
Purple For Prosperity

Feng Shui activity for today – add a color!

Purple is the best for the Prosperity corner. Put a big chunk of purple amethyst there. Dig out that purple lava lamp and watch money start to ooze up and bubble over into your life. If this area of your home happens to be in your child’s room, make sure Barney the purple dinosaur is in the Prosperity corner.

  • Red is a powerful color that can add excitement and energy to almost anything. Keep a red power tie here. Anything red that you like will work.
  • Green is good for your prosperity corner too. Use green to get out of the red.
  • Gold stuff enhances the wealth area. Give your corner the Midas touch.

Use these colors by dying the curtains, changing the bedding, painting the walls, lining the drawers! Use purple dust rags to clean the house to remind yourself that you are keeping things clean for abundance. If your closet is in this corner, fill your closet with purple clothes. If your office is here, use purple files in your drawers.

Feng shui adjustments work even when no one else can see them. You can put purple construction paper behind a photo in a picture frame – no one will see it, but you will know it’s there and that it’s working for you. Tape purple paper underneath your desk or under furniture. Use purple paint on the concrete floor before carpeting is laid. These cures will work even though they are hidden away.

Here is a cool purple feather duster from Fly Lady.

From: Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


If you are unsure of where the prosperity area is, see these posts:

Five Minute Room Rescue

Isn’t this a cool picture? I was looking for a High Five to decorate our five minute room rescue and came up with this. It seems appropriate since squirrels are so busy, and we are too.

Declutter activity for today:
The Five-Minute Room Rescue

In the Prosperity area of your home, set your timer for 5 minutes.

Move as fast as you can and remove all items that do not belong in this area – take the dirty dishes to the kitchen sink, put the dirty clothes in the laundry pile, pick up all the books, magazines, and piles of papers and mail and put them in a basket or at least contain them all in one area in the house – but not in the Prosperity area!

After 5 minutes, stop. You’re done decluttering for today.

From Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley


If you are unsure of where the prosperity area is, see these posts:

The Prosperity Area

Using feng shui to balance your Prosperity area can help you make the following changes in your life, you could:

  • Get a raise
  • Receive unexpected money
  • Make more money with your business
  • Have money to go on a dream vacation
  • Easily become philanthropic
  • Acquire a stable income
  • Increase wealth for the good things in life
  • Find inner peace and true happiness with what you have in life

If you have multiple levels in your home, pick the Prosperity area on one level that you want to work on this week.


If you are unsure of where the prosperity area is, see these posts:


27 Things Find a New Home

Declutter activity for today:
The 27-Fling Boogie for items that need to find a new home

Grab a trash bag or a box and run through the house as fast as you can and grab 27 items that you do not love, need, or use. These items are clutter and they need to find a new home. Once you’ve filled the bag with 27 items to give away, either immediately take it to a charity drop-off location, or put it in your car to drop off THIS WEEK.

Or, if you think the items are saleable, our Prosperity Group will hold a garage sale when the weather gets a little warmer. If you do not have room for the bag or if you think you will nostalgically look through the bag at a later date and gradually re-clutter your home, email Shirley or Melissa and we will make arrangements to store the items elsewhere for you until the garage sale. The money from the garage sale will be used to do something fun for our group!

One other option is to sign up for Freecycle at Yahoo Groups. Freecycle allows you to list items you want to give away so someone who needs them can come get them from you for free.

Again, move through today’s decluttering as quickly as possible so we can get to the fun stuff!

Create A Bagua for Your Home

Feng Shui activity for today:

  • Making the bagua work for your home

Draw out the floor plan of your home. Draw the floor plan for each floor separately. If you have three floors to your home, you will have three sheets of paper.

Now take this bagua:

and draw in the corresponding areas over your floor plan. Each area of the bagua should be the same size. If an area overlaps two or more rooms of your home, that’s fine.

The main door of the home (the architect determined this – this is not necessarily the door you use most often!) will always be on the side of the bagua with the Skills/Knowledge, Career, and Helpful People/Travel areas. Your main door will enter into any of these three areas. The only exception is if, as soon as you enter your home, you have to go up a flight of stairs to get to the actual living area, and you happen to be facing the opposite direction when you reach the top of the stairs, then you can use the top of the stairs as the “main entrance” to your home and place the bagua accordingly over your floor plan.

