creating a strong feng shui front door.

The easiest way to do that is to find the appropriate feng shui design for your door – be it with colors, shapes, images or materials. The best feng shui design is the one that nourishes the feng shui element that corresponds to the direction your front door is facing.

  • East

The feng shui element of the east is wood, so if your front door is facing east, your best choices are the wood element colors green and brown.

The Wood feng shui element is nourished by the Water feng shui element and supported by the Earth feng shui element, so you can also choose the colors of these two elements.

To sum it up for you, best feng shui colors for an East facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): green, brown, blue, black, very light yellow and all earthy colors.

Avoid the following colors for your East facing front door: red, purple, white and gray. These colors represent the element of Fire and Metal that are destructive to Wood.

  • Southeast

The color choices for your southeast front door are similar to an east facing door because they share the same feng shui element. The feng shui element of the Southeast direction is the Wood element, and the corresponding feng shui bagua energy is Money and Abundance.

In case of a Southeast facing front door, you have additional color choices because there are two more elements that bring good energy to this area. These two elements – the Water and the Earth feng shui elements – are both nourishing and supportive of Wood, so you can use their colors, too, for your Southeast facing front door

Because a Southeast facing door is considered a prosperity door in feng shui, often the best color and design choices are those corresponding to the Water feng shui element, as water is the universal symbol of prosperity flow and abundance.

To sum it up, the best feng shui colors for a Southeast facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): green, blue, brown, black, very light yellow and all earthy colors.

Avoid the following colors for your Southeast facing front door: red, purple, white and gray. These colors represent the elements of Fire and Metal that are destructive to Wood.

  • South

South is the only direction with the fire feng shui element, so the best feng shui color for a South facing front door is the red, of course! Other feng shui fire element colors that are good for your South door are yellow, purple, orange and strong pink/magenta. As some of these colors might not work with your house exterior, here are a couple other color choices.

The element of Wood is nourishing for the Fire element/creates it, thus the Wood element colors are also good for a South-facing front door.

To sum it up for you, best feng shui colors for a South facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): red, purple, strong yellow, deep orange, deep pink, green and brown colors.

Avoid the following colors for your South facing front door: blue, black and all earthy colors. These colors represent the elements of Water and Earth that are destructive/weakening for the Fire element of South.

  • Southwest

The feng shui energy associated with a southwest door is maternal energy, as well as the energy of love and marriage. Because of this, you should choose a color of the Earth element or go for a color of a feng shui element that nourishes Earth.

In case of a Southwest facing front door, there is one more feng shui element that you can use for an additional choice of colors. The element of Fire is nourishing for the Earth element/creates it, thus the Fire element colors are also good for a Southwest facing front door.

So, the best feng shui colors for a Southwest facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): earthy/sandy colors, yellow, burgundy red, purple, deep orange, and rich pink.

Avoid the following colors for your Southwest facing front door: green, brown, white, gray, blue and black. These colors represent the elements of Wood, Metal and Water that are destructive/weakening for the Earth element of the Southwest bagua area.

  • West

For a western facing door go for the colors of the metal feng shui element, which are white and gray. If they’re a little bland for your tastes, you can also go back to Earth element color choices for your western facing front door.

In the case of a West facing front door, there is one more feng shui element you can use; this gives you a wider range of good colors. The element of Earth is nourishing for the Metal element, thus all Earth element colors are also good for a West facing front door.

So, the best feng shui colors for a West facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): white, gray, light yellow and all earthy/sandy colors.

Avoid the following colors for your West facing front door: blue, black, red, purple, orange, and deep pink. These colors represent the elements of Water and Fire that are weakening/destructive for the Metal element of West direction.

  • Northwest

A northwest front door has the same best color choices as the western facing door because both directions share the same feng shui element of metal. However, because in feng shui the northwest direction is associated with helpful people, you might need to pay extra attention to it.

In the case of a Northwest facing front door, you can also use the colors of the Earth feng shui element, as this element is nourishing/creates the Metal element.

So, the best feng shui colors for a Northwest facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): white, gray, light yellow and all earthy/sandy colors.

Avoid These Colors for Your Northwest Facing Front Door: blue, black, red, purple, orange, and deep pink. These colors represent the elements of Water and Fire that are weakening/destructive for the Metal element of Northwest direction.

