How Ganesh Came Into Being

The legend behind the birth of Ganesha is as follows:

It is said that Goddess Parvati, before taking an elaborate bath, wanted someone to stand guard at the door.

Not finding anyone, she created the idol of a child from the sandalwood paste that she had applied on herself, and breathed life into it. She told the boy she had created not to let anyone in, and went to have her bath. When her husband, Lord Shiva came home, the child could not recognise him and refused to let him in. Shiva was furious, and severed the head of the child.

When she learnt that the child she had created was dead, Parvati was distraught and asked Shiva to revive him immediately. Shiva ordered his lieutenants to get the head of any creature that was sleeping with its head facing north. The servants returned with the head of an elephant. Shiva joined the elephant’s head to the boy’s body, and Parvati’s child lived again.

The legend also says that Shiva made the boy the leader of his armies. Hence, the name Ganesha, meaning ‘god of the army’.

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