Here is an example of what it might look like:

Refer back to the journaling you did yesterday. You can make notes in each area of the things you want to pay special attention to this month.

From: Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter

27 Fling Boogie

Some thoughts on clutter from Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley:

  • Are you living in CHAOS? (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome?)
  • Clutter affects you mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
  • Clutter is the enemy of feng shui. Clutter causes the chi (energy) of your home to stagnate.

Clutter steals your money! You know you own a specific item, but you cannot find it when you need it, so you’re forced to run out and buy another.

Clutter steals your time, energy, and sanity! How much money do you spend each year trying to “organize” and manage your clutter? How much time do you invest?

Clutter cannot be organized! Evict your clutter and breathe a sigh of relief!

Today, we are doing the “27-Fling Boogie!”

  • Grab a trash bag and run through the house as fast as you can and dispose of 27 items.
  • Put the bag in the trash.
  • Do not look through it.
  • Don’t re-clutter your home – De-Clutter!

The point is to do this as quickly as possible so we are not spending more time than necessary decluttering and we can get to the fun stuff in our day.

Alternatively, you could visit The Plan , a nifty little website I found that handles the various problems and issues associated with “disposophobia”. This is what they had to say:

DISPOSOPHOBIA The Fear of Getting Rid of Stuff..

People who suffer from maladies such as depression or obsessive compulsive disorders often end up buying things, bringing them home and dropping them. Rather than looking for what they own, they simply go out and buy more and do the same thing…..over and over and over again.

We call this behavior….. Shop ‘n Drop.

This is only one of the many issues that we address and provide solutions. The Plan for you or a loved one’s recovery can be found at 1 800 THE PLAN. Recovery could be just days away…call 1-800-THE PLAN to schedule an appraisal.


Bear in mind that this post was written in 2007, and the website and phone number may no longer be viable.

Make a Feng Shui Journal

Our activity for today (Day One):

This will help you to assess your life and guide you to where you may want to focus your feng shui energy as we proceed this month:

Get out your journal or notebook and ask yourself:

  • Are you satisfied with your career?
  • Do you just barely make rent every month?
  • Are you stuck in a dating rut or a boring relationship?

In your journal, write down anything that’s bothering you or coming between you and true happiness.

You can even carry a pen and paper with you throughout the day, and any time anything at all bothers you, or you hear a complaint running through your head, write it down! It might be something as simple as “I have a headache” or “My boss never listens to me.” Even if you are being repetitive, write down the complaint each time.

You can ask yourself the following questions to uncover some of the areas in which you are dissatisfied:

Career and Life Path: Are you fulfilled in your current career? If not, what is less than optimal? People? Money? Type of work? Location? Stress? Boss?

Skills and Knowledge: Are you content with your current level of education? Seem to repetitively make bad decisions and wish you were wiser? Want to change careers but don’t have the skills to master your dream?

Family: Do you have a good relationship with your family? Is it hard making enough money just to pay for the basics? Have they ever based an after-school special on your family?

Prosperity: Do you live paycheck to paycheck? Do you have a yearning for a material item but the only thing stopping you is lack of money? Do you make a good income, but it goes out as fast as it comes in?

Fame and Reputation: Does it appear that people are talking poorly about you in public, hurting your career, family, or feelings? Do you want the courage to do something you can’t seem to make yourself do? Does fear stop you from fulfilling dreams and being happy?

Relationships and Love: Are you content and fulfilled with current relationships (family, spouse, business associates, children, friends?) Do you feel depleted from your relationships with certain people? Do you wish to be in a committed relationship but can’t seem to find the right person? Do you need an exorcist to fight off the partners you attract?

Creativity and Children: Are you having trouble having children? Having trouble with your children? Wish you were more creative? Are you burned out or bored in your work, hobby, or life? Do you feel limited, as if there is no opportunity?

Helpful People and Travel: Do you always do everything yourself? Do you have a hard time finding the right person to help with things such as baby-sitting, home improvements, spiritual guidance, health issues, business ventures? Do you get taken frequently or played the fool? Do you yearn for new places to visit and explore but never seem to get there?