  • North

North is the only direction of the feng shui element of water, so the best choices for a north facing door are the water element colors, black and blue. If these two colors do not work well with your house exterior, you can go for metal element colors.

In case of a North facing front door, there is one more feng shui element that you can use for an additional choice of colors. The element of Metal is nourishing for the Water element/creates it, thus Metal element colors are also good for a North facing front door.

So, the best feng shui colors for a North facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): blue, black, white and gray.

Avoid the following colors for your North facing front door: green, brown, yellow, red, purple, orange, and deep pink. These colors represent the elements of Wood, Earth and Fire that are weakening/destructive for the Water element of North direction.

  • Northeast

A northeast facing front door is an opening to the energy of spiritual growth and cultivation. Its feng shui element is Earth. When you have a Northeast facing front door, there is one more feng shui element that you can use as an additional choice of color.

The feng shui element of Fire is nourishing for the Earth element because it creates it, thus the Fire element colors are also good for a Northeast facing front door.

So, the best feng shui colors for a Northeast facing front door are (in order of their auspiciousness): earthy/sandy colors, yellow, burgundy red, purple, deep orange, and rich pink.

Avoid the following colors for your Northeast facing front door: green, brown, white, gray, blue and black. These colors represent the feng shui elements of Wood, Metal and Water that are destructive/weakening for the Earth element of the Northeast area.

Wow! So that’s a lot of information. And all I was thinking about was painting the front door red. Not a good feng shui color for my East facing door.

Painted Art Doors

So… I’m going to have to get creative. And well… I found a bunch of really fun and interesting painted doors, and now I have some great ideas. Here’s a gallery of the images I found:

Sources: The Spruce, and Fresh Home

Getting Mugged

Yesterday, we explored a magickal cup of coffee, and it got me thinking about coffee mugs and so I went on a DIY search and found a bunch of tutorials on how to personalize and decorate coffee mugs.  The first tutorial, found at Pop Sugar, features the use of sharpies. Here it is:

How to Make A Sharpie Mug

Do you have a plain, boring mug that needs a bit of spicing up? Personalize your cups and mugs by drawing on them! You can use them to add personality to your home or even give them as gifts to your loved ones. Here’s how to start:

  1. Buy some white cups or mugs. You can find them in superstores, thrift stores, dollar stores, and online. The cheaper the mug, the better this works.
  2. Pick a Sharpie. For long-lasting results, choose oil-based paint Sharpie markers. Regular Sharpie ink can come off even after baking. Pick a color to use on your mug. You can stay simple and choose one color, or be more ambitious and use multiple. If you’re sticking to one color, then black is usually a good choice, given its striking contrast to the white background of the mug.
  3. Wash the mug. Before applying the Sharpie, it’s important to get the mug completely clean and free of any oily residue from hands or fingers. Alcohol works well, after the mug has been washed with soap and water.
  4. Start drawing. Decide what you want to put on the cup, and maybe practice drawing it on a piece of paper before drawing on the mug. Pick a meaningful quote or a cute graphic to decorate the mug with, and get inspired by mugs being sold on Etsy or by googling examples of Sharpie mug projects online.
  5. Dry it out. For the best results, let the sharpie dry completely for 24 hours then bake at a low temp oven like 225° for 2 plus hours.
  6. Bake it. Remember to place the mug in the oven before it heats up and leave it in until the oven cools completely so there won’t be any cracks. You can choose to bake the mugs twice to really set in the Sharpie drawings. Baking the mug in the oven for 30 minutes at 350°F is what most tutorials recommend, but for best results, bake it at a lower temperature for a longer period of time (see above).
  7. Care and wash. If you use quality, oil-based sharpies, they should be dishwasher safe. All my pieces have gone through the dishwasher several times now, with no flaw. If you don’t feel sure about the dishwasher – hand washing is recommended.

Does it really work?

While Sharpie mugs are very popular right now, there doesn’t seem to be any consensus on how to best make the mugs. Some say that some of the colors change when baked, some say that they don’t stand up to dishwasher washing (or handwashing even…), and some say that the paint chips off the mugs after a couple uses.

