The sixth lunar day is generally counted as the sixth day from the new moon. More information on the Lunar Days can be found here: The Thirty Lunar Days

The sixth lunar day is a most fortunate day today and is ideal for activities that involves use of the human intellect, spiritual endeavors and locating missing individuals, pets or any object in general. Recovery and being in the pink of health is also very likely today. The Vedic tradition suggests that erecting a new building or property can be very advantageous to everyone.

  • Symbol: Crane, Cloud.
  • Other Symbols: A sacred prophetic bird, Ivik.
  • Stones and Minerals: Citrine.
  • Flowers: Hyacinth.
  • Planetary Influence: Venus
  • Aromatherapy: Cedar
  • Chakra Activation: During the 6th lunar day, the emotional center is active (spot between the throat and chest).

Overall Forecast

This is a day of solitude and humbleness. Intuition is heightened. Any breathing exercises including aroma therapy are useful. This lunar day contributes to the assimilation of cosmic energy, gaining Grace, verbal and mental work. Associate this day with love and forgiveness.

A good sign on this day are a melodious ringing and clouds in the sky. Such a day is very favorable, it allows you to exercise all your abilities. Increased ability to materialize, luck, there are new plans and thoughts that can change for the better life.

During this period, the gift of foresight is strengthened, intuition is more pronounced, there is an intensification of scientific and social activity. However, in contacts you need to be restrained.


On the sixth lunar day, it is recommended to:

  • Solve any material or financial matters.
  • Use this day to display your skills and talents at work.
  • Allow yourself to be somewhat passive.
  • Concentrate on the current situation and only dip into the future.

It is not recommended to:

  • Loan money (it is considered that within this money you’ll give away your own luck and calmness).
  • Overstress or work overtime (it could be harmful to your health and business).
  • Force financial situations –  better to be moderate.
  • Sell or trade.
  • Repay debts or return deposits.
  • Do not perform procedures on the upper back.

Weather Forecast

If on the sixth lunar day, the moon appears to be fiery red, there will be a wind.

Influence on Health

Those who get sick on this day often recover quickly. You can devote this day to the rejuvenation procedures, both skin and the whole body. Bathing  promotes rejuvenation.

  • Nutrition tips: Water elements are active today, mostly take care of your kidneys. Beer, a lot of water, milk or dairy produce can be harmful.

It is good to carry out procedures on the upper respiratory tract. Breathing and sound will be very effective today in terms of healing power. Cosmic energy (prana) will be easily assimilated into the body. A good day for anti-aging treatments, breathing treatments, and any type of breathwork.


Dreams this lunar day may come true, but only if you keep them secret. All you have dreamt can be considered a revelation of the Higher Powers. These dreams often show what needs to be completed, preferably quickly. You may see people to whom you owe a debt.

Remember, dreams should be correctly interpreted and your feelings are a very important part of properly understanding any dream, especially today. Try to ask a question to the Higher Powers, be sure to write down your dream right after waking up. Carefully analyze it using intuition, because the answer can be covered in symbols.

Try not to give into aggression or irritation, keep a calm mind and you’ll succeed in realizing your dreams.


The aromatic scent of Cedar eliminates stagnant phenomena, removes energy blocks, strengthens energy and protects the aura. Eliminates nervousness and confusion, regulates the “rupturedness” of thoughts. Increases mental and vital activity. Ennobles thoughts and actions.


The energy of this day is calm and soothing, it activates prana, vitally important energy. On this day it is suggested to air out your living space by opening the windows wide and letting in as much air as possible; it is also good to open the curtains and allow sunlight to fill the house and to clean the dark corners in order to let the sunlight reach them too. It is a good day to wipe surfaces with a damp rag.

On this day it is a bad idea to give your personal items away even if it seems that you are done with them. Do your everyday chores in a normal rhythm, not letting yourself become distracted if a hectic atmosphere ensues. Think of your labor as an inseparable part of your being.

Relationships and Weddings

The happiest marriages are based on mutual love. Regarding this day, the following statement is very appropriate: “Happiness is when your happiness is happy near you.”