Health and Other: Do you have any complaints about your current state of health? Do you always seem to come down with whatever virus is going around? Can’t find your funny bone? Is “Clutter” or “Pack Rat” your middle name? Do you have any other complaints that did not seem to fit in any of the above categories?

Now, take a quick inventory of what IS working. You don’t need to use a feng shui cure for something that isn’t broken!

Now you have a list of specific areas to work on during this month and beyond, and you have a starting point to refer back to as things get better and better in your life!

From: Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life
by Karen Rauch Carter


What is a Bagua?

Everything that happens in life can be boiled down into one of 9 life situations or categories, and each category is represented in your living quarters by a particular area. Each area is called a gua, and the sum of these areas put in a particular order is called the bagua. Ba means eight, and the bagua has eight sides. The eight sides, plus the middle area, make up the nine zones that relate to different life situations.

Here is a picture of the bagua we will be using:

It is a little less intimidating when viewed as a grid:

Often baguas are drawn as an octagon with various symbols like this one:

And this one:

And this one:

And this one

Each of these is correct.
We are going to keep it simple and use the two examples at the top of this page.

What is Feng Shui?

I found this definition of Feng Shui from Wikipedia:

Feng Shui is a Chinese belief system involving a mix of geographical, religious, philosophical, mathematical, aesthetic, and astrological ideas. It literally means “wind (feng) and water (shui)”, and is not simply a decorating style, but a discipline with guidelines compatible with many different decorating styles.

Feng Shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is the ancient Chinese practice of placement and arrangement of space to achieve harmony with the environment. The literal translation is “wind and water”.

The source of the term is purported to come from the Burial Book written by Guo Pu in the Jin Dynasty. Qi (or Chi) rides the wind and stops when it meets the boundary of water. The ancients could manipulate Qi so that it did not dissipate, and directed it so that it was retained. For this reason this art is called Feng Shui.

For a place to have “good Feng Shui” is for it to be in harmony with nature, and to have “bad Feng Shui” is to be incongruous with nature. Although people aren’t usually described as having good or bad Feng Shui themselves, believers in feng shui say that certain people by force of personality or visual appearance are able to add or subtract from the Feng Shui of their surroundings.

There is quite a bit more information, and if you are interested here is the link: Feng Shui. I found another definition at

“Feng Shui teaches us how to create harmony and balance around us,” says Stanley Bartlett, who uses the centuries-old art to design homes and businesses. “Everything is related to everything. If we pay attention to our environment, then we will find ways of creating different realities in our lives. When we move the bed, we also change our relationship with things around us in ways there aren’t words for.”

Feng Shui is the ancient art of placement. Your personal belongings in the home are positioned in a specific arrangement to enhance chi to bring harmony and balance to your life. Chi is an invisible energy that swirls around us at all times. Feng Shui translated literally means wind and water because the chi travels on the air and water currents.

The main purpose of utilizing the Feng Shui principles is to bring harmony and balance into your home.

Feng Shui for Prosperity

On Wednesday, Jan 3, we will be getting started with “Feng Shui and Clearing Our Clutter for Prosperity!”

The books we will be using are:

We are taking baby steps with our decluttering and feng shui, so no one feels overwhelmed. If you have more experience with feng shui and want to go gung-ho this month, feel free to do more than the activities we will have listed each day. But for the rest of us, we are baby-stepping our way through this fun learning experience into a calmer, more harmonious living environment.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a term borrowed from the Chinese that refers to a system of thoughtful placement of the furnishings in our living environment to positively affect our chi (energy). When an area of your home (or car, or desk at work) is out of balance, you can employ a “cure” to bring balance to that area. A cure is specifically placing an item in a particular area to help you in life.

We hope that you will join us. This project is Melissa’s baby. She has put a lot of time and effort into breaking it into manageable portions. So, thank you Melissa! I think it’s going to be a great learning experience as well as an interesting experiment.

Current Project

Our current project began on July 4. We are exploring the concept and practice of Radical Self Care . Feel free to join in at any time!

Interested? You can visit our current project page, or you can take a look at the About The Project page if you are curious about the concept.


Please feel free to join in at any time! No experience necessary.

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