I found an experiment using 14 colors of oil-based, fine point Sharpies and Dollar Tree mugs at Destination Decoration, and her results were as follows:

While decorating the mugs, I wore gloves so the oils from my skin did not affect the finished product. All parts of the mug were dried for 24 hours before baking.

Based on my experiment, baking a Dollar Tree mug at 250 degrees for 2 hours provided the best results.  The color of the paint remained largely the same and paint on the mug did not chip at all (except for the minor top chipping).

Tips from other tutorials and crafters:

  • I used Pebeo Porcelaine 150 Paint Markers and they work great and do not come off. You can find them at Michaels or I have even put them in the dishwasher. Stayed on great.
  • It didn’t work for me! I just got a paint pen. They work perfectly fine and not any more expensive than sharpies.
  • I monogrammed plates and cups with Sharpie oil based markers and did not bake. Let dry for 48 hours been in dishwasher many times and none of mine have come off at all.
  • Here is what I find that works. Cheap Walmart mugs are best. Regular sharpies. Wipe first with alcohol to remove any residue. Careful not to touch drawing area with hands. After putting design on, wait 24 hours. Then put in cold oven. Turn temp to 425 and set timer for 30 minutes. At 30 minutes turn off oven, leaving project in until it’s completely cool. Hand wash then do a test run in the dishwasher.
  • “I read an extensive article about this somewhere. First, cheap mugs work best due to the inexpensive glaze used. Put mugs in COLD oven, turn oven to 450 (not 350). The glaze needs to re-melt to incorporate the marker into it!! AFTER oven reaches temp, bake for 30 minutes. Turn oven off.. LEAVE MUGS IN CLOSED OVEN (not yelling, just important). Cool for 15 min, slightly crack oven open and let cool over night. This should properly incorporate the ink with the glaze.
  • My aunt did it one year, I think she used car paint for scratch fixes. Not sure about the baking part. They lasted for years!
  • You can get enamel/glass clear medium and paint over it with that and re-bake. That may help if that doesn’t work, then probably nothing will.
  • Clean glass with rubbing alcohol first. Oil base isn’t for glass. Use Folk Art enamels paint applying with a brush or paint pens for glass only! You still have to bake for 30 minutes but let sit for 1 hour before you bake.

Design Ideas



Morning Coffee Magick

Did you know that coffee has magickal properties? According to my sources, it does! How fun is that? I say, let’s start the day with some magick, along with a really yummy cup of spiced coffee!

Magickal Properties of Coffee

  • Provides peace of mind and grounding.
  • Helps to dispel nightmares, negative thoughts, and overcome blockages and unhealthy emotions. It’s great for protection and getting rid of all kinds of nasties.
  • Coffee is a stimulant and can be used to give spells, potions and charms an extra kick, or speed things up.
  • Coffee grounds can be used in divination and read like tea leaves.
  • It is considered excellent for curse breaking.
  • It can be used as an offering to deities, entities, and ancestors.
  • Some sources suggest it can be used for compulsion, and encouraging others to be more persuasive towards you. This is most effective when the coffee is served to the target.

Here’s a recipe for a cup of magickal morning brew.

Magickal Morning Coffee:


  • 3 pinches ground ginger
  • 3 pinches cinnamon
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
  • your favorite ground coffee


  1. Add cinnamon to the ground coffee and say: “Cinnamon is for vision, money and love.”
  2. Add the ginger and say: “Ginger is for strength when push comes to shove.”
  3. Add the nutmeg and say: “Nutmeg is for vision, good fortune, and wealth.”
  4. Kiss your fingers and hold them over the coffee and spices, visualizing your love flowing into the coffee, and say: “A kiss keeps you happy and glowing with health.”
  5. Move your hand in a clockwise direction over the coffee spice mixture three times to blend the energies together, then proceed to brew the coffee in your usual manner.

Note: If you add sugar or cream to your coffee, know that sugar sweetens the experience, and cream smooths the way.

Medicinal Properties of Coffee

But wait, there’s more! Coffee has medicinal properties as well.

  • Caffeine (in coffee) improves short-term alertness, attention, memory and may have long term protective benefits on cognitive decline as well.
  • Many studies confirm that aspirin and other analgesics work faster and better on headaches, when combined with caffeine.
  • Coffee consumption has been associated with long term weight loss, likely from the thermogenic effects of caffeine raising the metabolic rate.