  • It’s a very good day for dates as the influence of Venus is high.

The highest love puts the partner’s happiness first. Since on the 6th lunar day the intuition is greatly enhanced, with a little effort, you may be able to discover the true meaning of your relationship. Listen carefully to your inner voice, and you will feel what your partner is thinking and feeling.

This day can bring peace and harmony to a new family. A couple, created this day, is able to achieve wisdom and to keep love for a long term.

A wedding celebration is best performed in a calm place with relatives, without having alcohol and much food. Families created during the 6th lunar day are peaceful and long-term. This is particularly true for aged couples who appreciate inner world and depth in interpersonal relations.

This is a good day for a wedding if the couple dreams of a calm, measured, quiet family life, do not like noisy company and prefer the peace of a cozy nest. Many astrological schools agree that the family life started on this day can help the couple gain wisdom and keep love for long decades.

Marriages, concluded on the sixth lunar day, usually have stability, peace, spouses in such families are usually compliant and tolerant of each other’s shortcomings. Marriages last long and rarely end in divorce. The life of families created during this period is like a river – it is smooth, calm and measured, passes without any stresses, but without adventures and unexpected surprises.

Conception of a Child

A child conceived on the 6th lunar day, is a future idealist and dreamer. But at the same time, is not limited to empty fantasies. This is an active person who will be able to change a lot in his life and in the lives of others.

In their work they are looking not for gain, but for achieving the highest ideal. Such an approach will help a person in work: he is able to make a career in the event that he understands that his business carries a certain mission.

Born on this Day

There is a good chance that if you are born on the sixth lunar day, you will live a long and happy life. Those born on this day  it’s possible you will be able to foresee certain events, and much of what you see may come true.

These people should be listened to. And they themselves should not scatter words, or pronounce out loud something that it is better never to come true. All promises must be fulfilled.

  • Advice: As often as possible go on fresh air, avoid smoky premises, watch the respiratory system.

Creative activities are successful and bring pleasure. Professions related to voice and pronunciation are recommended. These people tend to be diplomatic, their ideas are not limited in stereotypes. In their relationships, independence is of great importance. They do not tolerate pressure, often are dreamers, endowed with creative taste and imagination.

Business and Money

Since ancient times, the sixth lunar day is considered happy in business. This is one of the best days of the month! Success accompanies your enterprises.

It’s a very good day for solving financial problems, for work and business, because today you have the opportunity to show your skills and talents. In many areas you can achieve success. Think about an important project, how to achieve the goal, get what you want.

Be careful though, this is not a day to lend money or posessions. Do not give someone time and things. Otherwise, the one who got things, along with them, will take away your peace and luck.

On the sixth lunar day only buy goods that are related to creativity and intellectual activity. It can be books, notebooks, notebooks, pens, drawing supplies, music CDs, theater tickets, museums and so on. With the acquisition of the rest, problems may arise.

Due to the fact that the day leads people to think, you have every chance to face two problems. First, excessive suspiciousness and doubts, leading to a not quite conscious decision to buy this or that product. And everything that is bought in this state, rarely then brings joy. Secondly, you simply will not be attentive and will not notice some important points, for example, the poor quality of the purchased item or its incomplete configuration.

Moon Day Six Meditations

  • Breathing exercises.
  • Mental body purification.
  • Sound therapy.

Today you can easily tune into the signs which life shares with you. Enjoy the harmony of Nature. Pay more attention to the sound of the wind, the rustling of the leaves and birds singing; smell the scent of summer flowers or the freshness of a winter morning. If it’s raining, breath the ozone.

Use this day to find your best source of natural energy, that will be your meditation. Let inside of your room as much fresh air as possible and breathe this prana, filled with purity.

Magick For Moon Day Six

Rituals for rejuvenation, verbal spells, making love potions, and rituals for finding material well-being. If on this day the moon is in Libra, the rituals for weight loss are very effective. When divining, you can ask on any topic. In general, these lunar days were especially revered by the Druids. On this day they more than likely performed magickal rituals.


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