Thoughtfulness is Kindness

Sometimes showing kindness is a quick action that simply shows others you are being thoughtful:

  • Open the door for another person
  • Smile. Share a smile with family members, co-workers, and even strangers. A smile is a great way to boost someone’s day.
  • Pick up a piece of trash you see on the ground.
  • Encourage your children to show kindness at school.
  • They can make a new student feel welcome; write a thank-you note to their teacher, principal or custodian; wave to their crossing guard; share their snack; or encourage a classmate who seems lonely or is having a bad day.
  • Help someone by picking up something they dropped.
  • Call a family member who lives far away and tell them you love them.
  • Do a chore without being asked.
  • Shovel snow, take out the garbage, rake the leaves or cook a dinner for your neighbor.
  • Take a box of donuts or flowers to work for your co-workers, or even for the office/business next to yours.
  • Take the time to listen to someone you know is having a bad day.
  • Tell your boss, co-worker, teacher, classmate or family member why you appreciate them.
  • Donate blood.
  • Write a thank you note to someone who has influenced your life: a mentor, a teacher, a family member.
  • Tip your restaurant server generously.
  • Pay for the person behind you in the fast food drive-thru or at the toll booth.
  • Give at least one compliment to somebody every day.

2 Responses to Thoughtfulness is Kindness

  • I loved yesterday’s idea of being kind to the earth – I really had been so focused on kindness towards other PEOPLE that I hadn’t considered that! Shirley, I really don’t SEE as many turtles in the road, etc., as there used to be in the “old days”. I remember once years ago driving to Columbia, Missouri and seeing a turtle crossing I-70 eastbound. Of course, it was too dangerous to get out and try to help him, but I thought about it. On the way home a couple days later, sure enough, there was his poor little dead body in the westbound lanes – he almost made it! I felt so guilty even though I knew it would have been very dangerous to try to help him, maybe even deadly for me! I now know, however, that animals don’t fear death the way humans do, so that helps my guilt a little.

    Sometimes they don’t even want help! Just the other day I attempted to “rescue” a dog who had a broken leash dragging the ground, whom I had seen running around looking lost for 2 days in my neighborhood. I decided to try to help him but every time I got near him (on a busy, 4 lane street), he would cross the street to the other side and almost get hit by cars! This happened a couple of times before I realized that my trying to “help” him could have contributed to his demise! So I let it go and told him I was praying for everything to work out for him. I’m thinking maybe he didn’t want to go back “home”. So I put my little protective “bubble” around him and assured him things would work out for him.

    We still plan to make a trip to the area nursing home sometime in the next few weeks – Shari used to work there and although most of the people who lived there back then are now “gone”, we know how much the residents love visitors! We might even bring Lexi (my almost 3-year-old granddaughter) with us since they really LOVE little ones!

  • I don’t see nearly the amount of animals I used to see – anywhere. It’s really kind of sad I think.

    And I think that trying to rescue a stray dog, and then putting a bubble of protection around him is definitely an act of kindness.

    And I agree, some animals don’t want to be rescued. Sometimes they just want to go “home”. I remember one dreadful summer when no matter where I went at night raccoons were flinging themselves in front of my car.

    I finally did a “mojo” on my car and affirmed that my car was not a killing machine.. nor would I be of any assistance to animals with a death wish. I surrounded it with a protective bubble, called on angels and guides, and really went all out.

    Haven’t hit another animal since them – and that was 5 years ago.

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