On a side note: Nursing mothers who drink coffee might transfer the caffeine to their babies, giving them insomnia, in which case this may not be the best way to start the day.

Color Matters

Also, it does seem to matter what cup you put that coffee in. Research shows that hot beverages served in an orange cup or mug taste better than drinks served in say, for example, a white one. So… if you have an orange cup, drink your coffee in that. But if you don’t, that’s OK too. Just be on the look out at garage sales and thrift shops for cups and mugs that are orange. They don’t have to be orange on the inside, it’s the outside color that seems to matter. And if you find something really beautiful… well… that’s even better!

Sources: Vayas Witchcraft, Cheeky Witch, and Color Therapy

Our First Exercise

For our first exercise, let’s make a list… maybe even more than one. Take a look around your home. We are looking specifically for stuff that screams “poverty” and “lack.” Some of those items simply need to go into the trash bin. Some could be easily replaced with a trip to Walmart. Socks with holes in them, for example.

Other things might not be so easy. Maybe you need them, maybe it would be way too expensive to replace them. So, my thinking is… if you need it, and you can’t afford to replace it, then hey… decorate it and make it beautiful, or at the very least, oddly interesting.

In my house, those things include the following:

  • The front door
  • My couch
  • The living room carpet
  • My dining room chairs
  • The bathroom floor

So, throw some stuff away. Make a list of those things you might want to just replace, and then make a list of what might need to be decorated and beautified. If you share that list here in the comments, I will try to include as many of them as possible in our DIY projects as the project progresses.

If you have items that are broken and just need fixing, that could be an additional list. I do have some things that fall into this category, and if I can, I will share tutorials on how to fix them as well.

Hey… let’s get started right now!

Living As If …

Our next project is due to begin today.  The idea is to begin to live “as if” our lives were full of luxury, comfort, ease. We did find it to be true that What You Focus On Grows, so for the next 30 days, I thought it might be fun and interesting to focus on creating a home that feels, looks, and possibly even is luxurious, comfortable, beautiful, and rich.

So, for the next 30 days, we will be doing some home decorating centered around prosperity, wealth, luxury, comfort, and beauty.

Our project will be full of ideas for the following:

  • Teas, brews, and beverages said to bring prosperity and attract wealth.
  • Colors to surround yourself with.
  • Simple and inexpensive DIY projects that give a luxurious feeling.
  • Foods and recipes reputed to attract success and money.
  • Incense, potpourri, and aromatherapy for prosperity.
  • Ideas for banks, billfolds and purses.
  • Turning your thrift store stuff into something beautiful and fine.

Sound interesting?

It occurs to me that it is important to have a soft place to land at the end of a hard day, that if we are surrounded by evidence of poverty, we will very easily fall into that flow of lack and discomfort. And, if we are living a luxurious life, surrounded by beauty, it’s so much easier to want the best for ourselves.

That being said, it also has to be affordable and within the realm of capability. So, my plan is to find inexpensive and easy ideas. I’m going to try to keep the budget under $10 for any given project. We may have to rely heavily of thrift store finds, recycling, free-cycling, and barter.

If you are interested in exploring these ideas and this concept with me, let’s get started now!


Six Months Later…


Melissa suggested that it would be a good idea, when we complete a project, to check how things are going six months later. So this is a check back on results from the Violet Flame project we kicked off in January of this year. If you want to refresh yourself as to what we did, how we felt about it, and etc, you can visit this link: The Violet Flame.

Here are a few questions to stimulate some conversation:
  • Do you still practice the Violet Flame Decrees?
  • When you think back, do you feel that your life has changed in any way as a direct result of that particular project?
  • What are your thoughts and feelings about it now?
  • Any interesting experiences you’d like to share?
Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

Project Countdown
Ask Ganesh
Abundance Chants & Raps
  • Money Chant - Fast 
  • Money Chant - Slow
  • Prosperity Plan 
  • Amazing Creator 
  • Cause and Effect 
  • I Am That I Am 
  • Spirit Rap 
  • Lakshmi Spirit Rap 
  • PowWow Spirit Rap 
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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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It’s a Calendar!
August 2017
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I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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