Simple Thing #3

I love the idea of Simple Thing #3, which is infusing creativity and productivity into my coffee and/or tea … and I have tried doing it. But what happens to me is that I either forget until after the I have finished drinking it, or I remember when I am stirring it, and then my mind immediately goes to the phrase “stirring up some trouble” or even “double trouble boil and bubble” which I absolutely do NOT want.

So, I’ve been rummaging around in my brain trying to come up with viable solutions, and so far I have come up with these two:

  • I look into my cup of and I say, “Thank the Gods! Now everything is going to be OK.” And when I say it, I actually mean it.  Very easy for me because this is basically what I do anyway.
  • In the evening when I drink tea, I usually heat up the water in the microwave, and when I do, I began a practice of imagining that the water in my cup is being thoroughly and completely infused with love and light.

That second one is a little harder to remember, so I wrote myself a note and put it on the door of the microwave. Now, whenever I nuke my food, I envision Love and Light infusing it. So that’s been fun, and it might even be good for me.

What about you? Have you been finding it easy to infuse your coffee and/or tea with creativity and productivity? Is it hard to remember? Do you have any ideas or insights? I’d love to hear what you have to say.


3 Responses to Simple Thing #3

  • And what I especially love about the “thank the Gods…” idea is that I feel as if I am incorporating that thought in a very real way… and I have also noticed that since I have begun this practice, I have less worry, and a deeper feeling of “everything really is going to be ok” … so that’s awesome.

  • So I don’t drink coffee or tea. When I get home from work tomorrow going to write on all the water bottles something uplifting. Also going to find a cop to brink to work that I can write on.

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