
Changing The World

As you will have more and more money and power at your disposal as time goes by, I think now is a good time to sit back and for the next 60 seconds, to contemplate just HOW you are going to use this to change the World for the better.

  • What are you going to do?
  • Whom are you going to help specifically?
  • And how are you going to do that?

“The wealthier you are, the more you have to give.” SFX


The Gift For A Deserving Friend

Today, we are going to employ the “magic rule of three”, or the law of return.

This states that whatever ENERGY you send out into the World, it will return to you threefold.

So what I’d like you to do right now is to think of someone you know who deserves far more wealth and power and other good things in life than they currently have.

Think of this person for sixty seconds, and give them a gift, or more than one gift, that will help them realize their potential.

The last gift to send would be your blessings, and your love.

This is a very neat exercise, so do it NOW!


Fairy Godmother

You know the story about the princess who had three good fairy godmothers, who gave her special gifts when she was born?

They gave her gifts such as beauty, and luck; understanding and strength, and you can imagine that a child blessed with such gifts would have a radiant life, no matter what life might throw at them.

Today, YOU are going to be YOUR OWN fairy godmother/godfather, and in a moment, I want you to attend YOUR OWN birth across time and space, and give the newborn child three special gifts that will make life very different from this moment forth.


Thoughtfulness is Kindness

Sometimes showing kindness is a quick action that simply shows others you are being thoughtful:

  • Open the door for another person
  • Smile. Share a smile with family members, co-workers, and even strangers. A smile is a great way to boost someone’s day.
  • Pick up a piece of trash you see on the ground.
  • Encourage your children to show kindness at school.
  • They can make a new student feel welcome; write a thank-you note to their teacher, principal or custodian; wave to their crossing guard; share their snack; or encourage a classmate who seems lonely or is having a bad day.
  • Help someone by picking up something they dropped.
  • Call a family member who lives far away and tell them you love them.
  • Do a chore without being asked.
  • Shovel snow, take out the garbage, rake the leaves or cook a dinner for your neighbor.
  • Take a box of donuts or flowers to work for your co-workers, or even for the office/business next to yours.
  • Take the time to listen to someone you know is having a bad day.
  • Tell your boss, co-worker, teacher, classmate or family member why you appreciate them.
  • Donate blood.
  • Write a thank you note to someone who has influenced your life: a mentor, a teacher, a family member.
  • Tip your restaurant server generously.
  • Pay for the person behind you in the fast food drive-thru or at the toll booth.
  • Give at least one compliment to somebody every day.

Be Kind to Mother Earth

Kindness is not just about showing respect and care for humans, but for creation and animals, as well. Caring for the environment is a way to show kindness to everyone else who lives in it. Teach your children how pollution and trash affect the environment, and find a way to protect it together as a family. Ideas include:

  • Plant a tree.
  • Make a birdhouse together as a family project, then place it in your backyard. Or make a simple bird feeder using a pine cone, peanut butter and birdseed.
  • Recycle. If your garbage pickup service doesn’t include recycling bins, find a local drop-off center.
  • Be energy-efficient. Turn off lights when not in use, don’t waste water, consider car-pooling to work and school.
  • Call a local animal shelter and find out what they are in need of. Then have your family help them out — it may be simply donating a few bags of dog food, or it may be donating time in caring for the animals.
  • Set aside a time each day to play with your pet. Get your whole family involved in running around the back yard with your dog or playing with your cat. Be sure your animals are clean and healthy.
  • In the summer, notify authorities immediately if you find a pet left in a hot car.
  • Cut up plastic six-pack rings before disposing of them so that animals don’t get caught in them.
  • Participate in beach cleanups.
  • “Adopt” an animal through a local zoo, aquarium or other organization.
  • Switch to a pet-safe antifreeze. Those containing propylene glycol have an appealing taste to animals; however it is fatal in very small doses (such as leaks on your driveway).
  • Clean up trash and refrain from littering. If you smoke, use your car’s ashtray, not the road, to dispose of your cigarette butts.

Here are some easy ideas.

My Religion is simple. My religion is kindness
~The Dalai Lama

I found a list of ideas for our Kindness Project:

  • Collect canned goods for a local food bank.
  • Help serve dinner at a local homeless shelter.
  • Donate time at a senior citizen home.
  • Donate books to the library.
  • Spend an afternoon with a homebound person. Take the time to talk with them; see if they need any help with chores or running errands.
  • Bake a treat and deliver it to a police or fire station.
  • Offer to baby-sit for a single parent.

For more great ideas for showing kindness through your community groups, schools, family and workplace, visit the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

A Shoe Story

Here is a story about a shoe:

While boarding a moving train one day, one of Gandhi’s shoes slipped off and fell upon the track. As he was unable to retrieve it, Gandhi – to the astonishment of his fellow travelers – calmly removed his other shoe and threw it down the track to where the first had landed. “The poor man who finds the shoe lying on the track,” Gandhi explained, “will now have a pair he can use.”

Random Acts of Kindness

“Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”
– Mother Theresa

Welcome to the Random Acts of Kindness segment of the prosperity project. Our commitment between now and the first of the year will be to consciously practice Random Acts of Kindness.

Because we are not doing this project for personal gain, we will not be listing our goals in terms of money or prosperity. Instead, let’s list our personal goals in terms of how many acts of kindness we would like to do between now and Jan 1st, or what it is we would like to achieve by doing kind things for others.

Stop by as often as is comfortable, and post your experiences, your thoughts, ideas, whatever you would like to share with us about this project. This group is as much about the discussion as it is about the projects.

I know we are all busy with the holidays. But let’s take just a little time to reflect and share. I will be posting inspirational quotes and nice pictures, along with links to sites I find interesting, and ideas that I pick up along the way.

Blessings – and Welcome All!

Here’s A Concept


I picked up “The Art of Spiritual Healing” by Joel Goldsmith this morning, and the book flipped open to the chapter on “A New Concept of Supply”. Here are a few selected quotes to give us all something to think about.

“… All the supply that exists in heaven or on earth exists within you at this moment, and, therefore, all attempts to demonstrate supply must result in failure. There is no supply outside of your being. If you want to enjoy the abundance of supply, you must open out a way for that supply to escape.”

“Supply is not getting, supply is giving. The bread that you cast upon the water is the bread that comes back to you. It is not your neighbor’s bread; it is your own bread; and if you do not cast it upon the water, there will be no bread to come back to you. All the bread on the water is earmarked for return to the person who has sent it forth.”

“Because of the infinite nature of your being, you cannot add health to yourself or wealth or opportunity or companionship: All you can do is to recognize that you embody all that God is and has. You must not try to get; you must not try to have; you must not try to draw to you: You must learn how to let Infinity flow out from you.”

“Everything that appears is made out of the substance of the Invisible, and it is infinite. For example, there is no way to increase your supply of crops, money,land, or of anything else by what the world calls prayer. There is no miracle of prayer that produces rabbits out of hats. Nobody can do that unless the rabbits were there in the first place. There is no such thing as increase or decrease: There is only Infinity expressing Itself. If you are not the recipient of the bounty of Infinity, it is not because Infinity is absent: It is because of your lack of awareness of Infinity.”

“Watch the miracle that takes place in your life as you learn to relax in the realization that the infinite nature of God makes God the only Is …”

I wish I could transcribe the whole thing, but it is way too long. It certainly gave me something to contemplate this morning.. What do you guys think? What are your thoughts, feelings, insights, long philosophical ramblings?Related Posts with Thumbnails

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

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Whenever cannibals are on the brink of starvation, Heaven, in its infinite mercy, sends them a nice plump missionary. ~-Oscar Wilde
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