A Simple Game

Sometimes, it isn’t that simple to just change your thinking, especially if it’s something you are in the habit of obsessing about, or a thought pattern or a focus that you’ve been engaging in for a super long time. This easy exercise can help to interrupt the pattern, giving you a chance to step away for a minute or two and refocus.

Try a simple game.

Simplicity can ground you and bring you right back to a sense of who you are and where you’re headed. It will also help clear what seems complex and put it in a simpler context. The purpose of this exercise is to distract your mind and give it something else to focus on. This is particularly useful when you find yourself in an obsessive loop of negative mind chatter.

Here’s how it works:

  • Write a number of different shapes and an equal number of different colors on slips of paper.
  • Pick one at random.
  • Look around the room and look for everything that is either that color or that shape.
  • Do this for a few minutes.
  • Now, pick a different slip of paper.
  • Close your eyes and try to remember everything that is either that shape or color.


You could make the slips of paper in advance, and have them on hand for when you have a really strong need to distract yourself.

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