Light gold-colored candles on your altar and wear oak leaves in your hair to honor the Greek god Zeus, who is traditionally honored on June 12.

The Olympic Games were originally held in honor of Zeus, the king of the Greek gods, and a sacrifice of 100 oxen was made to the god on the middle day of the festival. According to legend, the altar of Zeus stood on a spot struck by a thunderbolt, which had been hurled by the god from his throne high atop Mount Olympus, where the gods assembled.

These Games were held every four years. This four-year period acquired the name “Olympiad”, and was used as a date system: time was counted in Olympiads, rather than years.

Athletes prayed to the gods for victory, and made gifts of animals, produce, or small cakes, in thanks for their successes.

Over time, the Games flourished, and Olympia became a central site for the worship of Zeus. Individuals and communities donated buildings, statues, altars and other dedications to the god. The most spectacular sight at Olympia was the gold and ivory cult statue of Zeus enthroned, which was made by the sculptor Pheidias and placed inside the temple.

The statue was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and stood over 42 feet high. A spiral staircase took visitors to an upper floor of the temple, for a better view of the statue.

People who were not Greek could not compete in the Games, but Greek athletes traveled hundreds of miles, from colonies of the Greek city-states. These colonies were as far away as modern-day Spain, Italy, Libya, Egypt, Ukraine, and Turkey.

After the 2nd century A.D., the Roman empire brought even more competitors to the Olympic Games, but regional differences always gave the Olympics an international flavor.

2 Responses to Honoring Zeus

  • Curious if Zeus can still communicate with selected mortals? Like could it have been Zeus to tapped me awake from my sleep and this man’s voice said a month and a year that I was to go to the Crossroads I am connected to. Could this have been Zeus; I would have thought it might have been Hermes, god of guardian dogs (I have a white wolf spirit) but Google search shows he was killed– or maybe was it Hades (I am but one targeted for elimination by what I named “M.A.D.” or “Man as Devil”). I have come to believe, due to many experiences over various years that I was called to and am connected to this crossroads ultimately to be the female wolf sacrifice/Lupus constellation on Ara/ sacrifice altar/ related to the Summit Rock sacred rock altar where my blood had been taken and where the foggy Otherworld opened to me and I saw the dead peoples souls/ innocent eliminated. I was trying to figure out which male entity connected to the wolf or the innocent eliminated at the Summit Rock crossroads could have called me. Any thoughts here? As above, so below– I believe the God of the many names has many riddles. Thanks for the information here!

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