During the time of April showers, the watery month of the Willow Moon teaches you to release pent-up emotions and experience your grief. Tears are linked to healing and as you express difficult and painful feelings, you are able to purge yourself of subconscious fears, which would otherwise prevent you from reaching your dreams.
The Willow Moon offered a healing month to the Celts who literally spring-cleaned themselves in steamy saunas, known as sweat lodges, in readiness for the Beltane Festival at the start of May.
- Dates: April 15 – May 12
- Celtic Name: Saille
- Color: Silver
- Themes: Healing, growth, protection, women, nurturing.
- Language of Flowers: Mourning
- Qualities: Healing, Flexibility, Grace, Compassion
This month is the month for spells and rituals for growth, healing, nurturing, and magick related to the mystery of women. It is also associated with fertility, inspiration, protection, binding, and creativity. The willow tree was sacred to Crone aspect of the triple goddess in Celtic lore, and closely associated with the Cailleach (“old woman” in Gaelic).
The Willow Moon provides the perfect time to harness lunar power and energy for wishing, divination, healing, and protection.
Linked with the energy of the moon, the willow takes on a feminine-type energy of flow, flexibility and balance as well as gentle compassion and emotional sensitivity.
This month is the perfect time to perform lunar magic and to let go of the past. Cast energy to restore and nurture during the Waxing Moon and to release problems during the Waning Moon. Drinking more water will also help you to attune to the Willow Moon, and so enable you to connect to the tree’s watery magic.
Because the Willow is imbued with the power of the Moon, it has always been particularly linked with witchcraft. The traditional witches’ broom is bound with a Willow branch and lunar wands used specifically for Moon magic are made of Willow wood.
The Willow’s close ties to the Moon and tides also connects it to affairs of the heart. An old English tradition involved jilted lovers wearing a sprig of Willow in their hats, which originated from an ancient Willow charm to heal a broken heart.
Willow the Observer
According to the Celtic horoscope, people born under the sign of the Willow hold many aspects of the lunar realm. They tend to be highly creative and intuitive and often possess higher IQ. Willow signs understand cycles and know very well that everything that happens in your life can teach you a lesson. This Celtic tree astrology sign is patient and down to earth. Ivy and Birch signs can be a good match for the Willow sign.
Willow people have a lot of imagination, sometimes they like to daydream and they are able to understand exactly how other people feel. They are very good psychologists and they can use this ability for their advantage.
People born under the rule of Willow can enjoy life to the fullest; they know exactly what they need in their life and where to find it. From time to time these people become restless without reason and this restlessness forces them to change jobs, frequently move from one place to another and to make various other changes in their lives.
Despite their instability, they are very honest and principled under any circumstances. They literally shock others with courageous and honest acts that do not benefit them. Their adaptability and tolerance allows them to eat at one table with beggars or kings without having to pretend anything.
Willow people usually live a long life and they become respected elders. When they get old, the settle down and because of their rich life full of changes they become a rich source of inspiration for other people.
Willow Magick and Lore
Willows are often seen as gateway or boundary trees – the trees of the ‘in-between’ liminal places – on the banks of rivers and streams, between water and dry land. In ancient Celtic times, watery places were seen as sacred places – so willow trees were viewed as able to connect the world of humans with the mystical Otherworld.
Bees are very attracted to all kinds of willow trees for the pollen and were seen as messengers from the Otherworld.
In ancient Tibet, the willow was revered as the ‘world tree’ or ‘tree of life’. Because of its healing use by the wise women, the willow became known as the ‘witch’s tree’ and later as ‘witch’s aspirin’.
The willow is often linked to the Celtic ‘Morrigan’ or Morgana le Fay of Arthurian legend.
As well as healing, willow traditionally protects. Goat willow (Pussy willow) was known as Palm Willow and was commonly cut for Palm Sunday celebrations and carried to church. The Palm Willow was then kept through the year to protect the home against thunder, lightning, disease and other dangers.
Willow twigs would be placed around the hearth of the home and around crops or animals in garden and fields to protect these for the coming year. It is thought that the ancient Celtic Druids would use goat willow to make wands to give protection against evil.
The saying “knock on wood” or “touch wood” may have come from ancient customs of knocking on or touching a willow tree to bring good fortune and avoid bad fortune.
The Celts would use willow wood for coracles and boats and travelers and adventurers would set out with the protection of being in willow boats ‘over the ninth wave’ to seek their destiny.
Druids would sleep beneath willow trees to involve dreams of divination and Celtic priests would use cut willow for the same purpose. In Celtic tales of Manannan mac Lir, willow rods were used for divination.
Willows grow vigorously in spring and even a small twig or cut branch of willow, stuck into the ground, will quickly take root and grow into a young sapling. As such, the willow is seen to represent rebirth, new life, and vigor – including fertility. In fact, ancient Chinese tradition sees the willow as a tree of immortality for this very special ability.
Willow Moon Ritual
This Willow tree ritual should be performed outside and can be used to make a wish. or heart’s desire, come true.
At the time of the full Moon go to a shallow river or stream where willow trees grow. Stand with your feet in the water and hold your arms up towards the Moon. Visualize moonlight flooding your aura, filling your body with each breath. Recite this incantation:
“Lady Moon of wax and wane,
bring my wish and take my pain”
Perform an act of ritual purification by washing your hands in the water by the roots of the tree, Focus on your wish and tie a knot with string around a willow branch to seal it. When your wish comes true, untie the knot.
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