Let Your Light Shine

Fire is the element for your Fame and Reputation area, so fireplaces, lanterns and candles are perfect for this area, whether they are lit or not. A lava lamp is great too.

Triangles and pointed objects are symbolic of fire and work well here. Pyramids and cactus are good here. This is the place for your collection of weapons: spears, harpoons, arrows, daggers, swords and knives have the sharp shape of fire.

Wood feeds fire, so wooden furniture or wooden picture frames go here.

Place the Christmas tree here!

The television can go here.

Rectangular and columnar objects work here, such as a grandfather clock, an armoire, and pictures on the wall in a vertical format. (These represent a tree trunk.)

Items that represent fire, such as gold stars, the Statue of Liberty’s torch, a picture of a campfire, firefly, or volcano are good to use here. A ceramic sun, a book of matches, a hibachi, incense, or a string of red chili peppers can be effective also.

Live animals have fire energy. The cat’s scratching pole can go here. Leather and wool work here. Plants are great here too – as the plant grows, so does your reputation.

Hang pictures of people you admire. If they have a reputation you want, put their stuff here.

Awards, diplomas, professional licenses, trophies, gold stars on good papers, report cards, Oscars, certificates of appreciation all go here. They will toot your horn so you don’t have to.

Things associated with height will get people to look up to you, so mountains and volcanoes, birds, balloons, stars, moon, sun and other such things work well here.

From Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the fame and reputation area is, see these posts:

One Response to Let Your Light Shine

  • Comments from 2007:


    What an interesting collection of items that can go here! I will have to get out my harpoon collection … LOL …

    The only thing I already have that’s mentioned is the TV and some “columnar” objects. I used to have a painting of a campfire, and a cool lantern here but I moved them. I guess I will be moving them back.

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